Alpha say what?

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Sparks, lots and lots of sparks going throughout my body along with arms wrapping around me and pulling me closer. The smell of pine,grass and fresh fruit along with his signature musk wafted to my nose. This kiss was incredible but sadly it had to end because he made his choice long before he gave us a chance. This kiss was beautiful and lust filled but I couldn't trust him and I had to get Demeter away from here.  He stopped the kiss and looked in my eyes I saw his regret and he saw my pain but what is done is done.

"I'm sorry Alicia I just couldn't bring you into this world as a human that's no excuse but that kiss it meant everything to me please forgive me I'll do anything just give me a chance." he pleaded I could see the truth in his eyes. I was torn I loved two men but knew one for sure was there for me through anything and the other was my mate.

"I'm Sorry Ryan I really am this could have went the way it was supposed to but you chose another and so have I.  I forgive you, live your life and keep Cassandra as a mate just let me and Jimmy go please." I asked as the tears rolled down my face this was heart breaking. The look on his face was like someone dear to him died.

"I know I've been a horrible mate just give me a chance to prove to you please Alicia I loved you always have since we first met and you were sitting outside by the oak tree when I introduced myself to you. You blushed and smiled so brightly it made my day."he begged as his voice cracked and his eyes began to water.

"I'm sorry Ryan please just do this for me just this one thing?" I begged as he pulled me into a hug.

"Fine just this once." he let me go and mind linked Demeter's guards so he can be released.

"Alicia you will be mine and I will fine and fight for you the bond between me and Cassandra will be broken so be ready for me I hope you didn't think it was going to be this easy." he said as Demeter came and pulled me in a hug we walked out of the pack house.

"How are you? You've been quiet since we left the house?" Demeter asked as we began to walk in the woods.

"I don't want to talk about it." was by weak reply.

"Let's just go it's a pack near here we can see if they let us through without a problem. " he said as he began to shift.

We had been running for days we decided that we were going to go to Georgia he had a house there that we could live in. I was tired and sadly I missed Ryan. I haven't really talked much since we left.  Demeter thinks it's the separation from Ryan and the fact that over never ran this long and far in wolf form. We were currently at a lake drinking water. As I layed down waiting on Demeter to finish I heard rustling in a tree. As I focused I smelt rogues but they were fresh like they hadn't been rogues for long. Demeter must have smelt them too because he was blocking them from behind so they couldn't run.

"Come out from there! " I yelled adding a growl for effect. There was more rustling and two girls coming out of the shrubs.

"We are sorry we didn't know this was anyone's territory. We were orphans and we just found out we were wolves we didn't mean any harm. We had a mentor but he died trying to protect us a couple of weeks ago please don't kill us." The oldest one said with a shaky breath and eyes looking at the ground.

"How did you find out?" Demeter asked

"I just turned 16 and I shifted while I was outside I figured my sister was one also. We stayed until my sister Anna here was about to get adopted. I'm Red by the way." Red said still looking at the ground.

"I'm Alicia and that's Demeter give us a second to talk."I said as Demeter just looked at me.

"It's fine they are telling the truth they can come with us or else they would either die by rogues let a pack." He said

"I guess y'all can follow us. Anna you can get on my back when we run and Red you can get on Demeter's we run pretty fast and you wouldn't be able to keep up."I said and then shifted. We had run for a couple of more hours but Anna was sleepy so we stopped in a nearby city we had just checked in a hotel.  We were all in need of baths and real food me and Red were now walking to a nearby pizza and wings spot.  We were waiting on our food while I learned more about here. She had a good life at the orphanage her and Anna they were pretty popular in their schools and were sad about leaving but they didn't want to be separated. I wished I had friends or family like that but I could tell me and Red were going to be great friends.  She was 5'7 had a natural tan,blonde with brown streaks throughout her hair and green eyes with specks of gold.  She was beautiful. So was Anna even though she was 9 she was going to growth into a beautiful woman she had strawberry blonde hair,blue eyes and a tan that somehow looked milky at the Same time. They were both funny especially when they argued the tablet they had in Red's school bag. We were talking about me teaching them when the restaurant got to quiet. We smelled the air and turned and ran a group of pack wolves had came in.  "Shit!" I yelled as they ran out after us. As I shifted I hid my scent and Anna climbed on my back. I hope my scent hid hers as well. We made it back to the hotel in no time. I ran up the steps and Red was right behind me. I heard a yelp and Red was pushed against the wall by her throat by an enforcer. "Please let her go we will leave we only wanted a space to sleep and bath for the night. " I pleaded as Demeter and Anna came out the room slowly. I could smell the fear and nervousness of both girls.

"I don't think your alpha would appreciate you killing us seeing as he is the one who's to decide if we live or not. He will feel disrespected and you will join us soon after. "Demeter states calmly

" Fine, follow us if you try to run we will kill you." the man stated angrily. We followed them to a huge mansion. We could see kids playing and a cookout was going on. Music was playing and mates were dancing and cuddled up in corners. The teens were clicked up playing games. It looked fun I've never seen anything so loud yet comforting before. As soon as we stepped on the lawn everything stopped parents ran to their kids and pack warriors started growling. Anna quickly ran to Red and grabbed her hand. I could smell the fear on the younger kids of the pack. Maybe it was because we were rogues. That thought was quickly dismissed as an older man ran up to Demeter and kissed his hand.

"Elite Demeter, welcome to our pack again it has been quite sometime since we last saw you." The elder man said to Demeter.This was weird I thought no one knew of him of us.

"Elder Thomas I sense the old alpha has long left.What happened?" Demeter asked.

"We can discuss that later. In the meantime why don't you get settled." Elder Thomas stated quickly.

"Fine, are you the only one who knows who I am?" Demeter asked.

"Yes." Was elder Thomas reply.

"Keep it that way if you want to stay alive."Demeter said coldly.

"By the way I'm Jimmy,this is Anna, Red, and Alicia they are under my care and supervision if any harm comes to them I won't need to remind you of what happened when I was disrespected when I was last here."Demeter said as were walked pass into the house headed towards the alpha's office.

"Alpha, we have some rogues here." The enforcer said.

"Come in"was the gruff reply.

"Alpha,as an elder and part of the council I came vouch for them they are to stay here and free of harm."Elder Thomas said before were could enter the room.

"Fine,as I have a high respect for you they can stay.At least let me meet them."

We heard and entered. He smelled the air and his eyes went pitch black.


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