First Day

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*Authors Note*
I honestly didn't think anyone was reading, let alone voting for this story. Someone recently voted and it caught my attention therefore I'm going to start updating again. Alicia is going to need a new best friend for the story. If you want to be in it leave a comment with your character name,personality and how they look. Now I'm gonna shut up and write.

"Aaahhhhhh!!" I screamed as Lady Gaga Applause sang loudier then usually from my Htc one letting me know it was time to get up for this dreadful day. I quickly shut Gaga up and nearly broke my neck running to the bathroom because it was 7:45 and I had school at 8. I took a five minute shower while brushing my teeth (I actually did this once when I was in school I felt so accomplished lol) I hoped out the shower and threw on my usual clothes which is sweats and an oversize shirt with my worn down shoes. I quickly got in my 2005 Ford Taurus and sped all the way to school thank goodness nothing ever happened in this town or else I would've gotten caught. It was 8:20 when I finally pulled up and ran to the office for my schedule.
Thonk was the noise I heard as I fell and skid like a hockey puck into a locker. "Shit are you ok Alicia?" I heard as an all too familiar spark and voice drifted to me. "Yea Ry- ......" I couldn't finish the sentence and guess what. Well obviously you don't know so I'll just tell you he just smirked laughed and helped me up. I whispered a thanks knowing he could hear me for when and if my voice came out to speak with him it was a whisper. So I guess you could say Ryan Malone was the hottest nerd whisperer I've ever known not to mention the only one. He smelled the air like usual when he was around me which is why I never left the house without my cherry blossom body spray from bath and bodyworks. The weird thing is he usually smiled and then left today he growled really loudly like a dog and his eyes went from their beautiful green eyes to a piercing golden like the bear wolf in my dream. He slammed me into the locker and literally sniffed me like a dog on my neck and then the shoulder where I was bit and now stung like hell from being thrown around like a rag doll. He growled loudier and then everyone and I mean everyone including Principal Winters came running and looking at us I was literally shaking like a leaf and everyone started sniffing the air and growling. I was then freaking out I knew it. I told mom we shouldn't have moved here the summer of my freshman year. We were the outcasts well I was mom and dad were never here now I'm going to get killed by the town this was like some freaky  realistic version of children of the corn except the adults were alive and I was the one who was going to die. "Don't kill me please I won't tell anyone and me and my family will move and we-" I was cut off by a growl from Ryan. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR SHOULDER!!!!" he all but yelled in my ear. " When I got home a red and black wolf with red eyes was in the house and it bit me on the shoulder it was going to kill me-" Ryan cut me off by growling and shaking "Ryan calm down. Continue Alicia." Principal Winters said as Ryan smelled me again and stopped shaking and growling. "Well it left once it heard a howl." I conveniently left out the part where it seemed like he was waiting for me, the laugh and the fact that all the doors were closed so how did it get in. "What else?" Ryan asked as if he was reading my mind. Ryan always did this when we did talk. I told y'all he was a nerd whisperer. I then told them what I thought and then Chase Harper the second best looking guy in the school and looked at my shoulder. "I told you this would happen Ryan and so did your father she has completely healed. You have to tell her now." Chase said. Ryan nodded and then everyone went off to class. "Come on we have to talk." Ryan said as he grabbed my hand and we headed out the school to his car. What a way to kick off school!

*Authors note*
Leave comments and vote so I know it's real. Oh and fan me then I'll know you love the kid. Warning my ghetto side may come out during this little chats. Peace out love you all next chapter after someone comments and votes. It's about to get juicy

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