The shocking truth

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We were in the car and let me tell you people lie when they say its not an awkward uncomfortable silence when you are in your car with the hottest man on earth besides Trey Songz and the hot guy from Thor. Anyways, it was really awkward and tense so me being me I started humming badly out of town might I add to Katy Perry's Roar (I'm in love with the song btw) Ryan growled and then turned off the radio. "Will you stop growling like some rabies infected dog! Gosh and where are we going kidnapping is against the law and my parents will hunt you down and kill you." Ok the last part was a lie but he didn't have to know now did he. "Alicia I know you are lying." He said my name so softly I shivered. "Well can you at least tell me what's going on and where we are going?" I asked normally *happy dance in my head* "I will tell everything at the lake."

"What lake? I really need to get out more." I stated to myself. Finally after 45 more minutes of an awkward silence we arrived to the lake. It was beautiful and the sun was out which made the lake look like it had diamonds on top sparkling when the sunlight hit it. There were a couple of boats on the lake and people walking around the pier. I could see a carnival being put together on the other side of the lake. We got out the car and started walking towards the woods. I started panicking and ran fastly which is a first in the opposite direction. I heard him behind and started zig zagging while I ran something I saw on tv when you are running from a bullet I think. I was tackled to the ground and he was laughing hard. "Why were you running like that?" he asked between laughs. I was scared, angry, and embarrassed so I did what any sane person would do I kneed him in his special place pushed him off me and ran but this time towards the woods but it was too late to run around I started going further into the woods I have been running for about 30 minutes and I was tired, lost and pretty sure I lost him. I dropped to the ground out of breath and breathing like crazy.

Snap. I woke up as soon as I heard it. I didn't even know when I fell asleep. I was looking around for a weapon when the rustling got worse. I saw a stick that was decent in size and width I crawled to ut quickly an picked it up with shaky hands a few inches away was a boulder. I quickly hid behind it. 'Alicia be quiet and hold your breath' I'll hide our scent' . Oh snap I knew my schizophrenia would kick in. I knew it my grandma, uncle and cousin had it and I think my mom does too. (This actually is true except it's not my cousin it's my brother) 'Alicia Ryan will explain everything later just please listen to me something isn't right'. Why won't you jusy shut up and maybe I would do it! I yelled back to myself. 'Alicia this is-'  she was cutoff by two men who came into view and I quickly held ny breath. "Demeter passed his powers to someone Caden" the man with the spooky eyes and grey hair said. "I told you to kill him before he did that and where is he. He still has to pass all the power to whomever he gave it to Gabe." the guy Caden said he was pretty handsome with thick brown curls and hazel eyes. "Alpha I'm not sure but I think I know who he gave it too." Gabe said shaking. "Who" Caden said walking towards Gabe menacingly. "A human girl I don't-" "Just shut it Gabe! If he gave the power to a human they would die. Is the girl dead." Caden said as he wrapped hus hands around Gabe's neck. " No she's alive and then Demeter ran out the house when I alerted the others I found him." Gabe said between breaths "Good now I don't have to kill you before you find your mate now do I little brother. We need to find him so we can take over Ryan's pack and I can become alpha king. Let's get back home and tell the others to continue the search" He said and right before my eyes they were wolves. So that means......

*Authors note*

Yea yea yea I suck yada yada yada. You know the drill. Comment,vote, and fan so I know its real next chapter idk when depends on how much love I get. Until next Readers

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