Ch•22- Stormtroopers

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               A/N : Short chapter! So sorry! I love you all!!

            "How long are their system's down?" I asked quietly as the detention doors slid open,  letting us into the narrow hallway. The Library man was the only one with an actual weapon. I really don't want to use my extremis on any guards, my intention is not to kill, but escape. Besides, I barely know how to use it.

            "I'm not sure" He clutched the control in his fingers, his gun in the other. He peered around a corner and scoped out the hallway before turning down that hallway "this device" he went on "is homemade, not sure how long it will keep them down" he held it up to me so I could see.

           It really was homemade, probably parts to a toaster or something. The power button on the device was a Tv remote button. I guess with SHIELD not around that much anymore, you can't really get your hands on high-tech equipment.

             "So the librarian is actually a scientist?" I smirked and raised my eyebrow. Just then, he pushed me against the wall and readied his weapon. I sealed my mouth shut and pressed myself to the wall.

             A few guards rushed by us in the hallway ahead. They were on their way towards the cell area, they must know that something is up "What are you?" I lowered my voice. After a few seconds, the sound of their feet faded and everything was quiet. He looked around the corner before meeting my eyes.

"Agent Henry Morgan at your service" he nodded his head, giving a small smile.

"A SHIELD Agent?" I offered, already knowing the answer. It was obvious.

            "I was... when SHIELD was still a thing" he shrugged and stepped away from me, starting down the hallway again and readied his gun just in case "now I'm just a Librarian with a vast knowledge of weapons, secret missions, and Avengers" he added.

I followed after him, coming to pace at his side  "Why are you helping me?" I asked.

"I knew your mother"

            "What a surprise" I almost rolled my eyes "I feel like everyone knew her. Don't tell me you were in love with her too"

            "No" Henry gave me a strange look over his shoulder "she was my partner. Like a a sister in many ways. We trained together, learned together. She broke my jaw because I stole her baloney sandwich, accidentally of course"

"She loved her baloney" I chuckled.

"Shh" he stopped, holding his arm out to block me.

           "What?" I asked in an annoyed tone. All this stopping and starting is making my head spin. We were at a door way that over looks a docking bay where dozens of vessels were parked. Helicopters, small planes, and jets sat just waiting for us.

          I looked around his body to see in the hanger. A few dozens guards stood around from what I could see. Even if we tried to steal one, how would he get over there. I could use my extremis on all of them, but then again I don't want to kill anyone. What was Henry's plan exactly?

            "You see that jet over there?" He motioned. There was one jet that was positioned a little ways away from the rest. It's hatch was open like someone was about to use it. "That's our ride out of here" I narrowed my eyes to him "We need to get to it before anyone sees us"

           "Well that's a little impossible" I nudged him "don't you think? Considering the hundreds of guards walking around the hanger. This isn't Star Wars where the Storm Troopers don't notice a thing" I folded my arms and scowled.

            "Yes, yes it is..." Henry slipped the gun in his belt and turned to me "I'm Han, you're Luke" he didn't even sound humorous, he was completely serious "We need to run when nobodies looking, and don't stop and yell when you see Obi-Wan fighting Darth Vader"

"Wait..." my voice faded "I wanna be Han"

            "Fine" he rolled his eyes "whatever, let's just go" he ushered me along. Once the coast was more or less clear, we made our dash. We both padded lightly on the hard floors so our footsteps wouldn't be heard. Conveniently, the guards had their heads turned away from us.

           I slid under the jet and tiptoed to the hatch. Henry was at my side. He let me go in first before giving a last glance. He ducked into the ship and tapped a few buttons that closed the hatch up tight.

            "Wow" I breathed, collapsing on the co-pilot seat. Sweat clung to my forehead because of nerves "How the hell did we do that?!" I asked, running my fingers through my hair "Nobody noticed a thing! The guards really are like Storm Troopers" I pursed my lips. This escape is miraculously easy.

          "Alright, buckle up" Henry patted my shoulder and sat down in the chair beside me "time to go"

"To where?"


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