Ch•10- Common Sense

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We had flown all the way to South Korea from Clint's farm house that day. I sat by the window and stared out to the blue sea below. When we finally arrived, Ultron had already taken over Doctor Cho and her whole lab. He beat us there.

Steve found the Doctor laying nearly unconscious on the floor. She mumbled something about Ultron uploading himself into an artificial body, and also that the real key to his power is a gem, and that the gem was inside the cradle where the new body was.

I was in the Quinn Jet with Clint and Nat. Dad told me strictly to stay in the jet, no matter what. I stood with Nat at the computers inside the Jet, helping to try and find the robot maniac. Ultron had just gotten away from the lab with the cradle. I was electronically scanning the city, trying to find where he was and how he's getting away.

"I got a private jet taking off across town" Nat called to Clint who was piloting the Jet "No manifest. That could be him"

I looked out the window and down towards the streets. There was an clover shaped elevated highway above the city which had hundreds of cars driving around. A particular large eighteen wheeler truck caught my attention. It had the logo of Cho's lab on the side "There!" I pointed to the vehicle "It's a truck from the lab on the left highway, on your right Cap"

"Wait" Cap spoke from the comm link which was in my ear "right or left?"

"Your right! Or... my right... I don't know, just look for a large truck!"

"Oh, I see it"

"Yeah" I could see Steve below, he was crawling up a latter on the side of the highway that leads to the street "On the loop by the bridge" I informed.

"It's them" Clint said at the pilot seat. He was scanning the inside of the truck, the scan could be seen on the screen "You got three with the cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver from up here"

"Negative" Steve called front be comm  "If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron" There was a few moments of silence on the comm before Steve spoke again "... Well, he's definitely unhappy. I'm gonna try and keep him that way"

"No, Cap" I placed my finger on my ear where the comm was "You're no match for him"

"Wow, thanks Stark"

Clint flew our Jet over the street where the truck was merging on to. We were in the middle of Seoul, Korea, one of the most busiest cities in all of Korea. This is definitely not the best place to fight a battle. I had never been to Seoul before, it looks nice from up here.

"We got a window" Clint called back to Nat. She nodded, removing her seatbelt and and jumping up from her seat. She headed to the center of the jet. She tapped a button on her wrist and out rose a motorcycle.

She climbed on to the bike, giving me a small salute "Four, three... Give him hell" Clint smirked, flipping a switch at the control panel above his head. The floor separated, dropping Nat along with the bike towards the ground.
I watched as the door shut, trying to keep my balance on the jerking jet.

"What can I do?" I asked Clint.

"Sit tight" he replied over his shoulder.

"What?!" I frowned just as Clint swerved the jet, sending me right in to a seat. I hit the wall, feeling the wind being knocked out of me. I took a deep breath and glared at Clint once my head stopped spinning "You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

"Hey" Clint defended himself, not taking his eyes away from the window "Your Father said for you to stay seated on the jet the whole time. I'm just following his orders" I rolled my eyes but didn't argue. Clint dropped the ship towards the ground and fired the canons at Ultron. He was in the middle of fighting Steve on top of the large lab truck "Uh Oh, not good" Clint mumbled after a few seconds.

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