Ch•11- Jokes

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           A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short and sucks, I'll do better next time... but I had fun writing it!

      The Mandarin guard had placed metal handcuffs on my wrists and cuffed my arms behind my back. They had been held in that position for the whole plane ride from California to Miami, Florida. We didn't even land to change planes, can you believe it?!

     A small group of evil looking men sat around in the seating area of the plane. Killian sat towards the cockpit door with Maya, and four guards sat around Pepper and I. Pepper looked pale the whole ride. I was nervous at first, but when the fifth hour of the plane ride came along, I just got annoyed.

     I leaned back on the seat with my hands behind me, a guard sat to my side and Pepper was across from me.

      Maya was #1 on my hate list right now. She tricked us, she led Killian to us, she's with the Mandarin. I gave her the 'glare' for about half of the trip.

      I looked to my left at one of the guys with a hand gun in his clutches. He had scars on his cheeks, a pony tail, and scruff. He was also over weight.

     "So..." I switched on my sarcasm Stark gene, looking as awkwardly as possible to the man. Pepper took a deep, shaky breath when I began talking, again "Do you like capturing people or...? Or is it like a hobby?"

"Shut it bitch" the man snapped, raising his gun in my line of sight.

      "Hey" I snapped back "you see these earrings?" I flipped my hair to the side swiftly, making my studs visible "they're gold. Show me some respect"

"I'll rip those rings out" he threatened.

     Killian chucked lowly beside Maya, bringing his knee over his other leg "That's Tony's daughter alright"

     "Speaking of Tony" I whipped my head around to face Killian "when he comes to find us, he'll kill you. If not him, I'll do it myself"

Killian scoffed "Oh, I'd like to see you try"

     "If you say so" I growled, pushing myself off from the couch. Pepper gasped, and squirmed in her seat. The fat pony tail guard pressed his gun to my temple, digging it deep in to my skin "quit it jack black!" I hissed, sinking back to my seat.

"Sir" the man looked to Killian and complained "please let me kill her"

"No" Killian shook his head "I still need her"

I rolled my eyes "Oh, I feel so loved"

      Killian smirked, and Maya shifted awkwardly at his side "Joke all you want Jessica" he leaned back in his seat "you won't be laughing later today"

I narrowed my blue eyes, accepting the challenge "try me"

"Do you want to know what's going to happen to you tonight Jessica?"

"We're going to Florida, right? So I'm guessing Disney or Sea World-" 

      "You will be used, as part of an experiment" Killian cut me off "An experiment that will burn your body, mutate your very blood, plus it will motivate your Father. And, it will be painful, you will suffer, you will wish my guard had killed you"

     I bit my cheek, a tiny, eeney, weeny pinch of fear pricked my gut. I wish that Dad were here. He's off trying to save the world, when his world is right here, in handcuffs...

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