Ch•15- Together

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             A/N: Sorry I've been so lazy with this story, my life has recently become busy and it's been hard to update regularly. But don't give up on me, I have more chapters in the works :) oh and btw, Doctor Strange comes out soon and I'm beyond excited for it :D

             The carrier paralleled the rising city of Sokovia. Iron man suits swarmed the buildings, spreading destruction and chaos wherever they went. The air was becoming thin from high altitude. I had on my Iron man gloves, ready to face whatever was out there.

           Ultron had sent the city flying into the air, its all part of his evil plan. I removed a hair tie from my wrist and pulled my hair back into a ponytail.

          Multiple Agents ran past me, readying the tiny vessels that they would take to the city. Our goal was to get all of the people off this chunk of land before it fell. My Aunt and Coulson took a jet out a few minutes ago. Coulson had some things to take care of and Sharon had some CIA things that she had to do. Before Coulson left, he told me not to tell the others that he was alive, I didn't question it.

           He hugged me goodbye, and patted my back disappearing on the Jet with my Aunt. She sent me a wink and the hatch closed.
I opened and closed my hands, listening to the mechanical sound of the Iron Man gloves. The repulser shined white, ready to fire.

           "Stark!" An Agent called to me from one of the smaller vessels. He was starting up the engine and was preparing to take off down to the city. The ship he was in could seat dozens, they were made to carry tons of supplies, or in this case, people. I nodded to him, spinning around from the edge of the carrier and making my way to him "hold on" he told me as the vessel began to rise, rumbling slightly from the engine.

            I gripped the railings, looking down through the clouds. A large crowd of Sokovians stood at the edge of the city, waiting for their rescue. The Agent piloted the vessel until it reached the edge of the city. I exited the ship and jumped down to the city street "Try and get as many people as you can!" The Agent called from his seat.

            I gave a thumbs up. Out of no where, Pietro sped around me, pausing a few feet away. I literally had to steady myself on my feet because he nearly knocked me off my feet "You're a little too fast got me" I blinked a few times, shaking my head.

            "This is SHIELD?" He asked, taking in the sight of the monstrous Carrier. He placed his hands on his hips as looked up towards the cloudy sky.

I smiled, nodding my head "Yeah, it is"

"I like it"

            I laughed "Me too" I agreed "Okay, so what we need to do is gather all of the civilians and put them on these ships" I pointed to the vessels that were landing about thirty feet away from us "Then they will be brought to the carrier and in there" I pointed "they will be safe"

          "Are you saying that everyone in the city will go on that thing?" Pietro asked, his voice full of disbelieve.

           "We have to save as many people as we can, and as fast as we can... which shouldn't be a problem for you" I nudged.

"Right" he nodded, getting ready to take off "See you after we win"

           "When we win" I nodded in agreement. Pietro disappeared down the street to the people deep inside the city. The gust of wind he left behind blew my hair back. I smiled slightly after he left, he was cute.

          A large crowd of terrified civilians stood huddled together near a fallen building "Hey guys!" I waved my hands the air "Time to go" I pointed to the ship. They all hesitated, glancing to each other in distrust. I groaned, igniting my flight stabilizers so I could fly over there.

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