Ch•8- Not my Place

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        "What is this place?" I asked tiredly, smelling in the scents of the country style farm that we were walking in. The sun shined warmly down on our little beat up group. Pollen from the plants swirled around in the air, and flowers danced at our feet. A small, almost like a story book painting of a house stood before us.

       I had a large jacket draped over my shoulders to keep in the warmth. Everyone was out of it. Nat was still shaking, Thor seemed off world in his mind, and Steve was silent. Barton was the only one that looked calm, inside and out.

      "Safe house" Clint answered my question as he climbed up the wooden porch steps, his arms wrapped around Natasha's trembling shoulders.

"Let's hope" Dad mumbled from beside me.

       Clint smiled softly and grabbed the door handle, opening up the door all the way. The smell of pumpkin pie floated out of the open door. I immediately felt the sense of Home. I'm not talking about the Tower, or Malibu, I'm talking about another Home, from a long time ago.

       "Honey?" Clint called once he was inside the living room area of the house "I'm home" Wait, what? Honey? He's talking about the syrupy food, right?

       "Hi" He smiled to a brunette woman who appeared in the room. And boy was she pregnant. I was literally frozen in the room, not knowing what to do. I shot a confused look to Dad "Company" he gestured to the Avengers standing in their living room

"Sorry, didn't call ahead" He placed his hands on his Wife's shoulders and kissed her.

"Hey" she greeted, kissing him back.

"Whaaaaaaat" my voice became all high pitched.

Dad pointed his finger at the woman
"This is an agent of some kind"

"Gentlemen, ladies this is Laura" Clint introduced his Wife.

       Laura nodded her head to all of us, giving an awkward smile while she held Clint's hand "I know all of your names".

        The sound of feet pounded down the stairs to our right. I glanced around Thor to see what was coming "Incoming" Clint chuckled, bending his knees slightly as two kids came bounding in to the room. My mouth fell open.
The kids jumped in to Clint's arms and hugged him tightly.

        Wow... Wow Wow Wow. Wow. Woooooooow. Clint has a wife and two kids, and another on the way. And when was he planning on tell us this?

      "Hi, sweetheart! Hey, buddy. How are you guys doing?" Clint hugged his children tightly, lifting them off the ground.

"These are... smaller agents" Dad concluded.

       "Did you bring Auntie Nat?" The little girl at his legs gripped his arm. Nat's face brightened up at that.

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" She smiled, holding out her arms to the two kids.

"Sorry for barging in on you" Steve apologized.

       "Yeah, we would've called ahead" Dad shrugged "but we were busy having no idea that you existed"

        "Yeah, well, Fury helped me set this up when I joined" Clint had his arm hanging around his wife's shoulders "He kept it off S.H.I.E.L.D.'s files. I'd like to keep it that way "I figure it's a good place to lay low"

       Yea, nothing like hiding out in A little house on a the Prairie. I know why he did this. He wanted to keep his family safe from enemies, just like what my Mother did for me. She kept me away from the spotlight and oblivious to her real job and life style.

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