Ch•20- Graces

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It was lonely in my cell. The only thing that could be heard were the waves from beyond the walls and the guards feet as they patrolled the area. Outside, the guards switch positions, they do that every two hours.

It's so they can each get breaks from guarding the prison area. I stayed slumped in my cell, too tired to even move. What these officials don't know, is that I can get out of here at any time... but I choose not to. I know what I've done. This alone time is probably good for me now that I think about it. I'm almost never alone. People are always around me no matter what. Some peace and quiet is nice.

"Why'd you do it?" A voice asked. I recognized it as Sam's voice. He was in the cell next to me "why did you help us? You knew the consequences"

I opened my mouth, trying to find a suitable answer to his questions. But my mind drew a blank. Steve and Bucky are important to me, maybe a little bit too important. I put them both before my own Father, and for what? Was it really worth it? "Are they safe?" I whispered. I wish I could talk to Sam face to face instead of through a steel wall.

"For now" he replied.

"Where will they go?"

"I can't say here"

I sighed and leaned my head back against the wall. Sweat was forming over my forehead. It was suddenly getting hot in here. I stood up from the floor and made my way to the tiny steal sink that was built into the wall. I flipped the faucet on and ice cold water poured out. I cupped my hands under the water and let my palms fill up before splashing it over my face.

The cool water hit my cheeks, giving me some relief, water trailed down my neck. I placed my hands on the sides of the sink, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes. The gems flashed in my mind, followed by Peter trying to reach for me through the squad of police officers.

I thought of when Bucky stood at the foot of the Quinn Jet just before he boarded. He nodded his head to me after I let him and Steve go. I wanted to follow him then and there.

I remembered Bruce and the way we worked together in the lab back at Avengers Tower. When Thor slapped a peanut butter and jelly sandwich together for me, and when we laughed together at the party just before Ultron appeared. Clint and his family ran though my mind, how happy he was to be with them.

I remember when Natasha and I were strolling around New York, and when she slipped the note from my Mother into my pocket. It's been so long since I've read that. The last thing I thought of was my Father, when he first walk off that plane. The way he looked at me as if I didn't even exist.

I remember watching him from the Limo at the concert hall party. He stood at the top of the red carpeted stairs, lost in the flashing lights. Obadiah was walking away from him with a stern poker face. It's funny how I can recall detail. I remember nine year old me, pushing that button in the Stark facility while Dad was fighting Obadiah.

The whole building fell around us, Pepper and I could have died there. But the only thing significant that stood out to me there was how gorgeous everything looked in the sparks and falling glass. The beauty in the moment before death is always unforgettable.

I remember standing in Paris, just below the Eiffel Tower, and when Steve and Sam appeared in their shades. The cool wind twirled around me, with the smell of croissants. I almost smiled at the memory, but then it faded to a frown.

The bad memories came back to me. When Pietro died, and when Coulson died (well not technically, but the moment still haunts me). I thought of my Mother, and the way I pleaded for Pietro to stay alive back in Sokovia when he sacrificed his life for me.

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