Ch•11- I am.

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I sat alone in the living room that night after we returned home from our mission in Korea. I was holding a freezing ice pack to my face which was sore all over. A pink blanket was wrapped around my legs, and I was gazing outside the windows to the city. Part of me just wanted to go to school, and at least try to be normal for a few minutes.

Normal teenage girls don't have to worry about being killed by a psychotic robot, or wonder if their Father is literally creating another bionic monster. Normal people don't have to worry if their friends will return home from a mission or not, and they certainly don't have to fret about a cosmic DEMI GOD eating all the chocolate zebra cakes in the pantry that I specifically hid just for me. I pouted just thinking about it.

Footsteps sounded down the hallway, and then emerged into he living room. I tore my eyes away from the lights of New York City to see Wanda. She was facing the window, also taking in the gorgeous night view "Why?" I asked quietly, setting the ice pack down on the couch "Why did you save me? Why did you save the daughter of the person who killed your parents?" I know that technically my Father didn't kill her parents, but I just wanted to know why.

"You could say that the wool was pulled from my eyes" she answered softly, looking down to the traffic of cars and headlights below on the street "I realized that what I was doing was wrong, and the innocent shouldn't pay"

"But we've been coming after you this whole time" I stood up from the couch, letting the pink blanket fall to the floor at my feet "We've been fighting you, we've been your enemy, and you just choose to be on our side? Just like that?"

She glanced over to me, not moving her head "Anything to take the maniac down"

I watched her for a second, thinking of the way she saved me. I would have been dead if it wasn't for her.

In that moment, it suddenly occurred to me that she wasn't that bad. Everyone in this group has a shaky past, everyone is a victim of something. We can't judge others, I certainly won't. I felt a small smile pull up on the corners of my mouth "Well, thank you" Wanda turned to look at me with a surprised expression "Thanks for saving my life, I owe you one"

Just then, Steve stomped in the room, looking very po'd about something. Wanda dropped her arms to her sides "What?" I asked, following him to wherever he was going. Wanda was behind me with Pietro.

Pietro gave a confused look to me as he followed. He leaned his head down towards me "What's he so mad looking about?" he whispered. I stared at Steve's back.

"I... dunno" I replied quietly, and then raised my voice "What's up Steve?" Steve never answered my question, he continued down the hallway and turned into Dad and Bruce's lab. I immediately saw what was going on as soon as I stepped in the room "Oh God" I breathed.

"I'm gonna say this once" Steve threatened, pausing at the end of Ultron's cradle which was hooked up to a bunch of wires that connect to Dad's computers.

"How about "none-ce"?" Dad fired back as he worked on his computer.

"Shut it down!" Steve ordered.

"Nope, not gonna happen"

"Dad!" I groaned, running my fingers through my brunette hair "This is insane!"

Steve took a step forward "You don't know what you're doing"

"And you do?" Bruce challenged, removing his glasses "She's not in your head?" he pointed to Wanda who's eyes widened momentarily.

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