Ch•20- Imminent

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           The clock strikes 12 and just like that another day starts. I always felt like 11:59 was the end of the day, and 12:01 was the new. But exactly 12:00 was nothing. It wasn't morning and it wasn't night. The moon glows here, but the sun shines else where.

          I can think of all the unlimited possibilities that can occur in that minute. Someone could find the cure to cancer or simultaneously create world peace. Someone could propose to their girlfriend, or give birth to a child. A baby could walk for the first time, or a person with Alzheimer's can remember. A king could be crowned, a first kiss could take place.

           Or you could be me. I sat up on the tower, a church bell from below chimed twelve. Cinderella should be running home by now. My feet dangled off the side of the terrace. A black coat covered my body with a scarf wrapped around my neck. Boots covered my feet.

          White snow drifted through the air, covering the sidewalks below. My breath was visible in the crisp air. Christmas lights danced around the city. In less than ten days I would turn 16. Today was the 16th of December, the day my Mother died. But I wasn't wallowing, I was crying. I sat alone on the tower terrace with a smile.

            I enjoyed the snow. Some of the snow landed on my lashes, and the strands of my brunette hair. Pepper was fast asleep in her room, and I think my Dad was in the living room. A cool breeze hit, causing me to snuggle deep in my multiple layers of clothing.

           "Jessi!" My Dad called me from the door that leads back to the living room. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest "don't you think it's time to come in? I'd rather Jack Frost not bite your nose"

            I laughed, and pushed myself up to my feet. But, I couldn't walk away just yet. This view from up here, seeing snow coat the trees of Central Park. The lights from the skating rink in Rockefeller. There were absolutely no cars out on the street because of the snow. It was quiet in New York City, you'll never hear me say that again.

             I shoved my hands in my jacket pocket and slowly turned away from the edge "You alright?" Dad asked, coming over to stand with me. He wasn't wearing shoes so I'm guessing that he was freezing, but he didn't show it.

          I wanted to tell him everything about Bucky, and my Mom. But I made a promise to Bucky, and I intend on keeping it.

         Banner was gone, he dropped off the grid long ago. Apparently he took a jet and hijacked it off to the other side of the planet somewhere, we have no clue. He could've even left the planet entirely and we would never know. Thor headed back to Asgard months ago. I miss him as well. I missed them both. I sighed "I don't know. I guess I just have a lot on my mind"

           "Well, come on inside. I'll grab us a couple beers and we'll talk about it" I gave him a 'are you dumb?' look. He chuckled "Kidding, kidding, kinda. Anyway come on" he put his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and followed him in. The heat from the building along with the fire warmed me up immediately. I removed my coat and flung it over the couch "What do you want? Soda? Hot chocolate? Coffee?"

           "Hot Chocolate" I plopped down on the couch next to the fire. I picked up the tv remote and clicked the screen on. A documentary on Wildebeests was playing, how exciting. The smell of warm cocoa drifted from the kitchen in to the living room.

"Where do you think Bruce is?" I asked, leaning my head back against the couch.

           Dad sighed "I'm not sure" he stood at the kitchen counter and was stirring chocolate pounder into a cup of hot milk "it's impossible to track the jet he used to leave in"

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