Ch•17- Divided we Fall

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"They're not stopping" Peter said nervously as he kept pace with the others. He was so out of place in the middle of the battle.

"Neither are we" Tony ignited his thrusters along with Rhdoey and Jessi. Steve picked up his speed. Tony was the first to collide with the other team. His fist hit Cap's shield hard. Jessi headed for Wanda first.

"Come on Wanda, what happened?" She aimed her repulser at the Scarlett Witch. She sent her red energy at Jessi "I thought you were with us!" Jessi dodged the energy and threw a punch towards Wanda who ducked out of the way.

"I didn't want to live in a prison" Wanda spat back. Clint came out of nowhere, shooting an exploding arrow at Jessi. It locked in to her arm, and detonated. She was sent spiraling to the ground. Her suit landed with a metallic clunk.

"Sorry kid"  Clint reached to his back pouch and pulled out another arrow. He aimed it at Tony "Lang?" He asked. The small AntMan climbed up Clint's leg and up his arm to the arrow. Scott was secured on the arrow this time around "Buckled in?" Clint asked, prepared to shoot.

"Yes, yea I'm good arrow guy, let's go!" Scott gripped the arrow, bracing himself for take off. Clint released the arrow, sending multiple pointed detonators in the air as well to throw Tony off. Tony blasted as many of the arrows as a could. But the one he missed was being ridden by Scott. The Antman leapt off the arrow and came to a rolling landing on Tony's arm. The Iron Man didn't even notice. Scott slipped in to the cracks of his suit and snuck inside, all while Tony was busy with Clint. He fired his repulsers at the archer, suddenly realizing that something wasn't right. The repulser shut down, the light in his palm faded.

"Friday?" Tony asked his AI, shaking his hand to try and get the weapon to start back up.

"We have some weapon systems offline" Friday searched through the suit, trying to locate the problem.

"Wait what?" Tony didn't know what was going on.

"Oh, you're gonna have to take this in to the shop" a voice spoke from the inside of his suit. Tony darted his eyes around the helmet of the suit, sweat started to form on his forehead. The voice was none other than Scott Lang.

"Who's speaking?" Tony had completely forgotten about Clint at this point.

"It's your conscious, we don't talk a lot these days" Scott began pulling important wires on the suit, trying his best to shut it down.
Jessi pulled herself to her feet, shaking off the dent in her suit. Clint really did some damage. Luckily, he wasn't trying to break through to the skin. He was just trying to knock her off her feet. She flew back in the air, spotting Vision taking on T'Challa. She angled her body towards them and headed to her friend.

The world around her seemed to slow for a split second. The wind around her made her flight stability unsteady. Something wrapped around her foot. A giant hand. She looked over her shoulder to see a monstrous silver mask. It's eyes boring down on her. Scott was laughing like a maniac
"Now that is definitely not cool!"  Jessi yelled, trying to wiggle her body out of his grasp. Scott had turned in to a giant in to blink of an eye.

"Give me back Jessi" Tony demanded just as Sam flew in from above and kicked Tony out of the way. Scott tugged on her leg and chucked her to the side. She was free falling in the air towards a parked plane.

"I got you!" Peter yelled, webs shooting out from his wrist. The web wrapped around Jessi's suit. He used a truck to try and slow down. He skidded his feet against the truck and Jessi stopped in mid-air, almost colliding with the plane. She put all of her power in to her feet thrusters and took off in to the air. Peter flew with her, using his webs to hang on. Giant Scott was trying to step on Rhodey who was skillfully evading the foot. Tony was above, firing at his helmet. Peter released his webs from Jessi and landed on the helmet of the giant AntMan. He started crawling around the top of his head.

"Get off" Scott swatted his hand around, trying to crush the spider. Rhodey continued to fire his guns and canons at Scott, hoping to bring him down. Steve and Bucky had started running away from the fight to the hanger where the jet was waiting. Rhodey noticed them getting away and started for them, but Scott swung his hand and hit him back. Rhodey tumbled to the side and crashed against a resting plane. Peter webbed up Scotts eyes, but that did little to stop him.
Vision curled himself in to a ball, and rammed in to Scott's chest, bowling style. Scott stumbled back, grunting in surprise, he used the plane behind him for support. Clint was a little ways away, dealing with T'Challa. The Prince was trying to get to Bucky. Vision saw that they were escaping. He turned transparent, turning his body to a ghostly form and proceeded to enter Scott through the stomach, and exit from his back. Scott tried to grab Vision but it was impossible. His breath hitched up in his throat "Something just flew in me!"
Once Vision made it to the other side, he shot his golden energy at the hanger where the jet was. He wanted to crush the vessel so it wouldn't take off. Steve and Bucky kept running forward, hoping to make it by before it fell. Wanda used her powers to hold up the debris before it hit the ground and blocked off the jet. Steve pushed Bucky along, both of them running as fast as they can. Wanda couldn't hold the building for long because Rhodey shot her with a deafening sound wave. She covered her ears, letting out a scream. Bucky and Steve barely made it under the falling building. They slid into the hanger, nearly missing being killed. Dust filled the air. A small opening was formed over the pile a rubble, just big enough for the jet to fly through to get out. The jet sat waiting for them, safe and sound.

But there was just one problem.

"Jessi" Steve said breathlessly, coming to a halt.

She stood in front of them, her suit gone, leaving her in black leggings and a skin tight grey workout shirt. Her hair was in a messy bun. Blood stained his lip from where she was hit. The only means of protection she had was a single Iron Man glove coated over her right hand. Her suit had been disregarded and was laying on the floor a ways away. Bucky didn't know if he should attack or just stand there with Steve. Was she dangerous? Was she going to kill them?
"I don't want to do this anymore, Steve. I can't live like this... I'm losing my mind" she admitted, keeping her voice low "you won't stop, will you?"

"You know I can't" Steve shook his head.

She shook her head, a slow sigh escaped her lips. But even though her lips were turned down in a frown, her blue eyes were bright.
"Promise me you'll make things right" Jessi raised up her hand, building up enough plasma to shoot "promise me now!" She said harder, keeping her hand up. Steve braced for the attack.
The energy shot out from her palm, but missed Steve and Bucky completely. The blast hit Prince T'Challa. His body flew back and hit the wall with great force. Jessi fired again when he tried to get back up. She nodded her head to the pair, telling them to get moving. Steve ran to the jet, Bucky was behind him.
The Winter Soldier stopped for a split second, nodding thanks to the girl before climbing aboard the jet. She watched them take off in to the air before returning to T'Challa. He laid, half passed out on the floor. He lifted his head up dizzily "I told you I was on a side" she pressed a button on her Iron Glove. The Suit that laid a few meters away sprang back to life. It flew over to Jessi and began to reattached to her body. The helmet enclosed over her head, the eyes glowed white "I just didn't say which side"
The jet took off over her head and flew out of the hanger. She followed after it, meeting her Father halfway. He doesn't know what she's done. He doesn't know that Jessi let them go.

"Come on" he waved his hand. Tony sped off after the jet with Rhodey a little ways behind. Sam Wilson flew in from below and aimed his blasters at Rhodey

As they flew higher, the stakes grew greater "Vision, I got a bird on my sixth" Rhodey called to Vision on the comm link who was below with Wanda. Vision blinked a few times before processing the information. He aimed his gem to the sky and located on Sam. Jessi looked over her shoulder to see the beam heading straight for Sam. The golden gem. Jessi still hadn't forgotten her dream, the one involving the multi-colored minerals. Vision's stone was powerful, way too powerful.

"No!" She yelled, dropping herself back to be near Sam. Jessi collided with The Falcon and pushed him out of harms way. The beam didn't stop. It shot past Sam and Jessi, tearing through Rhodey suit. Things moved in slow motion then. Jessi's mouth fell slack as his suit completely powered down.
Memories of him flooded though her mind, the first time they met. The days they spent together, the restaurants they ate in. The battles they fought together "Rhodey" she whispered.

Down he fell.

And it was all her fault.

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