Ch•1- The Carnival

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A/N: Today is September 11th, a hard day for many. A day that grew dark in the blink of an eye. Thousands lost their lives to evil, but the U.S, and it's Allies, are strong. I thank God for our police, fire department, and military, who throw their lives on the line for us.

Thank you


I sat at the cluttered desk littered with crumpled notebook paper and floating holograms. Food wrappers were scattered all around the floor by my chair. I was snuggled in the cushion of the chair with a large grey sweatshirt covering my body.

In front of my little desk was the window that over looked New York City. It was the middle of the day. My stomach grumbled for lunch. I was almost done with my school work for the day. I would have been done earlier but I got sidetracked with other things. Other things as in helping Steve find his 1940's best buddy Bucky.

We haven't been very lucky in our search. He's been spotted in Washington on camera, and in Italy, but that's it. There's been no new Intel for half a year now. I've almost given up all hope on finding that poor dude. I tapped the pencil against my lips and wrote down the last answer to my school work.

I've been attending public school for about a year now. Freshman year had just now started. Last year, just after the Mandarin incident, and after my best friend betrayed me, I decided to stop attending school in Malibu. It was getting too hard to juggle fame, the Avengers, AND trying to live a normal life. My life there just wasn't working out.

Moving to New York seemed like the better option. The people here are different, they don't treat me like a higher individual. I feel almost normal walking down the hallway of my school building, of course I am the most popular student in my school (not trying to brag) but that's only because I'm kind to people. I'm friends with everybody, I don't judge and I don't exclude.

I finally finished my work and packed it all into my school folder. Across the living room of the Tower, the door to the high-tech training room opened up. A drenched in sweat Steve Rogers emerged with a towel draped over his shoulders. He's been in there all morning, that man trains a ton. 

"Hey Steverino" I smiled, using my sweatshirt to clean the lenses of my glasses.

"Hey Jessi" he smiled in greeting and started down the stairs that led from the second floor to the living room. I switched off the computer as he came closer to me. He ran the towel over his face before slinging it over his shoulder "How's homework going?" He asked, grabbing a water bottle from the mini fridge by my desk. He rubbed the white towel over his sweaty face again before taking a sip.

      "Oh, you know, swell. I just finished a Q&A worksheet on an old story called Oedipus" I lifted up the paper and glanced over the assignment "...which is a rather famous piece of literature" I pointed out, zipping up my book bag. He stopped beside my desk, leaning his hand against the surface "Did you know that the main character married his own Mom, and had kids with her?! So like, are those kids his siblings? Or his children? And would the mom technically be their grandma, and also their mom?"

      Steve stood completely lost, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion "I'm... not sure if I want to know the answer to that question"

      "I mean, you'd think that marrying someone who's your mom's age is bad enough, but having it turn out that the person is actually your mom. Jesus, what went on back in those days?"

      "And you have to read this stuff for school, is this the kind of information they're teaching now?" Steve asked. I handed him the book and he scanned through it for a moment.

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