Ch•12- My Purpose

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We all split off from the living room, quickly gathering anything that we need for our next mission. I had decided to sit this one out, there's nothing I can do to help.

The Vision was now standing in the hallway, gazing once again outside the window and out to the city. I stood down the hallway, keeping my distance. I didn't know what to think of this guy.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, Jessica" his voice startled me. So much for my ease dropping. I slowly came from around the corner and stood in the middle of the hallway with hands linked behind my back "I'm not going to hurt you"

"I'm not scared of that" I made my way over to him, shoving my hands deep in my sweatshirt pockets which bore my school logo on it "and I'm not scared of you... I'm scared of what you can do" I glanced over to him, trying to read his piercing eyes "Do you even know what you can do?"

"Not the slightest clue" He raised his hands up slightly and looked down on them "I don't know what I am, or even who I am. I don't know my purpose"

I chuckled softly, nodding my head "yeah, I understand"

"Understand what?"

"I guess you could say that I know what you're going through, in a way" I shrugged, thinking back over my long fifteen year old life "I don't know my purpose. I don't think I ever have. Every time I think I'm coming close to figuring out why I was put on this planet, life just seems to shove me back to where I was. It's as if God, or whoever is up there, doesn't want me to know who I am, or why I was born. Everyone has to be born for a reason, right?"

"I suppose so" was all he said.

"Hey" Steve appeared at the end of the hallway, he was poking his head around the corner "we're leaving now" he informed, and then disappeared.

"Well" I sighed "you better get going"

"You're not coming along?" He asked, turning away from the window.

"No" I shook my head "I'm no help. I tried to back in Korea, but it didn't really work out" I shoved my hands back in my sweatshirt pockets "You know" I looked over my shoulder to him "you don't have to do this" He narrowed his eyes, almost looking confused. I went on "We're not forcing you to do anything, you are your own person... or alien... whatever, you know what I mean? Don't bow to our whim"

He nodded his head, and started for the door that led to the terrace where the Quinn jet was located "Ultron is a threat to the world" he said to me just before he exited the room "and I will do everything in my power to stop him"


I walked down the sidewalk that morning with my book bag hanging off my shoulders. I wore a black and white striped shirt with a camo green cargo jacket and blue jeans. I tried my hardest to look as not tired as possible. My school building was right in front of me.

My friend June sat on the school steps along with some of my other friends. Liz, another friend of mine noticed me and called my name. June saw me and shot me a big and bright smile. I waved, slowly loosing interest and then dropped my hand back to my side.

Her and my other friends started to make their way over to me. I took a deep breath, forcing the most normal smile on the earth as they approached "Hey Jessi!" June hugged me swiftly "It's been like forever, you weren't at school yesterday, or the day before that, OR the day before that" she pulled back, holding me at arms length.

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