Ch•16- Bye

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          It all happened fast, in all honesty I don't really remember many details. The sound of clanking metal and plasma blasts surrounded me at all sides. The Vision was over head with Ultron, the two of them fought together with such persistency. Iron Man flew around, aiming his repulsers at anything that wasn't part of his team.

          Natasha fired her hand guns at the suits, while Steve smashed his shield in to their heads. Thor swung his hammer, dismantling the bionic bodies. Pietro was running around the walls, his body was barely visible because of his speed but I knew he was there. His twin sister Wanda was with me, she crumbled the drones with her mystic red energy.

          She helped me by protecting me with her powers while I fought. Hulk was there as well, he was just smashing the suits to high heaven, not letting a single one go. I looked up towards the church ceiling that was still barely standing. Thor's Vision gripped Ultron around the neck, and quickly punched him back.

          His Vibranium body hit the wall, comically the stone didn't hold and his body crashed through. He tumbled outside in to the dirt. Thor retrieved his hammer and jumped after him.

           I aimed my repulser at the closest suit and fired, it skillfully flew out of the way and smacked my hand away. It gripped my wrist, twisting my arm back. I grunted in pain, but was immediately relieved. In a flash, a silver blur spun around me and pushed the suit away. Pietro stopped in front of me, he didn't even look out of breath "I win" he said with a shrug and a smirk.

          "Stop" I said plainly, trying my hardest not to smile. Above, a burst of yellow light shined from the gem on The Visions head. He had his body angled at Ultron. I could see what was going on from the holes in the walls. My Father joined Vision, along with Thor.

          Dad fired his plasma and Thor stuck him with continuous lightning. I felt a suit coming up behind me, I stuck out my foot and tripped it. The suit fell forward and I shot it on the back.

           "Nice one" Clint said from behind me, firing an arrow over his shoulder without even looking at the target. Of course, he hit the suit dead on and it detonated "almost as good as me"

I rolled my eyes "Men"

           "You know" Ultron twitched as he tried to raise his dismantled body off the ground. I raced down the stairs of the church and stopped next to Thor. His breath was ragged from the lightening fire "with the benefit of hindsight..." Ultron wasn't able to finish because HULK knuckle sandwiched him in the chin, causing him to shoot back in to the air.

            I placed my hand over my eyes to block out the sun so I could watch. His body disappeared in the air. Hulk turned to the remaining suits and growled. The suits jumped back in fear and took off, away from us.

           "They're gonna to try to escape the city" I warned, noticing as they flew away towards the sky. They were trying to make a quick getaway. They would definitely reak havoc on the world if we let them go. Hulk rushed after them, successfully grabbed one and shoved its face in to the ground.

            "We can't let them, not even one" Dad rose up in to the air with Vision "Jes, try and get as many people as you can on to the ships" he looked over to me "stay safe"

I nodded my head.

            "We gotta move out" Steve said once Dad and Vision took off. It was just Clint, Nat, Thor, Wanda, Pietro and I left standing "Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats" Steve looked to Natasha and Clint "I'll sweep for stragglers. Jessi your with me"

"Yes Sir" I saluted.

"What about the core?" Clint asked, gesturing to the machine implanted in to the dirt 

           "I'll protect it" Wanda offered bravely, I smirked "It's my job" Clint agreed, giving a small nod of his head towards Wanda. Nat started for the exit of the church and Clint followed after her. I gave her thumbs up to Wanda before leaving with Steve.

            The two of us stepped out in to the sunlight which was much more brighter now that we were higher up. I felt my pace begin to slow with the lack of air. This high altitude was really getting to me. Steve seemed perfectly fine as he pointed to a cluster of injured civilians huddled together in an alley.

          A ship was levitating near them, waiting to depart. The man piloting the ship was growing anxious with the small amount of time they had to get out of here "Make sure everyone gets on that ship" Steve instructed, jumping over fallen debris. I used my flight power to fly over the mess of buildings "Kids first"

          "Yup" I reached the first child who was being held in her mothers arms. I gripped the woman's arm and picked her up off the floor "Come on, time to blast" I pointed in the direction of the ship. Steve was a few feet away, helping a man with an injured leg along. Down the deserted street, another group of frightened civilians sat terrified in an almost collapsed building "I got him" I went over to Steve and took the man.

           He flung his arm over my shoulder, grunting in pain "I got the rest, go get that group" I nodded my head in the direction of the others down the road. Steve let go of the man and made his way down the street. I aided the man to the ship where more able bodies took him and placed him in the seats.

           I turned back to an elderly woman "Hurry up guys, the city might fall so... no pressure or anything!" I ushered some kids along who clung to each other. In just a few short minutes, everyone was on board. They all sat scattered in the ship, but that looked like the last of them in this area.

           Steve was busy a few blocks away with another group. He was helping them to a different ship "Come on guys" I groaned when the people on the carrier  were taking their sweet time "Find a seat! We need to go right now!"

           "My son!" The faint voice of a woman called from the entrance of the carrier. She sat on board, tears steaming down her dirty face. Blood stained her forehead and the bridge of her nose "my son, please! He was in the market" I heard her cries.

          I scanned my eyes over to the destroyed buildings, catching the faint green 'Market' sign which had fallen to the floor. Cars sat burning all around the place, through the flames, the faint outline of a person was laying in rubble. I narrowed my eyes to get a better view. It was a young boy, he was trapped.

         "Oh, wonderful" I ignited my flight stabilizers. The little boy was stuck under pieces of rock, he didn't look too injured once I got a good look. His legs were stuck under the debris. In the distance, loud gunshots penetrated the air.

          I chose to ignore them. I removed the heavy pieces of rock from the kid and reached down for him "Let's go hun, times a waste " the boy immediately grabbed on to my hands and I lifted him up. He wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. I stood up, struggling to carry his weight "Work with me now" I grunted

          Behind me, the gunshots were back, but this time it wasn't gun shots. It was a machine gun, a machine gun from a jet. I slowly spun around to see bullets coming at me from the sky like rain.


          It all happened fast. They came at me with lightening speed, the noise was deafening. I've come face to face with death before, but this time... I wasn't scared. I know it's strange to say, but I wasn't. Something took over me "If this is how it's suppose to be" I whispered. The ground below me sprouted up in dust and dirt. I spun around, hugging the boy to my chest. He buried his head into my neck.


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