Ch•15- It's not my Fault

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        A/N: I just got my first official job in food business, I'm excited to start working and finally feel like an adult. Hopefully the job goes well. Anyway, thank you for reading. I love love love all of you <33

      I was still held up in my chair, trying to recover from the Extremis. My head continued to spin around and around. Where's my Dad? He should have been here to rescue me. I could really use Steve right now, or Clint, but No. Nobody is there for me. I thought that the Avengers would be there for me when I needed them. I thought that they'd be my shoulder to lean on.

      I could really use the Hulk right now to bust in here and get me out. It was nighttime right about now, I think. I hadn't been outside since Killian brought me here. I hadn't seen Pepper for hours now.

      My whole body ached, an annoying, subtle yet present pain was all under my skin. I can't do anything to get rid of it. It took all of my strength just to hold my head up. The door across the room open up, and a fired up Killian stomped in to the room "Stark" he mumbled to one of the guards standing by the door "his Iron Man army is here" I heard him whisper. He was trying to talk quietly so that I wouldn't hear, but I did.

       I felt a flicker of hope ignite in my chest at the sound of that. The sounds of some sort of battle were coming from outside the room where I was forcibly held. It sounded as if things were being blown up. I thought that maybe Dad was outside taking out all the Extremis soldiers.

       "Hey" I called tiredly from my restraints "yo orange skull" That was his new nickname. Killian really does have a orange face if you look at him. It's like a forever sunburn "what's happening?" Killian glared at me. The smirk that was on his face mere minutes ago was now gone "Let me guess. My Dad's here to kick your ass?"  Killian growled, balling up his fists at me. I didn't have time for another snark remark, because the wall to my left suddenly exploded.

       My chair was flown to the side with me in it. The whole room was taken out by the blast. My chair dismantled and I collapsed to the floor. The roof of the room fell on top of me, pinning my body to the ground. My limbs were cramped from the restraints, and were now going numb from the explosion.

      I think I broke my Philtrum, whatever that is. I blinked a few times, trying to clear my vision. Bits and pieces of the ceiling dropped down, hitting my body. A support beam with a large chunk of the ceiling on top of it had pinned my legs to the floor. More heavy things were threatening to crush me from above. No sudden movement, or I'd be dead.

      Killian was now gone, hopefully killed from the bomb. I tried to pull my legs away from the support beam but it was too large, and I was already in too much pain to put in a lot of effort. All around me was the sound of explosions. That must be some crazy battle going on outside.

       The air was already starting to get stuffy, my lungs begged for fresh air. Through all the creaking off the fallen debris, the sound of thrusters could be heard flying inside of the wreckage. Two iron boots landed near me. I could see the red and gold paint fairly clear from my position.

      The support beam started rising up as if someone was lifting it up. As that happened, more sharp pieces of debris fell, hitting me "No! Stop! Put it down!" I pleaded, squeezing my eyes shut until everything stopped moving. I peeked through my eye lids to see the Iron Man helmet peering down at me.

      "See what happens when you hang out with my ex-girlfriends?" The helmet raised up, revealing my Father. He looked a little beat up but nothing too serious. His snarky comment didn't stop the relief from flooding through my chest. I'd never been so happy to see him in my life.

"She came to us first" I replied quietly, smiling slightly.

      "Yea, we'll talk about it on the plane to Paris" he extended his hand towards me so that I could grab it.

     "Pepper?" I asked, lifting my hand up. Pain shot down my arm but I didn't stop trying to reach for him.

"She's safe. Rhodey has her"

       I nodded, straining every muscle in my body until my fingers touched his metal hand. I started to cry. He was finally here. I almost gave up on him "come on baby, a little further" he grunted, trying his hardest not to move the beam on me. That would only cause me more pain.

      All the sudden, a fiery orange hand shot out from the debris and gripped the reactor inside the Iron Man chest. The hand twisted around the light, automatically shutting off the main power source of the suit. Dad fell to the ground, releasing his hand from my weak grip. I landed back in place, groaning in pain.

      Killian crawled up from the little hole and sat on his knees. His skin was orange and his normally good looking hair was tossed around "Is this guy bothering you?" He asked me, pointing to my deactivated Father.

      I narrowed my eyes and replied with "No" my face twisted up in disgust with Killian. He raised his finger and placed it on Dad's iron chest. The suit sizzled at the touch. Killian was a monster, a horrid man. I've never hated someone as much as I hate him. I'd rather be with Loki than this guy.

      "Stuck? Do you feel a little stuck? Like a little turtle, cooking in his little turtle suit" Killian mocked as his finger sank deeper in to the suit, no doubt that he was heating up the inside. I scratched my finger nails on the metal floor, not able to do anything but watch in pity "She's watching. I think you should close your eyes. Close your eyes" Killian repeated louder this time "Close your eyes. You don't want to see this" he raised his hand, about to smash Dad's face in.

        But, if you know my Dad, he always has a plan B, wether he knows or not. Dad lifted up his arm and out popped a blade from the arm of the suit. Killian swung his arm, oblivious to the blade, and it sliced against the sharp edge. His arm came clean off and landed on the floor near me. I gagged. Now that was gross.

      The heat from the arm caused it to sink through the metal of the floor. At that, the entire floor collapsed from the heat, with me. I fell a few feet below the rubble to another support beam. My spine hitting the beam hard.

       "My back" I gritted my teeth, gripping the beam so that I wouldn't fall further "It doesn't bend that way! Not that way!" I darted my eyes around, scared out of my mind. The new platform that I was on was shaky and was about to fall. It repeatedly rattled around, making me lose my balance "Dad!" I called, not knowing where he was "Help!"

      "Jes I got you" He yelled from a few feet below me. He was reaching up towards me "Relax, I got you"

      "I'm so scared!" I cried, my eyes filling with tears. Below, a two hundred foot drop with nothing but fire. That's not the way I want to go out. The heat of the flames was hitting me from all the way up here.

      "Jessi, Just look at me!" Dad strained to reach me. My closed lips tremble as I tried to hold in a wail of pain. I knew that I couldn't move or I would fall. The only thing that I could do was hold out my little hand so that he could take it "Honey, I can't reach any further and you can't stay there. All right? You've got to let go"

"Let go?!" I snapped back.

"You've got to let go, Jessica! I'll catch you, I promise!"

      I found his eyes, my fingers just barely brushing his. Smoke filled my lungs. He looked desperate. I somehow gripped his fingers, but the platform shifted again. My body slid foreword towards him "don't let me go, Dad" I begged.

But he did, and I fell.

       The last thing I saw was his heartbroken face, his hand was still out. I was so close, so close to being safe. It wasn't his fault, it wasn't my fault.
That's just how life is. Some people aren't meant to live in this world and unfortunately, I'm one of those people.

And it hurts like hell.

        A/N: All these dark chapters are killing me man, I seriously need to lighten up. 😂

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