Ch•18- The Greatest Failure

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             I stood in the hospital hallway, leaning against the wall with my hair over my eyes in attempts to hide my face. Doctors were running back and forth with nurses at their sides. The yellow lights on the ceiling glowed dim. Natasha Romanoff stood beside me, her hand resting on my shoulder. She remained quiet. She knows what I've done.

             My Dad stood a few meters away, he looked through the glass window that overlooks the MRI scan room where Rhodey was. He knows too. He hasn't said a word to me in hours, T'Challa told him what I did. Technically I'm a criminal now. Vision stood to my right, not taking his eyes off Rhodey. My heart broke, it already broke. I caused Rhodey pain, I let him down.

             I prayed to God that Rhodey would be alright, I prayed I prayed I prayed. But sometimes God doesn't pull through. It's one of his life tests or something.

"Tony..." Natasha warned.

             I looked up to see Dad storming over to me, in that moment I was scared. He approached me, but then turned away as if unable to even lay his eyes on me. He let out a disappointed scoff, and placed his hand on his hip. He gave a slowly shake of his head and a low chuckle.

            I stared at the back of his head, waiting for him to speak "So this was your plan all along, huh?" he hissed under his breath. I looked down to the floor, my eyelids began to twitch "This whole God damn time, you were on his side" he said in disbelief, he rubbed his chin "I should have guessed, you gave them Barnes's location in Romania earlier. God, I can't even trust my own daughter"

             I shut my eyes, taking in everything he had to say to me. Suddenly I felt him take my arm and yank me to the window of the MRI room "Look at that" he pointed his finger on the glass, forcing me to look. My chest felt like it was going to explode "Look what you've done to him, because of your betrayal you did this to him"

Natasha took a step forward and reached her hand put "Tony, stop-"

             I watched with red eyes as the scan went over his body which was damaged heavily by the fall. My fingers and hands started shaking.
"Do you know how easily that fall could have killed him, and there's only one person to blame here" I opened my mouth to speak, but instantly closed it. He faced me now, his dark eyes locking with my blue ones.

         "You were never on our side, you were always with him. You lied to me, Natasha, Vision" he counted on his fingers "Not to mention-"

            "None of this would have happened if you would have just listened!" I gained the courage to speak out against him, my fists were balled to hide the shaking "I told you to leave him alone, I told you this was a bad idea, I told you I told you I told you!" I screamed "This wasn't going to end well and you knew it but you still-" my voice cracked, I wiped away tears that were threatening to spill.

            "You asked me to choose" I whimpered, trying my best to keep the tears from falling like a water fall. Every nurse and Doctor in the hallway had stopped by now and we're watching us with worried expressions "You forced me to choose between my family-"

           "I'm your family Jessica!" He placed his fingers on his chest, the veins popped up in his neck "I was... I'm all you ever had. Steve and Bucky are not your family, they never were" he got in my face. I took a step away, feeling my lip tremble "I gave up everything for you! I brought you into my home, I gave you money, fame, technology! I handed you a life that people can only dream of! And this is how you repay me? By stabbing me in the back!"

           "You think I wanted this!?" I screamed so loud that my throat became sore "You think that I asked for my Mom to die, to be handed off to you? A cowardly man who hides in a suit and only cares about himself?"

          Vision had remained silent the whole time. Natasha was unable to produce words. Everyone in the hallway came to a halt. That's when the police arrived in to hallway

         My whole body was numb. I'm sure by now my Father wishes that I never existed. He didn't say the words but it's written all over his face. Dad didn't say anything as the police arrived, they were taking in all of the Avengers who went against the accords, I'm included.

The cuffs were thrown on to my wrist, and I was led out of the building.

              Peter stood outside the hospital, his plane hadn't arrived yet that would take him back home. He approached me, but the officers had formed a circle around me as they guided me to their vehicle "Jessi? Jessi!" He yelled, trying to get to me. He reached his hand through their arms to try and grab me. They pushed him back.

             "Goodbye Peter" I whispered, making sure to look him in the eye. I wish I would have said something more to him. He's the only one that really understood. Being young and living this life, this life full of heroes and responsibilities.

           I wanted to take his hand and hold it, feel his warm skin against my palm. I wanted him to wrap himself around me like a coat. In that moment I realized that I wanted him. I looked over my shoulder to steal one last glance at him before being shoved in the vehicle.

            The sky was bright, my life was dark. The clouds where white, but my heart felt black. Any emotion in me had been swept away. I did what I felt was right, and it turned out to be dead wrong. My own Father hates me, he'd rather me be dead... and I don't blame him.

          I've come to realize I'm just a big screw up. Ever since the moment I was born, I was destined for failure. This was it, this was my greatest failure.

          I let him down. If only I could start all over again, a million miles away. It would just be me, alone, how it should've always been. I would keep myself,

I would find a way.


             I traded in my clothes for a dark blue jumpsuit. The guards snapped my photo, before wrapping silver chained around my wrists. We had flown a helicopter to get to this maximum security prison. My skin was drenched from the rain from when we first entered. I honestly couldn't tell you where we are. The guards led me down a metallic corridor to which I assume is the detention area. It was a large circular shaped room with many cells.

"Jes?" A voice asked.

             I looked through my hair to see Clint standing in one of the cells, he wore a suit similar to mine "Clint?" I breathed, stopping in my tracks "Clint?" I asked, restraining against the guards grip on me.

"Keep moving Stark" they ordered.

             My eyes were wide open now. Clint approached his cell door, giving me a desperate stare. My feet skidded against the floor as the guards pushed me. A man I didn't recognize sat in the cell next to Clint, and after him was Sam.

           He had his arms crossed over his chest and he leaned against the cell door. With in seconds, the guards tossed me into the cell next to him.

           Then there I was, small and frightened in a Prison cell. I slid to the floor and wrapped my arms around my knees which were pressed close to my chest

           A cool draft poured in from the ceiling on to the floor where I was. A dark blue jumpsuit covered my small body, my brunette hair was matted to my head. Sweat clung to all parts of my body, and my nose was running. My eyes were red from the upcoming tears.

           Everything felt fragile, like one little puff of air could knock me down for good. The sound of the ocean surrounded me at all sides, and the musty smell of dirty metal and men clung in the air.

          I bet you guys were wondering what the heck was going on... and how the heck I got into this cell at the beginning of the story.

Well now you know, you know about the War.

A/N : More dark chapters to come..... DON'T FORGET TO STAY POSITIVE!

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