Ch•14- Like a Monster

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       A/N: Once again, another dark chapter... you have been warned mis amigos.

      My body shuddered awake and my eyes fluttered open. They were blurry for a moment before everything came clear. I was still in the room, strapped to the chair. Around me was the dark and rusty walls, stained with burn marks. I felt like a small child, hiding in the dark from the monster in the closet.

      But this time, the Monster had already gotten me, and now I'm suffering. The pain hadn't subsided at all. It was like someone had ripped me apart, and proceeded to glue my insides back together with fire. I hadn't blown up like Killian had said so I guess my body accepted the Extremis, oh joy.
        I blinked a few times in the dim room, trying to understand my surroundings. One small light was hanging down from the ceiling, shining on me like a spot light. The restraints were still tight around my body, cutting off circulation to my arms and legs.

      Just then, Killian appeared at my side, he was leaning up against my chair. I literally rolled my eyes and looked away "Using me as motivation" I scoffed, giving a small shake of my head "He's not going to help you, he would never. Even if you use me a bait, he wouldn't" I hope.

      "Having you here" Killian took a deep breath, smirking slightly "isn't just Motivation for Tony Stark. It's actually a little bit more personal than that" I narrowed my eyes and titled my head to the side, feeling extremely freaked out by the situation "you see-".

       A red, white, and blue suit flew in from out of no where. It burst through the door to my right, along side were some Extremis soldiers. War Machine? Or better known as Iron Patriot. Rhodey?! Rhodey's here to save me! He stood tall in the Iron Patriot suit, looking directly at me.

      But when the helmet opened, it wasn't Rhodey. The whole suit opened up, the person who was inside fell to the ground "Welcome aboard Mr. President" Killian saluted.

       My mouth fell open. The President of the United States was right in front of me. They had captured him! Oh God. President Ellies stared up at Killian from his kneeling position. The guards hoisted him up to his feet swiftly "You brought a child into all of this?" The President asked bewildered.

       I gave a weak, awkward smile and waved my fingers to him from the restraints "Hi sir, big fan. I would salute but... I can't right now" I could tell that he knew who I was. I was only the most famous man in the worlds Daughter, no biggy. Killian turned back to face me, leaving the President at his back.

      "Now, where was I?" Killian racked his brain, suddenly, the thought popped back into his big head "Oh, that's right. You see Jessica, I know you more than you'd ever know. A few years ago, less then ten years I believe, I met a beautiful blonde haired flower shop worker in Washington D.C" My stomach dropped all the way to my feet.

      "God I was so incredibly in love with her, and she was in love with me too. But sadly, we had different career paths. Anyway, during the time I was with her, we had a tiny little family. My daughter April, her daughter, and her of course" I felt my lips tremble "that's right Jessia Sebastion. You know what I'm talking about. You remember, don't you?" I shook my head No, but in actuality I knew.

       Memories that I hadn't thought about in years. I must have been five years old, maybe younger. I did remember April now, no wonder I gravitated to her in the fourth grade, I had already known her "Ever since your Mother and I split up, all I ever wanted was her love back. All I wanted was our tiny little family. But, then I learned of her passing, and I figured having you back would at least be halfway there. Our family was perfect Jessica, don't you remember?"

      "And kidnapping me, almost killing my Dad, injecting that poison in to me? Did you really think that a family would arise from that Killian?" I asked, gritting my teeth together "I don't remember you. I don't remember this family you speak of. You're a monster, a maniac, a-"

"Your Father said the same thing"

      My nostrils flared in anger at the mention of his name "Where is he?!" I hollered, completely forgetting that the President was still in the room. Tears streamed down my face, I couldn't hold them in anymore "What did you do to him?!"

       Killian shook his head, bringing his fingers up to his lips for a moment "I honestly don't know. But he'll show up soon, don't you worry"
I leaned back against the chair, feeling my body tremble with fear.

      Killian turned back to face the President who was staring at me. I met his eyes weakly, my body was starting to shut down. It buzzed like fizz inside soda. My body felt awake but my mind was tired. Orange patches of skin glowed all over the place.

      I dropped my head down to exam my arms. I looked like a monster. They stuck some radioactive poison inside my veins, it burned my skin. Killian flushed out my blood and shoved something else in.

Killian had now left me and took the President with him.

I was once again alone.

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