Ch•18- Paris

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June, 2014.
Six months after the Mandarin.

      I kept my hair hidden inside a grey beanie. Glasses covered my blue eyes. Since I was the daughter of the most famous Super Hero, people recognized me. It was getting harder and harder to live a normal life with my profile. So, that's why, after this year of school, I decided to transfer and start over at a school in New York.

      Dad told me that it would be good for me to restart. He offered to home school me, but I didn't see that working out. I'm already more intelligent then your average fourteen year old, but I wasn't a genius. I still had some schooling to finish, but I would get there one day.
Anyway, today I wasn't in Malibu, I wasn't in New York, I wasn't even in the US. Finally, six months after my birthday, we found the time to vacation in Paris. We've already been here for about two weeks, and haven't made any plans to return home.

       I pushed the glasses up the bridge of my nose and leaned my head back up towards the sky. The tall, elegant master piece of the Eiffel Tower stood before me. Hundreds of people stood under the structure.

      I was standing maybe 300 feet away in the grass area that stretches in front of it. Nobody was around me, nobody recognized me, nobody was even looking. I was just another normal tourist in this great city.

     But, then, two people did see me. One of them had dark skin and black sunglasses over his eyes, the other had a baseball cap on and sunglasses. They both wore leather jackets.

      I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked over to the two guys. I knew one of them, but the other was unfamiliar "Last time I saw you" I strolled over to him, sitting down beside him on the park bench "I told you not to be a ghost"

"I've been busy" he replied.

      "Yea, dropping Heli-carriers in Washington D.C? Becoming a world wide threat? Being arrested on live T.V?" I kept my eyes forward and my hands in my front jacket pockets.

      "I didn't waste my time entirely" he removed the cap and ran his fingers through his hair before placing it back down on his head "This is Sam Wilson" he leaned back on the bench to bring the other man in view "former Air Force paratrooper. Also known as The Falcon"

"Miss. Stark" he greeted.

"Ah, the Falcon. We already have a bird on the team" I pointed out.

"Jessi, something's come up. I need to talk to you" Steve continued.

"Why me?" I narrowed my eyes.

      "There aren't many people that we can trust now. SHIELD is down. Fury's down as well"
My mouth fell open in shock. SHIELD is gone? Nick is gone? We have no more Strategic, Homeland, Intelligence... whatever the rest is? And Nick Fury is dead? "It happened last month. Hydra had been inside SHIELD this whole time, so when the organization fell, so did Hydra"

"Oh My God" I rubbed my cheeks with my palms "this is... this is insane!"

      "But that's not entirely why we're here" Steve went on hesitantly. I dropped my hands down to my knees and stared at Steve, waiting for him to go on "I need your help with something important"

      "You should probably get my Dad" I suggested "he'd be able to help with whatever you need. I don't know if I'd be able to-"

      "Look Jes" Steve almost smiled "to be honest with you, I trust you more than Tony... No offense to him"

"What do you need?"

     "We're looking for someone" Sam spoke up and reached in to his jacket to pull out a dark green envelope. He passed it over Steve and handed it to me. I took it and made sure that nobody was paying attention to us before opening it.

"James Buchanan Barnes" I read out loud "aka The Winter Soldier... I've heard of him"

"You have?" Steve sounded surprised.

       "Yup" I kept skimming through the file of the man "When Dad hacked in to SHIELD, back when Loki was around, he found several files on some of the most terrible criminals who ever lived. The Winter Soldier was one of them... I read all the files. There wasn't much on this guy though, only a few things. But, why? Why are you two looking for him?"

     "I'll explain it all later, but can you help me?" Steve asked. Captain America needed my help. I could tell that he was desperate to find this person. I knew who James was. My school went on a field trip to Washington D.C last year and we visited the Captain America section of the museum. One of the sections that the tour guide showed us was about him, James 'Bucky' Barnes.

"Is this all you have?" I asked, holding up the file.

"Uh... Yeah" Steve answered embarrassingly.

      "Oh, okay" I took a deep breath and thought about my options. There were so many things that I could do to help. I immediately decided not to tell my Father about this. If Steve doesn't want to tell Dad, than neither will I "Well, I can... hack in to any camera, wireless or not. Like what they did at SHIELD to find Loki. Uh... I need to get my hands on some SHIELD tech"

"We got you covered" Sam assured.

"Thanks" I smiled, handing him the file back.

      "No, that's a copy. We have the real one, you keep that one" Steve pushed it back to me.
I nodded, tucking it inside my jacket, just like how Sam held it.

      "It... was good to see you Steve" I said awkwardly, not knowing how to continue to the conversation "it's been awhile"

"Too long" he added with a small smile "and thanks again for helping. Any little bit helps"

      "Of course" I stood up from the bench and stretched "I hate to cut this short but Dad's going to be picking me up any minute now so I better get going" I shook Sam's hand "it was nice to meet you Mr. Wilson"

"Nice to meet you Miss. Stark" he returned the shake.

     And I walked away, after a few meters I turned my head over my shoulder to see them one more time, but they were gone.
But then a thought popped in to my mind.

How the HELL did they know that I was in Paris?

        A/N: Hey friends, so I know Civil War came out like forever ago, but I'm just letting you know that I'm on Team Thor for life.

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