Ch•7- Mindless Killing Machine

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"Alright kid, I'm letting you come on your first, technically not your first, mission. I want you to stay on the Jet with Banner, even if we need him to go green I want you on the Jet. You can fly us out of there if we need you to. Do you know how to fly the jet?" Dad asked, sitting at the drivers wheel of the Quinn Jet. I sat at the back of the cockpit with Bruce and Clint. The seat belt harness was tight on my small body.

"I can teach you if you don't" Clint nudged my arm lightly with his elbow. He was all dressed in his Hawkeye suit with his bow and arrow in hand.

I smiled, raising an eyebrow "Who's gonna teach you, Clint?"

"Ha Ha Ha" he loaded his arrow carrier with all different kinds of arrows "very funny"

I chuckled "and yea Dad, I kinda know how to fly the Jet. It's like a car, right? I just got my learners permit so I can drive a car. Flying this thing shouldn't be too different"

"Whateeever you say Jes"

We soared in the clouds for a long time before starting our decent. The ocean came in to the view below the clouds. A shipyard filled with giant vessels were docked in the muddy water. Steve was getting on his helmet on his head, and Thor was practicing in swinging his hammer. Nat was powering up the electrifies on her knuckles, and Dad was standing as his Iron Suit engulfed him "Hey Jes, why don't you come and land the Jet?" Dad offered. His suit was now fully on and his helmet was up, revealing his face.

"Oh" I perked up and removed the seatbelt "I'm there" I made my way to the front of the Jet and slid in to the drivers seat. Dad stood off to the side and grip the back of the seat "this is awesome!"

"Keep you hands on the steering grips, make sure that you're steady, you don't want to be swerving. Everyone" Dad turned back to look at the group "buckle up and brace yourselves"

"I'm not going to kill them, Dad" I rolled my eyes and pressed down on the grips. The Jet responded by dipping fast towards the ground. Everyone flew forward. Dad stumbled around for a moment.

"Pull up, pull up, pull up!" He grabbed the steering grips and pulled up. The Jet slowly regain its sturdiness.

"Oh my God" I heard Nat mumble.

"Maybe I shouldn't do this" I started to stand up from the chair.

"No, you got this. You have to learn sometime or another" Dad placed me back in the seat and put my hands back on the steering grips.

"Okay..." I said wearily, not knowing about this. I lightly pushed down on the grips, slowly the Jet descended towards the wooded ground.

"Land in that open area down there" Thor pointed out the window towards the green area in the middle of the woods. A hill slopes down just beyond the woods towards the water. I swerved the ship just a little bit and landed the Jet flat on the ground.

I let out a sigh of relief. Awesome, I didn't kill anyone "Nice job" Clint patted my shoulder "and I only got a tiny bit of whiplash"

"I'll whip your lash!" I fired back.

"Nobody is whipping any lashes" Dads helmet fell over his face just as the hatch of the jet opened up "unless it's Ultrons, then we'll whip it"

"Good luck guys" Bruce folded his arms "Let's hope you won't need me"

"Hope we will" Nat winked, Bruce tried to hide his blush but it didn't work. I rolled my eyes and sat back down in the seat.
All of them walked out, except for Bruce and I. We stayed and watched them leave as the hatch of the Jet closed, separating us.

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