Ch•20- Just you

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      Well, here we go, my first day of 8th grade in a brand new middle school across the country from where I actually live. I don't know what to expect. I could really use some Neds. D Classified School Survival Guide tips right now.

      It shouldn't be that hard, right? I've been blowing up industries and taking down robots before I even hit middle school. If I can do all that, then this school should be a piece of cake. It had been awhile since I'd been to school, after the Mandarin incident, I took a leave of absence.

      I needed time to heal and recover from that and surgery. When it was time for me to go back, I decided that I'd just take 8th grade over again. I'd been out of school since Christmas of my 8th grade year, so Pepper thought it would be a good idea to retake that year and relearn all the subjects I took and finish the ones I didn't.

I had no problem with retaking this year, it would be a good place to start again.

      Dad pulled his silver sports car up to the steps of the Middle School. He shifted the car to park and looked over towards me "how ya feelin?" He asked, unlocking the door so I could open it.

"I don't know" I stared at the front entrance of the school "hopefully this will go well"

      A small crowd of students had already stopped and were watching me. They knew who I was, they saw Iron Man sitting in the drivers seat. I placed my book bag on my lap and gave a small smile "let's hope my friends don't try to kill me this time, huh?" I gave a small smirk.

     Dads face dropped slightly at that. I slid the book bag strap over my shoulder "I'll see you later"

       "Hey look at me" Dad said quickly before I opened the door. I froze, keeping my hand on the handle "I won't ever let that happen again, you here me? Ever"

"I know" I nodded "I know, sorry if I hit a nerve or something"

     "It's not me Jes, it's you. All I want is for you to be happy. Your life has sucked so far and I'm sorry. Sometimes..." his voice trailed off. He glanced down to his lap to avoid my gaze.

"What?" I asked "Sometimes what?"

      He cleared his throat and rubbed his hand over the gear shift of the car "Sometimes I feel like you coming to live with me all those years ago was a mistake" my eyes widened "not like that!" he was quick to add "you are amazing Jessi, and you coming in to my life was the single greatest thing in the world. But it only put you in danger, you're constantly going through things that no 14 year old should ever go through. If anything, you have it way worse then I ever did growing up"

      "Hey Dad" I stopped him, hearing the bell ring at the front of the school "I love these heart to heart talks but I kinda have to go" I pointed over my shoulder and smiled

"Right" he nodded as I opened the door "I... Love you"

"I know" I called back.

"Wait, did you just pull a-... Never mind"

       I opened the door and stepped out of the car "bye" I waved and shut the door behind me. The crowd watched me as I made my way up the stairs to the entrance. My Dad didn't drive away until I was in the school. A schedule was already printed out and was in my hands. The first class I had for the day was Honors Biology.

      I climbed the stairs to the second floor, immediately catching all the attention of all the students. They whispered to each other and called me by name. I flashed a 'everything is perfectly fine' smile as I went. I found my locker and looked down to the paper where my combination was written.

     It took me like three times to get it before the dang door finally opened. It was empty, dusty, and tiny.

     I slipped some of my notebooks in to the locker and closed it. As I spun around to go to my class, a bubbly girl stepped in my way and nearly gave me a heart attack. She had darker skin and black hair that reached her shoulders. Her smile was nice and genuine, maybe a little too nice.

"You're Jessi!" She took my hand and shook it. My whole body shook as well.

"Oh yea, hi... Uh"

      "I'm Liz" she flashed another smile "I just wanted to meet you and let you know that if you need anything, like a tour of the school or a partner to sit at lunch with, or even if you just need to burrow a pencil, I'm there... Just call" she laughed.

      "Yea, ok, thanks" I adjusted the book bag strap over my shoulder "do you know where room 237 is?" I asked, stealing a glance to my schedule.

"Down that hall and take a left, it's the second class on the right" Liz pointed.

      "Thanks" I nodded before making my getaway. Liz is nice, a little too nice but that's not bad. I just wanted to go to class, that's all. The late bell had just rang the second I walked in, I made it just in time.

     "Ah, hello Jessica Stark, I heard that you would be joining us today. My name is Mrs. Stan and I am your Biology teacher" The grey haired teacher smile at me from the front of the class. All the students in their lab table seats turned to look at me. I stood awkwardly at the door, not knowing what to do "I was actually just about to change the seating chart so why don't you just hang there for a moment, alright?"

"Yes ma'am" I nodded, closing the door behind me.

      "Okay" Mrs. Stan clapped her hands together before picking up her clip board "Chris you will be with Seb, Stanford you will be with Evan. Rob you will be with Susan. Elizabeth you will be with Paul. Kevin you will be with Kim. Rick you will be with Lori. Tom you will be with Taylor, and Jessica..." The teacher narrowed her eyes at the paper before continuing "you will be with Peter"

      I scanned the class room, spotting the only empty seat. A boy with brunette hair was sitting at the back corner of the room, dozens of textbooks were scattered around the desk. All the kids watched me quietly as I made my way to the desk.

The boy didn't notice me until I was right beside him.

"Hi" I smiled, looking down to his book bag which was sitting in my seat.

      "Oh!" He jumped slightly "sorry about that, my bad, sorry, sorry" he quickly moved his book bag and shoved it on the floor "sorry-"

     "Hey" I chuckled, slipping my bag off and set it on the table "it's all good, no worries. I'm Jessi by the way"

     "Yea" The boy named Peter pushed some of the textbooks out of the way "I.. I know. You're kinda he most famous kid ever"

    I laughed at that, like genuinely laughed. He was the first person to ever say something like that to me.

    I tucked some hair behind my ear and cleared my throat, still chuckling a little bit "Is that right, not my proudest title"

     "I'm Peter, well, you already knew that so uh, I guess I'm telling you again... is it hot in here or?" He cleared his throat, not knowing what else to say.

"Nah" I smirked, flipping some hair over my shoulders "it's just me"

Peter smiled, looking at me. Wow he has got some nice brown eyes "just you?" He echoed.

"Well" I met his gaze "maybe not just me"

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