37- Unexpected

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"I won't talk to you properly. We won't sort things out yet. We're in the middle of a mess." Jessica responded.

"But please.." Yuri pleaded with regretful eyes.

"Fine. Follow me." Jessica walked out of the hotel room and into the hall.

Yuri soon followed and I can tell she was desperate for Jessica to forgive her. I wonder what Jessica will say to her. But I know Yuri, she will beg for forgiveness. Jessica on the other hand is a mystery.

I know this might be wrong but I crept up to the door and tried to overhear their conversation. Ok this is wrong. So slowly I backed away from the door and awaited their entrance.

I had a chat with Tyler while Hayeon and Tiffany were still talking about fashion. It looks like Tiffany is not affected by this Yulsic situation at all. My conversation with Tyler got me to know how much Tyler loved Hayeon. Not a romantic way, but a fatherly love. Tyler is a couple years older than me, I'm 21 and he's 26. It's hurting me to know that we will take Hayeon away from Tyler.

Soon Yuri and Jessica walked back into the hotel suite and surprisingly, Yuri had a smile on her face. This was unexpected. I thought I would hear shouts and cries. But she's walking inside with a bright smile. Jessica clearly gives no shits, according to her face. But I know Jessica. She's probably smiling on the inside.

Wait. My parents are suppose to be here.

Why didn't I realize it? They're suppose to be here now. They were suppose to be on the plane with Hayeon and Tyler.

"JESSICA!" I shouted and her. All eyes were on me.

"What?" She answered back.

"What plane is my parents going on? They're supposed to be here. You told me they're going on a plane with Tyler and Hayeon. But why aren't they here?" I asked.

"Hayeon do you want to explain?" Jessica looked towards Hayeon, anticipating for her to answer me.

"Yes unnie. Why didn't we tell them earlier?" Hayeon asked Tyler and Jessica.

"It slipped out of our minds." Jessica shrugged.

"But this is an urgent matter!" I retorted.

"Unnie! Calm down. Let me explain!" Hayeon shouted.

I was taken aback by the tone of Hayeon's voice. But she's older now and she knows what she's doing, even though she shouted at me.

"Ok go."

"So Jessica unnie's parents decided they will go on the plane with them. They believe our parents will try to escape them." Hayeon explained and I nodded.

"So they're coming at the same time?"


"Ok. That won't conflict with our plans." I sighed.

"That's right."

For lunch, Yuri decided to cook for us in the kitchen while everyone played cards. I wanted to know why there was no drama after Yuri and Jessica's talk, so I helped Yuri to cook.

"Yah." I called out as I chopped the vegetables.

"What?" She answered.

"What did you and Jessica talk about?"

"Oh. She said how she forgives me. She knows how easily jealous I get. She knows that I didn't mean to hurt her. She just told me how trust needs to be more evident in our relationship. But I'm not totally forgiven. I need to do something." Yuri placed the rice pot inside the rice cooker.

"Lucky you... Tiffany doesn't trust me." I told her.

"Well that's pretty obvious. You guys started dating after 2 weeks. So of course she wouldn't fully trust you." Yuri explained.

"I know. I gave her the necklace and she accepted it." I smiled to myself.

"That's good. Baby steps Tae." Yuri then started to grill meat.

"Hey. Have you seen how much Tyler loved Hayeon and how Hayeon loves Tyler?" I suddenly asked out of the blue.

"They seem to love each other a lot. Why?"

"I don't want to take Hayeon away from him. I don't want to separate them. I feel really bad." I grabbed carrots and started to chop.

"You saw Hayeon. She's turning into an adult soon. Ask her first. They're staying in Korea too. Unless you want Hayeon to stay with you?"

"I don't know what I want. Obviously she's my sister, so I love her so deeply. But Tyler is also her family. I don't want anyone to be affected. Jiwoong won't be able to take care of Hayeon since he's busy working and has Boa, I, on the other hand have to study for university. Tyler is working but he gave Hayeon the most attention anyone could receive. I don't know what I want." I honestly confessed.

"Get Hayeon's decision. Then you can live in peace. Just remember that if she chooses Tyler, it's because she spent her lonely 3 years with him." Yuri started to finish off the meal.

"I will."


We were all sitting on the couches while we ate food. The meal was good, but in my opinion, the vegetables I cut were the best.

Is this the best time to talk about Hayeon? I need to get an answer. Taking someone away is a horrible thing. I hate to do that with Tyler. 

"Hayeon-ah. Tyler." I called out to them.

"Yeah?" They both answered in sync.

"I have a question?" I started to grip onto my chopsticks.

"What is it?" Tyler placed his food on his lap.

"Yeah unnie.  What is it?" Hayeon asked.

"Who do you want to stay with?" I shot a question at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want to stay with Tyler, Jiwoong or me?" I boldly asked.

"Uh... I don't know. I love you all so much." Hayeon clenched her fist.

"I would hate to take you away from Tyler. Jiwoong has a job and Boa. I have to study and I have a Tiffany. Do you want to stay with any of us?" I asked her.

"I love you all so much. You can't understand. When you two fought, it was miserable to watch." Hayeon sadly said.

"I would like to stay with Tyler oppa." Hayeon said.


I will try to make this book 49 chapters. It's 1:31 a.m. and I wanted to update this book.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I love your comments and votes!


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