Chapter Five

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{Chapter Five}

“The greatest advantage of speaking the truth is that you don’t have to remember what you said.” – Anonymous


 My cell phone lite up brightly, making me squint. There were blankets tangled up all around my legs. Where was I?

Oh yeah, my house. Flashes from this morning ran through my mind. Nate tucking me in. Me puking all over Ben. Nate bringing me soup.


 I frowned deeper. My eyes finally adjusted to the sunlight that was coming from the open windows. I picked up my phone and glanced at the text again. It was from Ben. I didn't exactly know how to respond. It was stupid of me to think that he wouldn't care. Of course he cares. Or else he wouldn't be texting me at... holy crap. Six o'clock?!

 I looked at the clock that was hanging across from me. Yep, it wasn't only my phone. It was really six. The time on the text message showed that he sent it over three hours ago. 

 But I replied back to him anyways. 

 Yeah I’m fine. Hbu? Sorry about the uh accident…

 "Who are you texting?"

 I almost dropped my phone from my hands as a deep voice startled me. Nate came into the room with a curious expression on his face. Does he always have to eavesdrop on me?

 "Umm, no one. Is it really six?" I asked.

 Nate looked at me, then my phone, then back to me. "Uh yeah. Why?"

 I shrugged. "Just wondering. I don't know how long I slept."

 He chuckled a little. "You call that sleeping? I thought you were in a coma! You could sleep forever."

 I shot him a look. "Shut up. Why are you here, anyways?"

 I picked the blankets off of me as I waited for Nate's answer. However, all I got back from him was a blank face. "What?" I questioned.

 "Nothing," He said quickly. "I didn't leave. I stayed with you the whole time."

 I couldn't decide if that was creepy in a weird-stalkerish way, or if it was just a sweet way of apologizing. But it was pretty weird of him to have him watch over me. I replied back politely, “Thanks, I guess. But seriously. You can go home now. I'm already fine and awake."

 He shrugged. "I think I might stay."

 "Okay," I said, not surely. I got up and stretched my legs out. "I think I'm gonna go...take a shower. I really need one, anyways."  

 That wasn't I lie. I really did need a shower at that moment. Nate flashed me a smile as said, "I'll make dinner then."

 I raised an eyebrow. "Since when do you cook?"

 He shrugged. "There's a lot that happened in those two years, Scarlet."

 My heart beats ten times faster when he says my name. I nod curtly and head out of the room. As I'm walking, I could've sworn I heard him mutter under his breath something like- "Apparently you changed too."

I rest my forehead against the wall and let out a breath. If someone said a year from now that Nate would come back, kiss me in front of my boyfriend, AND cook me dinner, then I'd say they're crazy. 

 I thought about all this when I was stripping down. There was something about showers that I just loved.

 With the hot, steaming water running down you, it's easy to just relax and put yourself someplace out. This was the place where I could let all my thoughts just run around like little kids. This was a place where I could think about anything, and concentrate a hard and long as I wanted to. You could barley even notice that you're actually cleaning your body when your showering. I mean, who actually thinks about their hygiene when they're in the shower? The shower's mostly a playground for all your thoughts to run free. 

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