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Hunter's POV

I heave myself into my truck. The sun is shining bright, sending a glare through my dark tinted sunglasses. My door shuts behind me. It could not be a more perfect day.

I take a sip of my coffee and grin at myself in the rear view mirror; I could not be in a better mood. The radio starts playing a familiar song.

"I used to sing it
I used to crank it with the windows down.
I used to love it
Oh, but I'm over it and I'm over it now."

My new song brings happy tears to my mind. The most frequent question people ask in interviews is: "What is your yesterday's song?" Well, the answer is simple; my yesterday's song that has been bothering me for a long time is worrying about what other people want from me. Today I am conquering all my yesterday's songs. I am doing what I want today, and I don't care what everyone thinks.

I start up my truck and drive to the studio. When I pull up, people from management I don't even know are ready to talk to me. I can't help but smirk. This is so unlike me, but i need to do this.

"Hunter, we've got a fashion line that wants to speak with you about--" one person starts, but I cut them off. Lately,  they've been trying change my look, and sadly, I haven't stopped them. I just want o be myself and I don't want to think about it. This conversation is way overdue.

"About that; I think it'd be best, for everyone, if I just be myself."

"We were talking, and came to the conclusion that you'd get more recognition of--"

"I don't care. If people are going to recognize me, I want them to recognize the real me. I'm done negotiating," I say, then smile cheekily at everyone, catching the eyes of my band. "Now, how about we make some music?"

Andy, Matt, Justin, and Jarod all smile. Today is going to be a good day.

After a few hours of working, I say goodbye to the guys and set off again, this time to the tailor's. I step into the shop and pick up my suit when I get a call, reminding me that we're shooting the Young Blood video today. I drive my truck there after picking up a coffee.

"So your wardrobe is over there," someone on the set says, pointing off at some other part of the room. I nod, and we start shooting the video.


I slip back into my truck, feeling exhausted, but exhilarated. The first hour of being on set was mostly me arguing that I don't want to pretend to be some jerk with a random girl showing way too much as my girlfriend. The director wanted me to kiss her at least a dozen times, but I refused. I actually stood my ground for once, and it felt great. I know that my girlfriend would understand if I did kiss that girl for the video, but I also know that she wouldn't be too happy about it. Besides, I don't want to kiss random girls. I love my girlfriend, and I don't want to be with anyone but her. 

Fortunately, a lot of people on set agreed with me, and we got to shoot the video in a way that everyone is okay with.

I drive to my girlfriend's house next. I changed into my suit after the video, and I also picked up a beautiful bouquet of flowers. When I arrive, she's sitting on the front porch with two cups of coffee. I grin and jump out of my truck.

"Hey Hunt," she says, kissing me on the cheek. I pull her into a hug and kiss the top of her head.

"Good afternoon, Love," I reply, pulling away and handing her the giant bouquet of flowers. She gasps and takes them into her hands gently after setting the coffee down.

"I love you so much. But what's the occasion?" she asks, after pulling me in for a quick kiss. I smile cheekily and get down on one knee. Again she gasps, bringing her empty hand to her mouth.

"I love you with all my heart. I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time now, but I've finally decided to work up the courage. Y/N, will you marry me?" I ask. She nods frantically, a tear rolling down her face. Beaming, I slip the ring on her finger and bring her in for a passionate kiss. I've been wanting to propose for a while now, but everyone thinks that I should wait for a better time since my new album is coming out.

I don't care. I love my girlfriend with all my heart and I know she loves me, too.

She pulls back, teary-eyed, and smiles at me. I smile back. "What now?" whispers.

"Let's just run away," I whisper back. She leans in close and closes her eyes. When she talks her breath fans over my neck.

"Hunter, you have that interview for the new fashion line tomorrow."

"Not anymore."

"You have an interview on Monday."

"We'll just be gone for the weekend."

She opens her eyes and grins at me. "Okay," she murmurs.

I kiss her again, thinking about all my yesterday's songs that I faced today. My shoulders feel lighter without the extra weight I was carrying.

Worrying about what others think is my yesterday's song, and she is my amen.

So this wasn't really a romantic one or anything until the end, but I liked it.


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