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(Warning, flashback a little violent. If you don't like violence, please skip. I felt like some kind of killer writing it, but idk read the flashback if you want.)


"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" you announce, stepping through the front door and shutting it behind you. Your lips curve into a slight frown when you don't get a reply. You set your backpack down and walk through the house, searching for your parents. 

As you passed the living room, you heard the sound of shattering glass and a scream and stopped dead in your tracks. "Dad?" you whispered, stepping into the room. You grimaced as the strong smell of alchohol washed over you, and you watched with wide eyes as you see your dad standing there, a broken beer bottle in his grasp and a body lying limp on the ground. You didn't your eyes study the body, you feared that image would haunt you forever. 

"Dad...," you squeaked, stepping back on your shaky legs. He'd always been a little violent while sober, and now you understood why your mother never let you see him after a night of drinking. 

"Dad, what did you do?" 

You studied his beady eyes, full of fury. His hands were shaking and he looked completely angry. He stepped forward and brandished the bottle over his head. You cowered back on instinct, backing up every time he took a short, but threatening, step. You felt pure fear bubble inside you as you held your hands in front of your face. 

"Please don't," you pleaded, your voice a mere whisper. He let out a deep chuckle. "You've already seen too much. I can't let you go, you'd tell the police," he sneered, lifting the bottle to your throat and pinning you against the wall behind you. You struggled to breath and choked out, "I won't, I swear." 

"You're right, you won't." 

*end flashback*

You've been selectively mute since that day, too scared to talk to anyone, thinking that someway, somehow, your father would find out. 

You've been out of high school for two years now, but your dad has basically trapped you inside your house, only letting you leave for the occasional grocery shopping trip. 

That's actually what you are doing right now. Your dad had woken up with a major hangover and insisted you go to the drugstore to grab something for his headache. You had refused at first, thinking that the man deserved it, but when he ended up throwing an empty bottle at you, you had to get out and grab something for that, too. 

You're standing in the medicine aisle, torn between running away now while you were alone or being obediant and giving your dad the medicine he needed. You know it sounded messed up, but you still felt like you had to look after him. What you felt definitely wasn't love, but more like responsibility. Like you deserved to live this life.

You sigh and clutch your throbbing arm to your body, luckily the only place that was wounded by the bottle, and turn around to search the other side of the aisle. You hadn't noticed the man standing behind you until you slammed into him while turning around. You started to fall backwards, but his arms shot out and grabbed your forearms, steadying you. You hiss in pain when his fingers hold onto your wound. His hand retracts immediately.

"I'm so sorry!" the man exclaimed, and you looked up to see who it belonged to. In front of you stood a cute guy seemingly your age with dark blondde hair and bright blue eyes. You remembered those eyes, they belonged to an old friend in high school, before you were forced to drop out by your father.

"Oh my gosh, is that you, Y/N?" Hunter Hayes exclaims, an excited smile finding its way onto his face. You force a small smile in return and nod. He laughs, "I haven't seen you since junior year! How've you been?" 

You shrug, and he suddenly looks sad. "Still not talking, are you?"

You shake your head 'no'. He sighs and his lips form a small smile that held so much emotion; sadness, nostalgia, excitement, and confusion. "Where did you go?" he asks, his voice merely a whisper. You shrug, your eyes resting on anything but him. He had a good reason to ask that question, you two were inseperable best friends in high school, but one day you just vanished. He knew that you had a tough life at home, he didn't know exactly what or he would've done something, but he had always been there for you when you needed to talk or cry. And then you stopped talking altogether. Of course that rose some concerns, but then you just stopped going to school and didn't tell anyone. Hunter had stayed in touch, texting you even though you wouldn't reply, calling and leaving messages, even though he knew you wouldn't answer. He had said that kids started rumors that you died or that you were kidnapped. He didn't believe them, though. He couldn't. 

He lets out another sigh and his eyes flicker down to your bloodied arm. Immediately, concern flashes in his eyes. "Woah, what happened?!" 

You shrug again and pull away from him when he reaches out to examine it. He looks up into your eyes with nothing but pure concern. You missed the way he would always help you and care for you, but you couldn't do that to him. Your dad would find out for sure. 

"What. Happened," he demanded, slowly, as if talking to a child. You shake your head at him, not knowing what else you could do, then turn to walk away. "Y/N, wait! You need help. Let me help you," he says, jumping in front of you, his voice gentle. You shake our head again and blink slowly, feeling tears spring up behind your eyes. 

Suddenly, Hunter's hands move and it takes you a few seconds to realize what he was doing. He was using sign language. 

At least sign to me, he signed. You were a little shocked he could still sign, considering he made you learn it so you could communicate without speaking. You feel a single tear trail down your face. 

You still remember how? you sign back. He cracks a small, nostalgic smile before signing, Yeah

You smile and sign, I am fine. Just need a Band-Aid. 

No you are not okay. I am going to help you whether you like it or soup, he signs. You knit your eyebrows together, and he quickly corrects himself. 

Not. Whether you like it or not. Sorry, got mixed up. 

Nevermind about me. How have you been? Music treating you good? you sign. He rolls his eyes at you. Yes but that is not the point. Why are you hurt? Who did this?

Nobody. you sign, sighing. 

Was it your dad again? he asks with his hands. 

You knew about that?

Yeah, I did. the cops didn't believe me when I told them, though. They blew me off. 

You say a silent prayer to God, thanking him for a friend like Hunter, before answering him with, I should probably get going. It was nice to see you.

You turn around to walk away when you feel a hand envelope your wrist and gently tug back. "Wait, Y/N, please let me help you. I haven't been there for you the past couple years, but I promise to be a better friend starting now," he proclaims, staring deep into your eyes. 

You can't, you sign. He shakes his head and holds your hands in his. "I promised. I don't break my promises." 

I'm letting you off the hook, you sign, feeling tears threaten to spill from your eyes. One trickles ever so slowly down your cheek, and Hunter immediately uses his thumb to wipe it away. 

"You're not getting rid of me so easily, Y/N," he chuckles, suddenly surprising you with bringing you into his warm hug. You don't struggle and just melt into his embrace, feeling all the stress of your chaotic life. 


Sorry this kind of just cut off, but if you request a part two for this (or any imagine for that matter!) I'll gladly write it! Please also remember to request an imagine! I'm running out of ideas! 

*grabs random fan by shoulders* *shakes them violently and screams in face* 


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