Imagine for LilReoSpeedwagon

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I would first of all like to say a HUGE thank you to LilReoSpeedwagon for requesting this imagine. Prepare yourselves for feels. Oh, and it may be super long, idk.

Oh, and there's also a trigger warning down there, so please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable! I don't want any of my beautiful readers to get hurt!!!

(Your POV)

"Go long!" I exclaim, popping a piece of popcorn into the air. It arches down and plops into Hunter's agape mouth. We both throw our hands up in triumph.

"Score! What's that, ten in a row now?" Hunter says while holding a hand up for a high-five. I smile and clap his hand.

"Eleven, actually," I correct him, making him chuckle. His blue eyes catch the light, making them seem more bright than they usually are. His mouth is turned up in a mile long grin while he laughs his contagious laugh. I can't help but swoon at my best friend. I've liked him for awhile now, and my feelings for him just keep getting stronger by the day; however, he doesn't feel the same about me. To him, we're just friends.

I open my mouth to say something, but his phone suddenly cuts me off with its blaring ringtone. He sends me a look of apology before slipping his hand into his back pocket to retrieve his phone. He brings it out and holds it up to his ear.

"Hey, Rachel....No, I'm not doing anything right now....Really?! Awesome! Listen, I'll be there in a few....Alright, see you soon! I'm so stoked! Bye!"

He hangs up and springs up from the booth we're sitting in. My heart sinks. Rachel is his girlfriend of two weeks, and ever since they started going out, he's been spending more and more time with her. I get that he'd be spending time with his girlfriend, but she's obsessively possessive. All the free time he has out of the studio, she makes sure she's with him. If that's not bad enough, then add that to the fact that she absolutely hates me. All Hunter's girlfriends have a history of hating me. Frankly, it's exhausting being hated all the time. Even his ex's hate me; they think it's because of me that he broke up with them. But he obviously doesn't like me like that.

Hunter looks at me with an apologetic smile.

"Do you mind if I take a raincheck? Rachel said that they just opened that new guitar shop in town, and she wants us to be the first customers," he explains energetically. I inwardly sigh, but I keep up an unfazed facade.

"Sure, go have fun with your girlfriend. But not too much fun," I tease, trying to sound light.

He nods and hugs me as I stand as well. His gentle arms around my body makes me want to melt right then and there, but instead, I just hug him back.

He suddenly pulls away from me, an excited smile forming on his lips.

"What?" I chuckle. He just smiles wider, as if an idea just popped into his mind.

"Hey, why don't I just take you with us to the guitar shop, too? I mean, you love music as much as I do. Plus, you're my best friend and I can't keep bailing on our plans all the time," he says animatedly, a goofy grin prominent on his face. Butterflies swarm in my stomach. He wants me to come with him and his girlfriend?

Then, a cloud of disappointment dawns on me. He called me his friend. I know that he's dating someone right now, but it still hurts like a slap to the face.

"Are you sure I won't just ruin your date?" I ask, unsure. Hunter laughs and sticks his hands in his pockets, his thumbs sticking out.

"I'm sure. So, is that a yes?"

Hunter Hayes Imagines (Requests Closed Again)Where stories live. Discover now