Faith To Fall Back On

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(in this one, imagine Hunter Hayes as a senior in highschool, okay?


 Maybe okay will be our always. 

sorry for being a dork, just read :)

You suck in a deep breath and step through the doors to your highschool, were jocks and populars dominate the social ladder, and nerds and geeks, such as yourself, stick to the bottom. 

Ah, highschool, there's nothing quite like it. 

You walk down the halls with your head held low and your hoodie up. You're wearing what you always do, skinny jeans, converse, and your favorite royal blue hoodie from your church. On the back it said, "Jesus has your back!" It made you laugh every time you hear it, because it was the cheesiest saying, but you and your church still loved it. You got teased for wearing it, though. Every time you made a mistake, someone would poke you and tell you that Christians aren't supposed to make mistakes, but you knew everyone's a sinner. That wasn't what bothered you, though. You could deal with the snide remarks about your beliefs. 

What you couldn't deal with, though , was the physical bullying. 

You shake your head, clearing the thoughts from your mind, as you walk to your locker. As soon as you twist the knob to your combination and swing it open, someone slams it shut. You roll your eyes and open it again, only to get shut again. 

Ignore him, Y/N, he's just a jerk.

"Hey Y/N, are you going to tell on me now, like the snitch you are?" the bully said, and I looked up to see Steven, captain of the football team. I ignored him and opened my locker again, but he slammed it shut when I reached my hand in. My hand screamed in pain, and I winced and brought my hand out from the locker, with had started to bleed.

Steven shoved me to the ground and kicked my stuff across the hallway. "Stay down," he threatened, so you did, not wanting to get pummeled. 

As soon as he left you alone, the hallways were deserted and the late bell had rung. You groaned and brought your knees up to your chest and hid your face. 

You hear footsteps resonate down the hall, and you wait to hear them disappear, but they stop right in front of you. You look up and catch a glimpse of the most beautiful blue eyes you've ever seen. 

"Um, I was going to ask if you knew where Newman's class was, but now I have a different question," the owner of the blue eyes says, and you realize you're staring. You blush and look down.

He clears his throat and continues, "Are you okay?" You shrug and start picking up your stuff. "Yeah, I'm good. And Newman's class is actually right there," you answer him, pointing across the hall at a closed door. He turns and looks at the door, and you expect him to leave, but he sticks his hand out to you. You take it cautiously and he pulls you up with him. 

"Uh, thanks," you say. He smiles nervously and fidgets with his hands. "No problem. So, um, I'm uh Hunter. Hunter, uh, Hunter Hayes."

 "Y/N," you say, making him chuckle lightly. "That's all I get? No last name?" "Sorry, but I barely know you." "And I plan on fixing that." 

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