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Hey y'all! Hope you're having a very merry Christmas! For this one, you and Hunter are married and you're at your church watching your daughter in the Christmas play. Her name is Holly and she is six.

Read on :)

Hunter and I sit in the middle pew on the right side of the church sanctuary. I've got my camera open and waiting for our little girl's solo in the Christmas play this year. Hunter's got the camcorder switched on and is straining around the tall man sitting in front of us to get a good view of Holly. She's wearing a red and black plaid dress that's all poofy and angel wings for the play. She's the cutest little girl ever; she's got her father's eyes, my nose, and his hair. I think she also inherited his musical abilities because she obviously didn't get that from me.

There are three other little girls playing as angels, and they all look amazing in their costumes. Three little boys are dressed as wisemen and a few others as shepherds. Mary is played by the pastor's daughter and Joseph is my nephew. Everyone is crowded around the baby laying in a manger.

"And thus; Baby Jesus was born! Hooray!" Joseph turns and addresses the audience, making everyone chuckle quietly. Holly and the other angels walk to center stage and start singing Away in a Manger and the congregation joins.

I turn to Hunter with a smile and he turns to me, too, an identical smile on his face. My hand reaches out to hold his, and he gives it a gentle squeeze. We sing while looking each other in the eyes. This is what life is all about: having a beautiful family you're bringing up with Christ. Hunter lifts my hand to his lips after the song ends and kisses my hand. I blush and grin up at him. After being married for over seven years, he still gives me butterflies.

"Thank you Nashville Lutheran Church! God bless you!" Holly shouts, thrusting both fists into the air with a giant grin on her cherubic face. Everyone laughs, including Hunter and I. She probably learned that from going to so many of Hunter's concerts.

Everyone on stage starts to file out as the congregation does the same. Hunter holds my hand and lets me walk in front of him out of the santuary. We stand and wait in the corridor, waiting for our little angel.

"Mommy! Daddy!" I hear her cute voice scream as the pig-tailed girl barrels through the crowd to us.

"Mommy's little angel! You were so good!" I say, picking her up and spinning her around. She giggles and reaches out for Hunter. He grins and gladly takes her into his arms. He tickles her sides quickly before planting a kiss on her forehead.

"You ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa's?" he asks her, which makes her immediately nod her head.

"What's your favorite part of Christmas?" I ask Hunter on the way to his parents' house. His hands on the steering wheel, he removes one to hold my hands.

"Sharing it with my family. What about you?"

"Same. How about you, Holly? What do you like about Christmas?" I ask, turning in my seat to face our beautiful blessing of a daughter. She thinks about it for a second before answering: "Jesus's birthday."

I turn to Hunter with a tear in my eye and a grand smile tugging on my lips. He turns his head to look at me and smiles. Our daughter is being raised right for sure.

Hunter Hayes Imagines (Requests Closed Again)Where stories live. Discover now