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You wake up to the sound of crumbling leaves and the feeling of the crisp autumn air nipping at our face. You sit up and look around, seeing nothing but bare trees and fallen leaves, leaving no spot of grass bare. You look down and see you're wearing a tank top and running shorts, tennis shoes covering your feet. You trail your hands up to meet your hair, which is secured in a ratty ponytail. 

The autumn wind whips across your bare arms and legs, and you shiver and chatter your teeth. You stand and look around, hugging your arms securely around your torso to keep warm. Why am I wearing this outside in the fall? Why did I wake up on the ground in a woods? Where am I? 

...Who am I?

These thoughts haunt your mind as you start walking, thinking that maybe you could find someone to help you if you just keep walking. You finally stumble upon a narrow trail in the woods, so you follow it until it disperses into a park full of children and their parents. 

You wander around, aimlessly, while desperately trying to remember anything. You don't remember your family, where you live, how old you are,  what your name is, or what you were doing in the woods. 

You collapse onto a park bench when you realize you have no hope of getting home, that is, if you have a home. Tears leak from your eyes, and you let them. 

"Excuse me, miss?" you hear a friendly voice pipe up in front of you. You lift your head a little and see a guy with spiked blonde hair and blue eyes standing before you with concern glazing his eyes. He sits cautiously on the bench beside you. "Are you okay?" he asks. You shiver and shrug, letting another tear escape. 

"You must be freezing, here," he says, and you feel something warm and soft drape around your shoulders. You look up and see he's placed his coat on you. You smile a little and snuggle into it. "T-thank y-you," you stutter. Your voice surprises you, considering this is the first time you remember hearing your voice. The guy smiles. "I'm Hunter. And you are?" 

You look down as another tear rolls down your cheek. "I-" you choke out, "I d-don't r-remember." Your voice cracks a little and you feel your lungs burn from trying to hold in your sobs. Hunter shifts beside you, and you turn to see a shocked expression on his face. "Well, what do you remember?" "N-nothing. I can't remember a-anything. W-who I am, what I l-look like, my f-family... Nothing." You let out a single sob and cover your face in your hands. 

"Where you live, perhaps?" he asks, surprisingly calm. You just shake your head 'no' and shiver from the wind. "Why don't you come with me and we'll get this sorted out, yeah?" he proposes in a gentle voice as you feel his hand on your back. You shrug and let him help you to his car. 

A while later you end up at the police station. He looks at you with an encouraging smile before leading you inside. You stand in front of a desk, basically swimming in his huge coat while he talks to the lady in the front. 

Eventually someone comes out to talk to you, and he leads you both to a small room. You both take a seat as the tall, intimidating guy sits across from you behind a desk. "You have no memory at all?" he asks, his deep voice making you a little scared. You stay silent and shake your head 'no'. "You know who she is, ever seen her before?" the deep voiced guy asks Hunter. "No, sir. I found her stumbling out of a woods near the park." 

After a long conversation you didn't pay much attention to, you're being admitted to a hospital to make sure nothing's wrong. You did feel dizzy and your head hurt, and you found several bruises about your body. Your wrist hurt a lot, too, but you hadn't said anything until the doctor asked you. 

You are laying in a hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown, while the doctor takes your blood and checks out your bruises. You even get an x-ray on your wrist. 

"Seems like you've got a concussion, a broken wrist, and a surplus of bumps and bruises. Do you have any idea what happened to you?" he asked, and you merely shook your head. You just couldn't find the point in speaking anymore. "I heard the police are putting your picture on signs and on the local news to see if anyone recognizes you, since you had no ID or cell phone on you," the doctor informs you. You simply nod. The doctor looks at you with a meloncholy expression before getting up. "Oh, and you have a visitor whenever you're ready. They say it's the boy that found you. Would you like me to send him in?" 

You nod 'yes' and your doctor smiles before pulling open the door to the hallway. Within seconds, Hunter appears in the doorway with a giant bouquet of brightly colored flowers. Your eyes widen, and when he sees this he chuckles. "I thought you could use some happiness, and what's happier than a bunch of artificially bright flowers?" 

You crack a smile as he places them in a vase on your bedside table. He then drags a chair from the corner of the room over to your bed before sitting down in it. "So, do you know where you are?" he asks. You shake your head 'no'. "Nashville, Tenessee," he informs you. You smile as a thank you and sit there awkwardly as he watches you. 

"I'm from Louisiana, which is a few states away from here, but I've been living here for a while now," Hunter says randomly, making you smile. You know what he's doing, distracting you from all the stress, by telling you about him. He continues, "Yeah, I'm a musician, actually. I play thirty-something instruments, and I sing and write songs, too. Country songs. Mostly love songs." And he starts telling you all about his life being famous Hunter Hayes, while you sit silently and listen, getting so caught up in his world that you forget about your predicament. 

After a few hours and a lot of stories, someone knocks on your hospital door. Hunter perks up and opens the door to see who's out there. "I'm sorry, isn't this room 118?" a male's voice asks from the hallway. Hunter nods and opens the door a little wider so the guy can see you. "You know her?" Hunter asks the guy, who's eyes pop out of his head when he sees you. He quickly rushes over to your bedside and hugs you tightly. You flinch away from the contact, but immediately relax. Something about this guy made you feel safe. 

"Y/N, I can't believe what happened!" he exclaims, still hugging you. You feel uncomfortable letting this guy touch you without fully knowing who he is, so you try to push him off. He gets the hint after a while and backs up. 

"Sorry, I forgot they said you don't remember anything. I'm Justin, your brother," the guy said. You nod and smile at him before he turns to Hunter. "And you are...?" "Oh, I'm Hunter. I found her earlier in the park," Hunter informs your brother. Justin smiles and hugs him, giving him a clap on the back before he pulls away. "Thanks for finding my lil' sis, bro." "No problem," Hunter replies, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 

Justin turns to you and smiles. "I'm guessing you want to know who you are, huh?" You nod eagerly, earning a chuckle from both boys. "Well, you're name's Y/N, you're nineteen years old, you live in Nashville with your cat named Rocket, you like country music, your favorite color is green, and you're the clumsiest person I know." You laugh at the end of his explanation of you. 

"D-do," you start, fidgeting with the hospital blankets, "Do you know what h-happened to me?" You look up and see Justin's happy smile turn into a frown. "Yeah, I just got done talking with the police about it. You went missing from your apartment during the night, and I found your place completely trashed this morning. Someone kidnapped you and dumped you off in the woods after beatng you up pretty badly, apparently." 

His words sunk in, and you felt anger weave its way into your brain. How could someone take away my memories?


Comment if you want a part two.

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