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(for this imagine, you're both in highschool)

You sit in the back of the class, your big, round glasses perched atop the bridge of your nose, and your hair in a neat bun on the top of your head, not a hair out of place. You wear your favorite band T-shirt and worn jeans with spiked earrings and your converse. Everyone around you thought you had no sense of style, but you loved the clothes you wore and didn't care about anyone's opinion.

"Did you hear we're getting a new kid? I hope he's hot," a girl sitting in the desk in front of you whispers to another girl. They both sigh. "Yeah, it'd be nice to get some good looking people here for a change. I mean, ook who's sitting behind us." Both of the girls turn around and glare at you. You smile at them and wave before getting back to your book. Your nose was always in a book, no matter where you were.

Suddenly a jock bursts through the door into the classroom with his arms spread out wide to grab attention. Everyone in the front rows jumped, and some dropped their things to the ground in surprise.

"Look alive! We've got a newbie!" the jock announces proudly before taking his seat in the middle. The teacher glowers at him until a subtle knock sounds at the door. Your head jerks up at the sound of the squeaky door being opened, and you're surprised to see that the new kid was standing in the doorway.

"Uh... is this... is this AP Chemistry?" he asks the teacher, who nods and gestures to the rows of seats. "Yes, welcome to my classroom. Pick a seat, but choose wisely, because I don't change seating arrangements," your teacher replied. The new kid nodded and walked timidly down the rows of desks. There were no open seats except the one next to you. You don't think much of it and get engaged in your book again while your teacher continues his lecture.

"Um...excuse me?" you hear the voice of the new kid say uncertainly. Your head turns up and you face him. "Yes?"

"I'm Hunter." He looks at you with a blank face, so you hold his gaze.

"Y/N," you reply, not blinking. He nods as a small smile forms on his face, and he mutters something almost unaudible under his breath, but you caught it.

"Maybe this school won't be so bad."


Sorry this one was rushed and bad, but I promise they will get better. Vote! Comment! Fan!

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