Concert Part 2

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A part two was requested for this imagine, so here you go!

"I guess I should've sang invisible tonight, huh?" he chuckles lightly. You shake your head and smile. "No, you did great tonight, Hunter." You hear him chuckle a little bit, but then the chuckling turns into soft singing. You listen really close and catch the lyrics.

"Trust the one who's been where you are wishing all it was

was sticks and stones,

those words cut deep but they don't mean you're all alone.

No, you're not invisible." 

You tear up and feel him hug you tighter. You smile and sniffle, trying to stop the tears while you pull away from his arms. Your hands wipe across your cheeks, drying the tears. "Sorry, I just... that song gets me every time. Thank you." 

He smiles sadly at you and takes a step back. "My pleasure. Sometimes we just need a little reminder we're not invisible, you're not invisible." 

You smile up at him, your face glowing red. "Thank you. I'll never forget this, I hope you know that." You both stand there, a little awkwardly, fleetingly meeting each other's eyes. Finally, Hunter speaks up. 

"You need a ride? I heard your friends ditched you." 

You shake your head and stare at your shoes. "No, I'll hail a cab or something. It was nice to meet you, though."

"Nice to meet you, too," he replies, smiling a cute little smile with a small blush tinting his cheeks while turning to walk away. You smile shyly back before stepping away to hail a cab when a familiar car pulls up. You flinch when the window rolls down and the voice you never want to hear again calls out to you. 

"Hey, Y/N, forget something?" she says, and when you look up you watch as Monica throws your phone out the car window and it shatters against the concrete. You balls your hands into fists and pick up your phone. 

"Oh, and don't be so surprised that Hunter Hayes didn't like you tonight. You could never get anyone to go out with you, let alone a celebrity. He'd never even look your way." 

You feel tears prick the back of your eyes, but you force thm back. You can't cry in front of them orr they'd taunt you about that, too. 

Right when you're about to defend yourself, you hear a male voice speak up behind you.

"Y/N, I need to ask you something before you leave." 

You turn around and see Hunter Hayes emerging from the door that leads into the stadium. You ring your hands together, anticipating what he's going to say. You know I don't like you, right? you imagine him saying. 

"Yeah?" you ask, ignoring your 'friends' behind you, watching from their car. Hunter runs a hand through his hair nervously and rocks back and forth on his heels. "I dunno, we could, I dunno, we could uh... or we could do something else, or we could..." 

You giggle at him and bite your lip nervously. "We could what?" you ask, completely forgetting you have an audience. 

"Okay, get it together, Hunter," he mutters to himself under his breath before looking into your eyes with a newfound determination. "Do you want to go get coffee or something with me?"

"Like a date?" you ask, not believing your ears. He rubs his hand on the back of his neck nervously, nodding. 

 "Yeah...unless you don't want to. I mean, if you don't like me like that. I like you like that, alot, I mean....yeah, like a date." 

You smile and nod. His eyebrows shoot up. "Really?!" he exclaims, his eyes ligthing up. You nod again and your smile grows. "Yes." 

"Wow, thank you. That would've been really awkward if you said no," he chuckles, making you giggle a little bit at his awkwardness. 

"It was really awkward anyways."

"Well I'm pretty awkward." 

"So am I." 

"Does that mean we get to be awkward...together?" 

"Yeah, let's be awkward together." 






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