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Listen to Invisible for this chapter, and please read the author's note at the bottom. Thanks Hayniacs. 


You and your friends are going to a concert. You've never been to one before, but your friends have. The people that invited you to come with them were Stacy, Claire, Monica, and Dawn. Apparently Monica got five VIP tickets to a Hunter Hayes concert, and she chose her best friends to come with her. 

You were ecstatic, not only because it was your first concert, but because you would get to meet Hunter Hayes. His songs have gotten you through tough times at school when you were bullied, and surprisingly, those bullies are now your only friends. They used to call you rude names and would blame things on you. They made you a social outcast and started rumors about you, which made everyone else bully you, too. People would beat you up ad attack you on social media, and right when you thought you have had enough of it, they stopped and apologized. You sensed something was up their sleeves, but you immediately erased that idea when they invited you to the concert.

You had the perfect outfit planned; a cute white laced dress that went down to your knees and yu even planned to straighten your hair. You had two hours until they were supposed to pick you up, so you decided to relax for a while. 

Suddenly, there's a knock at your door. You get up and answer it, only to see your new friends all dolled up and makeup caked on their faces. 

"Aren't you supposed to pick me up in a few hours?" you ask, but Monica just grabs your arm and pulls you outside with them. "Change of plans, we're leaving now," she says, and you could've sworn you saw the other girls try to hide their snickers. 

"Wait, I'm not even dressed yet, give me a minute and I'll be right out!" you say enthusiastically. The girls ignore you and push you inside the car before speeding off. "Ugh, Y/N, why are you wearing that to the concert? You do know that we're actually meeting Hunter Hayes, right?" Stacy sneers, making you shrink back in your seat. 

You look down at your red and black flannel shirt left unbuttoned over top of a black tank top with your necklace with the red HH symbol dangling from it. Your jeans are worn and ripped a little in some spots, and you were just wearing your red converses. Your hair was a bird's nest, considering you hadn't combed yet, and the only make up you were wearing was a little bit of mascara, a hint of natural eyeshadow, and very little blush that had mostly come off during the day. 

"I was going to wear a dress like you guys, I swear," you say, trying to convince them. They all glare at you and give you the cold shoulder, all except Claire. She leaned over and whispered, "Don't bother sitting next to us at the concert or the meet and greet. We can't be seen with a dirtbag like you." 

You feel tears spike at the corners of your eyes, but you blink them away. And I thought they were my friends. Why am I such an idiot?

You finally see the stadium that the concert will be held at, and to your surprise, the girls pull up to the curb and make you get out. "But I thought we were all going to this together?" you say, even though you noe know they were never your friends. The girls all laugh at you and drive towards the parking garage. Your bottom lip quivers as you try not to cry, but a single tear slips out. You hastily wipe it away and start walking to the stadium, your VIP ticket in hand. 

I should just call my sister to come pick me up before I make an even bigger fool of myself.

But I'm supposed to meet Hunter Hayes after the concert.

You're torn between leaving and staying when a certain determination sets in your mind. You decide you won't let them get to you anymore, and with that, you walk into the stadium and get in your seat, which is in the front. 

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