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(This one's in highschool when Hunter's not famous yet) 

Your POV

I walk on shaky legs through the hallway, tugging my sleeves over my hands. I feel the eyes of every person I walk by on me, or namely, on my body. I peer down at myself in disgust. No wonder they're staring, I'm so fat and ugly. 

I try not to let it show that their haunting stares are affecting me so much. I hear snarky remarks being made about me as I pass by my fellow classmates, and I try my hardest to ignore them as I walk into the cafeteria. I step into the line behind a few other people as I ring my hands together. 

"Hey, think you really need to eat lunch today?" one guy asks me, laughing. I close my eyes and hear a few people laugh along, so I step out of the lunch line and walk over to my lunch table without food. 

He's right, I really shouldn't eat lunch today. I'm too fat. 

I see my friends already sitting there, laughing, having a good time. We're the music geeks, the ones that dream of life on the road during class and design stage designs in our free time, of course, when we're not playing our instruments or singing. 

I sit across from my best friend and secret crush, Hunter, and downcast my eyes. 

"Hey, Y/N! Didn't see you this morning. Where were you?" Derek, one of my more outgoing friends ask me. I shrug and keep my eyes down. "I slept in," I lie. The truth is, I skipped first hour P.E and just hid in the locker room. I couldn't change in front of the other girls. They make fun of me, and I looked especially big this morning. 

I look up and notice Hunter studying me with furrowed eyebrows, but he quickly looks away and blushes when he sees I caught him. 

Hunter's POV

Y/N is scaring me. I know for a fact that she gets up at five every morning because she's such a morning person. I'm pretty sure she's never slept in a day in her life. Plus, I saw her in the hallways before school this morning. So why was she lying? 

And she's looking not so good today, like she's sick or something. Her skin is abnormally pale, and her already thin as a twig figure is looking more tiny. She seriously has, like, no fat, and everyone makes fun of her body for it. 

I clear my throat awkwardly and feel a blush creep up on my face as she catches me staring at her. I avert my gaze to my sadnwich in front of me, and I notice the empty table in front of Y/N. My eyebrows knit together. 

"Did you run out of lunch money again?" I ask her. She looks up at me and shakes her head. "N-no. I'm just not hungry." 

"This is C lunch, you've got to be hungry. I mean, look at Hillary; she basically inhaled everyone's lunch," I reply, tryng to sound light-hearted and not as suspicious as I am. Hillary shoots me a playful glare. 

She shrugs again and rubs her hands along her goosebump covered arms and shivers. I eye her suspiciously again. "Are you feeling okay?" 

She snaps her head up to look at me with wide eyes, and I'm pretty sure the rest of our table has begun to notice our bizarre conversation. Y/N nods, then shakes her head. "Yeah, no. Maybe I'll just go to the nurse. See you later?" 

I nod, along with the rest of the table, as she gets up and walks towards the nurse's office. As soon as she's without earshot, I turn to look at everyone. 

"Something's wrong," I say. They all nod. Janet, the quiet one, speaks up, "She's been acting weird lately. Like, she didn't even eat her strawberry icecream at the Ice Cream Shoppe last week." 

I nod, and Derek adds, "Yeah, and she's been acting really... I don't know, distant lately. And she deosn't smile as much as she usually does."

Oh, don't I know it. Her smile could light up the whole town, but she couldn't see it. 

Hillary speaks up, "She didn't even eat the lunch today, and she loves the school's pizza." 

Suddenly I realize what's been going on. The last time I saw her eat was maybe a week ago. I almost spit my food out of my mouth. "When was the last time she ate anything?" I ask hurriedly, earning weird expressions from my friends, but when they come to the same conclusion I have, their eyes all widen. 

"You don't think she would do that, do you?" Hillary asks uncertainly. "She's already a little twig. I can't imagine why she'd do it." 

"Maybe we're just reading too far into this. She could just be having normal girl problems," Janet states, making everyone to nod. Everyone but me. 

I don't say anything as I stand and start off in the direction Y/N  was headed, which wasn't actually the nurse's office. She was probably hiding out in the bathroom. 

I stand outside the girl's bathroom and wait. 

Your POV

After I'm done fixing my running make up, I study myself in the mirror. My tear-stained cheeks and red eyes. I sigh. Maybe no one will notice?

I sigh again and step out the door to the girl's restroom and run right into something. I fall back and brace myself for the fall to the floor, but instead, all I feel is a pair of arms wrapping around my waist and steadying me. 

"Y/N! Sorry, I didn't mean to, I mean, uh, sorry. We, uh, we need to talk," I hear Hunter's voice say, and when I look up I see it's him who caught me. I clear my throat awkardly and brush his hands off of me. 

"Sure. What about?" I hope he can't tell how nervous I am. What does he want to talk about? Does he want to break our friendship? Oh no, please don't let it be that!

"Well, I bought you a lunch," he says, holding up a sub sandwich. I feel my stomach churn when I see it. I haven't eaten in a while, and I'm starving. Food sounds so good right now.

But I can't eat it. I'm much too big already. 

"N-no thanks. I'm not really hungry," I lie, then pull a fake smile. Then my stomach growls annoyingly loud. I look up at him sheepishly to see him with sad eyes. 

"What?" I ask, pretending not to know what he's thinking, but it's written all over his face. He found out my secret. 

"Why?" He ignores my question and asks his own. I shake my head and feel the tears prick the back of my eyes again. 

"I- I don't know what you're talking about," I deny. He balss his hands into fists at his sides before stepping a little closer, staring me dead in the eyes. 

"Is it because you don't think you're pretty? Because you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen, Y/N," he blurts, then he clamps a hand over his mouth. 

Hunter's POV

Why did you say that?! Now she's going to know that you like her! I scold myself in my head. I realize I had closed my eyes, and I open them again to see Y/N with wide eyes. 

She doesn't feel the same way about me. 

I just messed up our friendship.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, what I mean is that you're the most beautiful person I've met, not just on the outside. On the inside, too," I try to recover, but end up making it worse. 

I wince and take a peek at her reaction. 

She's smiling. 

I'm smiling. 

Hey, she hasn't run away yet!

"I really didn't want to tell you like this, but I really like you, Y/N. A lot," I say. She smiles even wider, and my expression matches her's. Ha! I didn't scare her off!

"Really? Even though I-" she starts, but I cut her off with,"Yes." She places her hands on her hips. "You didn't let me finish." 

"I'd feel the same about you no matter what." 


Hey, don't know how this one turned out, but hey! I updated something! That's good enough for me!

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