Imagine for a_breeze_blowing_by

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Shout out to a_breeze_blowing_by for the request!

(Hunter's POV)

We just got done with yet another amazing show. It's midnight in Estero, Florida , but the band and I were still too hyped to go to bed, so we just started walking the streets. Plus, we weren't ready to be cooped up on a bus for the next few days on our ride back home. Tonight was the last show of the You're Not Invisible Tour, and I don't want it to end just yet.

"Ah, this is the life, boys," Justin sighs, stretching his arms out to the sides before connecting them at the base of his head. Matt, Andy, and Steve all nod along with him, but I just stare at the concrete sidewalk in front of us in a daze. I really am living my dream. Not so many people could say the same. What would life be like if I didn't stick with music? Would I have some desk job, or would I be in college, stressing about some big final coming up? Would I have the time to actually have a girlfriend? Settle down?

"Yo, Hunter, you listening?" Andy laughs as a hand is waved in front of my face. I snap out of my trance and look up to see the boys all looking at me with suspicious side glances. I clear my throat awkwardly.

"Uh, what?"

"We were just saying how we were going to head back to the bus. You in?" Matt says, raising his eyebrows. I shrug and shove my hands in my pockets.

"Nah, you guys go ahead."

"Are you sure?" Steve crosses his arms and frowns. I nod.

"Yeah, I need some time to think."

"Whatever you say, dude. See you later." They all bid addeiu before crossing the street towards the parking lot our tour bus is parked. I fall into a rhythmic pattern with my footsteps and breathing, clearing my mind so I can think.

Apparently that's not going to happen, as the sound of heated arguing fills my ears as I pass by a grocery store parking lot. I look up and my eyes catch on two figures over by a car. My eyebrows furrow as I take in how angry the girl looks, with her fists clenched at her sides and her entire body slightly shaking. My eyes shift to the guy and notice his jaw is tensed and his arms are crossed. Even from a few foot distance, I could tell they were infuriated with each other.

"Y/N, just get in the car," the guy demanded with a slur, seemingly extremely annoyed. He also swayed slightly as he stood there. My curiosity was piqued.

"Have you not heard what I've been saying?! You can't drive like this! Just let me drive you home, please," the girl begged, and I noticed a southern accent showed in her rant.

"Come on, we'll be fine. I'll drive slow." The guy smiled a drunken smile, and that's when I realized it literally was a drunken smile. He stumbled a bit over to the driver's side of the car and attempted to unlock it, but ended up missing and dropping the keys. The girl stepped back and shook her head.

"You're insane."

"Y/N," the man whined, walking over to her and crushing her in a hug. She pushed him away with difficulty, and just then I realized I had stopped walking and was watching them like a creep out in the open. I mentally curse at myself and duck behind a nearby parked truck. There, now I can watch them like a creep in hiding.

"I'm driving," the girl demands, holding her hand out. The guy studies her hand for a second before pushing it away.

"I don't need yer help. I'll get home on my own."

"What if you crash? End an innocent person's life because you were too darned stubborn? Huh? What then?"


"No. You have no idea what it's like to get a call at one in the morning from the hospital saying that your parents died by getting hit by a drunk driver," the girl's voice cracked. She sucked in strangled breaths, then she buried her head in her hands and cried. I felt my heart clench for her and my anger grow towards the guy. If he was her boyfriend, shouldn't he know about this?

What a jerk.

"Fine, I won't drive myself. I'm calling a taxi. Find yer own way home," the guy snaps, pulling out his phone and nearly dropping it. He brushes past the girl and leaves her crying against the hood of her car.

My fists at my sides clench as a newfound determination bubbles within me. Before I have time to reconsider my actions, I'm up and walking over to the girl. She must hear my footsteps, as her head whips up when I'm about six feet away. Since it's dark and she can't tell who I am, she probably assumed it was her boyfriend again. She recoils and hugs herself tighter, making herself look smaller.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" I ask gently. At the sound of my voice, her body quits trembling for a split second.

(You're POV)

"Are you okay, ma'am?" he asks gently in a Cajun accent. I'd know that voice anywhere.

But it couldn't be him, could it?

"Ma'am?" his voice comes again, and feel his hand rest on my shoulder comfortingly. I shrink away from his touch on instinct, making him recoil.

"I'm fine," I sniffle, obviously not fine. He seems to notice this and sits beside me on the hood of my car. I hear his intake of breath a few times, like he wants to say something, but whatever it is, he doesn't say it. It's so silent at night and I keep my head lowered, and pretty soon I'm sure he's left.

"What kind of car is this?" that accent speaks up again, startling me. I jump a little and look up and see Yes, it is him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He frowns, making his forehead scrunch up a little.

"It's fine."

"Can I make it up to you?" he suddenly asks, turning towards me with a hopeful expression. Now it's my turn to frown.

"For scaring me? Don't you think that's a little unnecessary?"

"Nope. Besides, you look like you could really use some cheering up." He nudges my elbow with his and raises his eyebrows, waiting for my answer. I bite my lip and try not to smile. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to hang out with Hunter Hayes, so of course I have to say yes.

"What do you have in mind?"

I don't know. If you come up with something for him to make her cheer up, feel free to tell me and I'll add that :)

And here ya go, a_breeze_blowing_by, I hope it was alright...? If not, feel free to tell me and I'll re-write it, but different.

Oh yeah, and sorry for the delay on this request, a_breeze_blowing_by, but we had a snowstorm and my power went out.

Oh! And thanks so much you guys for getting me up to 781(?) reads! Idk, the number's around there. But thank you so much! Stay CRAZY my dudes!

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