Mistakes (part 2)

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Jokers POV.
"The names Harleen." I froze. I had lost her. She walked down the stairs. I snapped out of my trance and ran after her. "DONT BE FUCKING STUPID HARL!" She turned around, I could see she was trying not to cry. "You know you can never go back you're mine now. Remember." She shook her head. "Not anymore."  With that she walked out the door. I pick up the nearest glass on the table and threw it at the door. "I DONT FUCKING NEED YOU ANYWAY!" I screamed as I fight back the tears. A little crowd of men had formed around us as we argued. I tried not to look at anyone. If they saw the tears in my eyes they would think I was weak. "Get back to work." I said weakly and they all scattered. Except nick and frost. I looked up and met nicks eyes. I couldn't fight them anymore. A tear rolled down my cheek. "She'll be back boss. I know it." Frost said as he handed me a glass of whiskey. "Want me to go after her boss?" Nick asked as I sat on the sofa. I shook my head. "Don't you two have work to be doing." They stood there for a moment. "Go!" They both walked away. I put my now empty glass on the table and put my head in my hands. I lay there for hours. Not even crying I just felt so numb. I closed my eyes exhausted.
"Puddin." I sat up as her voice echoed through the house. "Harley?"
"Come find me Mr J." I jumped up off the sofa and ran upstairs. "Getting warmer!" A smile spread across my face. I got to the bedroom. Empty. "I'm here Mr J." Now it sounded like the kitchen." I ran into the kitchen to see a group of men in a circle. I pulled one of them out the way. Cash. "Want us to deal you in boss?" I shook my head and went to leave. "Why the fuck are you playing cards while standing up?" One of them shrugged. "We didn't want to disturb your nap." I opened my mouth to get angry but I didn't have the energy. I left when I heard her voice again. "Come on puddin." One of my men walked past and I grabbed his arm. "Where is she?" He shook his head. "I don't know boss. Honest." I saw her stood behind him. I pushed him out the way and she was gone. Her voice stopped and everything was silent again. I heard a cheer form the kitchen they must of finished their game. I grabbed the bottle and poured another glass.

Harley's POV

-"Red I need you to come get me.
- where are you?
- sat on the curb outside the house."

Tears rolled down my face as I shivered in the cold. She pulled up and I slowly walked over to the car. "What happened this time?" She asked as she looked at me. I'm guessing looking for bruises or cuts. "He cheated on my." She got out the car. "Red? Where are you going?" She didn't answer. She walked up to the front door. "Red! Please." She knocked on the door but no one answered. "Maybe he is asleep..." she shook her head. "He's done it this time harls I'm going kill him!" My throat got tight. "No!" I croaked. "I just wanna get away from here." She sighed and got back in the car. "There is no going back to him this time you hear me." I nodded.

//a few days later//
I started to get happier again. I didn't eat much but red always made sure I had something. She chucked a black dress at me. "Put this on harls." I held it up as a pair of black boots flew my way. "I'm not in the mood." She went into the bathroom. "You're never in the mood and I'm bored ok we are going out." I put on the dress and boots. I put my hair into a high ponytail with two strands at the front either side of my face. I did my makeup and we left. "You didn't change!" I said as we drove toward through town. "Harley I'm going to say this nicely... you looked like shit." I giggled as we pulled up outside a tall building. I could hear the music from here. I didn't look at the name she just dragged me in. "No!" I said in protest as I stood at the door. "Not happening red!" She dragged me out of the doorway. "Come on harls he isn't here tonight... I checked. It's the only club in Gotham we can go to without them calling bat." I sighed as she dragged me over to the bar. "Miss Quinn! Joker has been looking for you! Where have you been?" I shook my head. "It doesn't matter just give me something strong." I turned to red. "If I see him." She butted in. "You won't care. You will show him what he lost." I sighed. "Here you go miss." I turned to see a drink slid across the bar at me. I downed the drink and it burnt my throat slightly. "I'll have another." He nodded and handed me another drink. I was dancing on the stage when I flipped my hair. I froze. I looked over at the door. His vibrant green hair and purple jacket caught my eye. He hadn't seen me yet. I saw Ivy looking at me. "Keep going!" She shouted. He still hadn't noticed. I felt my chest begin to hurt. He turned around. His eyes were empty. His smile was gone. He looked dead. He didn't even look at the dancers like he normally did. His laugh started playing in my head. His angelic laugh. The smell of his deodorant filled my nose. I began to walk towards him. "Harley no!" Ivy shouted pushing through the crowd. I looked over my shoulder to see her stuck behind some people. "Harley!" He looked up at the mention of my name. His eyes went straight to the stage. When he saw I wasn't there his eyes scanned the crowd looking for me. He couldn't see me. He went back to just staring at the table. "puddin!" I shouted. No response. "Mr J!" Still nothing. I pushed past some people and stood behind him. "Mr J."  I said quietly. "Shut up." He muttered to himself. "Leave me alone." I felt my heart break. "Boss..." he looked up at the man who nodded in my direction. "I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone." I realised he didn't realise it was me. "Not even me?" He looked up and the biggest smile spread across his face. "Harley baby!"

Jokers POV
I picked her up and spun her around. "Baby I've missed you so much." I kissed her cheek. "Harley. Please just come home with me. You said yourself no going back to him this time." I felt her squeeze me. "Go home red. I'll see you soon." She stepped towards us. "She said piss off pam." I put Harley down and pushed her behind me. "Don't test me Joker!" She stepped up to me. "Or what?" A vine flew through the window and wrapped around my throat. I laughed. The next thing I knew Harley had pinned her to the floor. "Let him go Red!" She put her hands round her throat and began to squeeze. I was dropped to the floor. "Now get out!" Harley said as she climbed off her. "But Harley.." Ivy gave her one last begging look." Harley shook her head. "Baby girl." I opened my arms and ran to me. "I love you baby I'm so sorry."
"It's ok puddin. I know you love me."

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