Missing. Part 1

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Harley was leaning over her babies crib trying to get Lucy to stop crying.
"Come on Baby drink up." She held the bottle down to Lucy who just pushed it away. Harley had been trying to get her to stop crying for half an hour and she didn't know what to do anymore.
"Please." She began to cry. She was so tired and stressed, she didn't know what to do.
"I know I'm a terrible Mum but I'm trying. Just Please stop crying." Harley was almost pleading with her.
Lucy pushed the bottle away again and Harley threw it across the room. She slid down the crib and cried into her hands.

Joker was sat in his office Lucy's crying was killing him. He heard a bang from upstairs and nearly ran into the nursery. He flung the door open and saw Lucy still in her crib Harley on the floor sobbing.
"Baby?" Harley looked up her eyes red and puffy.
"I'm a bad Mum. She won't drink, she won't eat and she doesn't need changing. What am I doing wrong?" Harley cried. Joker didn't say a word. He walked to the crib and picked up the crying baby.
"She probably wants her Mum." He said laying Lucy in Harley's arms. She calmed instantly and Harley sighed.
"I'm sorry. I'm so stupid." Joker kissed her cheek and walked away.
"No you're not. You're a new Mum." With this he shut the door and went back downstairs. Lucy was 10 months old and Harley still didn't have a clue what she was doing. She was getting better, just really slowly.

Joker sat back at his desk and flicked on his tv. It wasn't long before he fell asleep in the chair.

Harley let Lucy fall asleep in her arms before laying her back down. Harley kissed her on the forehead and went to find Joker. She went into his office to see him asleep in his chair. She smiled, shut the door and walked over to him.
"Puddin." She said softly walking over to him.
"Puddin." She said slightly louder and he began to stir.
"What's up harls?" She slid herself onto his lap  and kissed him.
"Any reason for the sudden show of affection?" He said breaking the kiss. Harley shook her head and kissed him again. Joker grabbed her hips and pulled her into him. Harley wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.
Harley pulled away and lay her head on his shoulder.
"I love you." Harley said closing her eyes. He kissed her forehead.
"I love you too baby." He waited until she was asleep before lifting her off and laying her in the chair. Joker grabbed his jacket and went out the door.

Joker stayed at the club for half an hour max. He returned home in a great mood having just sold 260 guns making over $20000.
"Harley baby! I've got a surprise for you!" He called as he walked through the door. There was no movement through the house. He opened the office door a huge grin on his face. His smile fell when he saw Harley wasn't there and there was mess everywhere. Paper was on the floor, the desk on its side and the chair seemed to be thrown across the room.
"Harley!" He called going upstairs when he saw a hole in the wall. He stopped and saw it was clearly caused by a gun.
"HARLEY!" He screamed running up the stairs. He burst into the nursery to see Harley tied to a chair, gagged and tears streaming down her face. He glanced over at the crib and Lucy was gone. He remover the gag from Harley's mouth.
"Who took her?" He asked untying her. Harley shrugged. As soon as her arms were free she wrapped them around his neck and collapsed into him.
"We'll find her." Harley nodded crying into his neck.
"I'm sorry I couldn't protect her. I tried I did." Joker shook his head and stroked Harley's hair.
"It's my fault baby. I left you here alone." Joker picked Harley up and carried her to their bed. He lay her down.

He walked back into the nursery and threw the crib across the room causing it to break as it hit the wall. He slid down the wall and cried into his hands. He couldn't believe it, this was all his fault. He pulled his phone out his pocket and called frost.
"Get here." That's all Joker said before hanging up the phone. He sat there for a moment before returning to Harley.

He walked in to see Harley on the bed just staring at the wall. She had a pillow clutched to her chest.
"Baby. We will find her. If it's the last thing I do. I will bring her back to you." With this frost appears behind him.
"Find who?" Joker didn't even look at him.

A/N sorry this is such a short chapter but there will be a part two to this!

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