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Harley sat on her bed and began to cry. How could he replace her? He said she was his queen. His everything yet she is so easily replaced. "Maybe you were right Red." After years of fighting Harley finally admitted defeat. She felt Ivy's arm reach around her. "It's ok harls. I'm here for you." Harley couldn't hold in her tears any longer as she lay on Ivy's shoulder and cried. "Why wasn't i enough for him Red? I did everything he asked I turned my world upside down for him, I lost everything for him I gave him my everything Red!"
"I'll get you a drink ok?" Harley nodded before She curled up into a ball on the bed and grabbed his pillow. It was still stained with his scent. To her it was intoxicating. She pulled the pillow close to her. She continued to breath in his smell as she wished for him back. She couldn't get the question out her head.
'Why wasn't she good enough?'
She tried so hard to stop crying but she just couldn't. Through out the day apart from Ivy cat women was the only one to visit. Harley hadn't said a word to anyone apart from brief questions to Ivy.

The joker lay in bed next to a dark haired women with dark eyes looking up at him.
"That was great!" She panted still out of breath. He couldn't stop thinking about Harley. It had been a week since he left. He ached for her touch. Her laugh rung in his ears over and over again.
"Joker." The women pulled him from his thoughts.
"What!" He snapped at her. A look of sadness overcame her face.
"You were saying you missed her again." He looked at her confused.
"You where saying how you much you miss her under your breath again." He sighed. He needed to stop thinking about her.
"I'm sorry baby." He kissed her forehead. He despised himself for leaving her. He tried to tell himself he hated it because he left the house when it should of been her that moved out, but even he couldn't deny it. He missed her. He was angry at himself for leaving her.
"I have an idea." He tried not to get angry. What was it with this women and pulling him from his thoughts. At least Harley would lay with him in silence so he could think.
"What's that?" She kissed his cheek and got dressed and left. He put some trousers on and walked into their living room to see frost on the sofa. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and sat with him. "You ok boss do you need anything?" He laughed.
"Don't suppose you have a spare Harley around anywhere." Frost shook his head. "I'm sorry boss I can go talk to her for you." Joker shook his head. "No!" He took a huge swig of whiskey.
"Heya puddin!" He spun round to see Laura dressed in a red and black harlequin costume similar to one of Harley's. In fact it was Harley's it had the same tear where he pushed her out a window once. He stood up filled with anger.
"Where did you get that!" He demanded to know and she smiled.
"Do I look fucking pleased to you!" Her smile dropped and tears filled her eyes. This was all too real.
"Get out!" She didn't move. "GET OUT!" She turned and ran out the door. Suddenly he had a flashback to one time he kicked her out.
'You're so fucking stupid!'
'Not you again.' Joker thought to himself. The voice had gone when he met Harley. So it made sense that it came back when she was gone.
'Just fuck off!'
'Not gonna happen you fucked up!'
He tried to ignore it and he stormed out the door. He found Laura sat on a park bench in Harley's jester costume.
He knew this scene to well. "Har.... Laura. You look lovely." It wasn't the same as when he said it to Harley. To Harley it was the truth to her it was just another lie. "Come home." She shook her head. "Not until you apologise." He took a deep breath. He had only ever apologised to Harley. He wanted to apologise to Laura. Well he didn't but he was so confused. "Sorry. Now come home." She stood up and held his hand. He saw Ivy and Harley up a head. He felt a pain in his chest and a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Hope you have clothes on under that." She nodded.
"Why?" He ripped the costume off her and nodded towards Harley. He saw Laura's eyes fill with rage.
"Behave!" He said to her sternly.

When Harley saw him she froze. Ivy grabbed her arm and urged her to keep walking but her legs were frozen. She tried to fight back the tears. Ivy said something but Harley couldn't here her. She could only hear his voice. His laugh. She could only picture him. She felt a tear escape down her cheek but she wiped it quickly.
"I can't do it Red. I can't live without him." Ivy sighed.
"Come on you've done amazing this past week." Harley shook her head. Without knowing it her feet began to move. She began to run. Tears streamed down her face. Ivy went to grab her but she was gone.

Joker watched her run in the opposite direction.
'Go after her!'
Joker stood his ground and kept walking.
'Now!' Joker shook his head.
"Are you ok?" Laura asked concerned but he ignored her.
"Everyone tried to warn her joker! Now look what you've done!" Ivy shouted walking towards him.
'What's wrong with you. You love her and she loves you. Go prove it to her.'
He stood in silence.
"Please tell me you're ok?"
"This is all your fault your psychotic clown!"
'Idiot!' It wasn't long before all the voices merged into one.
"SHUT UP!" He screamed as he ran his hands through his hair.
"You'll never be Harley so stop trying! I don't love you I don't love anyone but her! You're so annoying and stupid! If you talk to me once more I'm going to shoot you! Now go home!" She ran away tears in her eyes.
"And as for you Pam you can't see how hard I tried for her she changed me. It was a slow process but she was changing me! No one has done that before. I tried so hard to be what she needed but no one cares about how hard I tried only her. You only see what you choose to see Pam! And you're completely blanking what she has done to me!"
'I told you, you love her.'
"and you can fucking shut up as well I want everyone to go away I just want my Harley!"
"Mr J." He heard a to familiar voice say from behind him. He had been hearing her voice all week.
"Stop! I just want my Harley!" He began to cry begging the voices to let him be.
"I'm right here puddin." He shook his head.
"Stop lying to me!" He screamed.
He felt two dainty arms wrap around his waist from behind him. He would recognise that perfume anywhere. "Harley!" He turned around and scooped her up kissing her.
"Baby I'm sorry I'm so sorry I love you Harley I love you." He planted kisses all over her face.
"I love you to Mr J." He had tears running down his face and so did she. After hugging for a few minutes he pulled her chin up and kissed her.
"I'm so sorry Harley I'm a complete dick." She giggled.
"I can't ever lose you again baby girl I'm so sorry."
Ivy stood behind them both. She turned to walk away a tear escaping her eyes and rolling down her cheek.

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