Sister act part 2

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Harley pulled up outside Emma's house. "Here we are." The joker reached over and kissed Harley passionately. After a few minutes of kissing she pulled away. "Puddin stop stalling." He sighed " I'm not One I haven't seen you in nine months and two... ok." The got out the car and walked towards the front door. The joker grabbed Harley's hand and kissed it before she knocked on the door. Emma opened the door slowly at first she only saw Harley. "Hey what's... she trailed off as she opened the door fully to see the joker stood hands locked with Harley's. "He knows everything and he's fine with it." The joker took a step forward. "I've come to see my daughter... so can I come in." Emma nodded. "I'm sorry I pretended to be Harley Mr J it's just." He interrupted her. "It's fine she explained." He walked in and sat on the sofa. "She's upstairs let me go grab her." Emma ran upstairs and Harley sat with him. "Harley I'm scared. I'm not father material what if I hurt her or scare her?What if she just doesn't like me? What if." Harley jumped in and hugged him. "Puddin you'll be fine." Emma came down stairs holding Lucy in her arms. She handed her over to the joker. "She's gorgeous how old is she?."
"Two weeks today." Harley kissed her forehead. He smiled a smile even Harley hadn't seen before it seemed so soft so gentle. "Isn't she just precious harls. We created this we made this beautiful little girl. She has your eyes just more intense. She has your blonde hair coming through. She has dots of my eye colour mixed into the blue she's perfect. We can't take her home though she will live here. Gotham and our line of work is too dangerous her living arrangements won't change. I'm sorry harls but I can't risk her life." Harley nodded. "We get to visit though right?" Joker nodded of course. We will be staying her for a few days the sofa is fine." Harley giggled. "Excuse me but here you ask you don't demand. It's ok with me just treat me with respect like you did when I was Harley." He growled and handed Lucy to Harley. "You were never Harley and you never will be." He backed her into the wall. "I'm not scared of you joker." He walked back took the baby off Harley and dragged her outside. "Puddin. We can come back later I need some stress relief." She stood on the path. "Puddin... I'm sore." He growled again and kissed her passionately. "Baby can I?" She knew exactly what he meant. "Of course." He got in the car and sped off down the road. While he was gone Harley took Lucy out to different places for an hour or two. The joker returned half an hour after he left and twenty minutes after Harley left. The front door was open slightly. He paused outside grabbed his gun and slowly opened the door. He saw Emma on the sofa naked laying on top of a man with brown hair. He didn't know why but he got filled with rage. They didn't notice he was there and hearing her moan sent him over the edge. He grabbed a vase that was on the side and threw across the room causing it to shatter sending broken bits everywhere. They both looked up and Emma looked for something cover herself with. She grabbed her clothes and held them over herself. She climbed off the mystery man and stood trying to be as covered as possible. The man reached on the floor and grabbed Lucy's blanket to cover him with. When the joker saw this he walked over and picked the guy up by his hair and punched him around the face knocking him to the floor. His nose started to bleed. "You touch her again and I will cut you up into Sony pieces this being the first to go." He shouted as he kicked the man hard in the dick. "Now get out!" He went to grin his clothes. The joker stomped on his hand. "I said now!" The man pulled his hand back and while completely naked ran out the house. When the joker turned around Emma had just put her trousers on.  "What the fuck is wrong with you!" She shouted and he walked over to her and pushed her against the wall kissing her with all his anger and passion. "No one touches you but me got it." She was so confused. "I know I still have blond hair but I'm not Harley." He kissed her neck. "I know." He continued kissing her roughly when his mobile rang. He sighed and took it out his pocket Harley. Then he realised what he was doing he stepped away from Emma and answered his phone.
"Hey baby what's wrong?
-nothing I was just wondering if you were back at Emma's yet as I'm on my way there." He clicked his fingers and pointe to Emma's clothes and the smashed vase.
"How long will you be baby?
-another half an hour yet but Lucy is getting cold so I thought I would come back. I love you puddin.
-I love you to my queen." He put down the phone and started to tidy. "Don't you dare tell her about this ok because I don't care how much I want to tear those clothes off I will still shoot you." She nodded kind of scared but kind of turned on at how dominant he was, how controlling. When Harley got back everything was tidy. "Hey puddin." He smiled and kissed her. "Hey my queen. And my princess." He said leaning down into Lucy's stroller and kissing her on the head. He turned around to walk to the sofa and shot Emma a death glare.

Later that night when Emma was asleep Harley was laying on the joker when he turned to her. "Baby I hate myself for saying this but I feel an incredible amount of just towards your sister and it may even be something more." Harley felt a sick feeling in her stomach. "It's ok puddin... while I'm soar I'm sure you can do what ever you want with her." He kissed her forehead no baby tomorrow we will go home and we will come back in a week or so on baby." She nodded. "Good girl." He stroked her hair and fell asleep. She lay there and cry on his chest. How could her own sister take her from him. When she was sure he was asleep she went upstairs to her sisters bedroom. She grabbed a pillow and held it in the air. She moved slowly towards her sister. The closer she got the angrier she got. She was just about to put the pillow to her face when Lucy began to cry. She dropped the pillow and picked up her baby. The joker ran up the stairs and took Harley and the baby down stairs so as not to wake Emma. Once downstairs he began to sing to the baby. When Harley joined in Lucy began to calm down and slowly stopped crying. The joker lay on the sofa cuddling his girlfriend and his daughter. When Emma came down to get a drink later that night she saw the little family on the sofa. She felt her heart shatter. She went upstairs got dressed packed her bag, got in her car and drove away. In the morning Harley woke up to find a note on the table.

Dear Hartley

I'm sorry I can't get over him nine months I'm hooked. I can't handle it I have to get away. I'll be back one day I just don't know when until then someone is coming round to collect Lucy for me. She will bring her to this house every weekend for you to spend with her. I'm sorry I love you.


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