Jokers birthday (part 2)

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Harley woke up an hour later to see Joker still asleep next to her. She rolled over and cuddled into him. He began to wriggle as Harley's hair tickled his nose. He sat up and sneezed. Harley looked at him slightly shocked because he made her jump.
"You ok Puddin?" He nodded and lay back down. Harley lay on his chest and sighed.
"What's up harls?" She looked up at him.
"Why do you hate your birthday so much?" Joker growled at her slightly.
"I'll tell you another day. Right now you need rest." Harley shook her head and sat stroking his chest soothingly.
"I'm fine now. Honest Puddin." Joker leant up on his arm and gave Harley a stern look.
"Baby I'm not ready to talk about it." Harley smiled softly and kissed him softly. The kiss grew deeper as Harley pushed herself against him. She put her hand on his chest and he held it pulling away from her.
"Harley after what happened earlier today you need time. I love you baby and I want to but I know you don't. Not really." He kissed her softly. "Now get some sleep. Unless you want a drink or anything?" Harley shook her head and lay back down. She watched Joker leave the room. He shut the door and Harley let her head flop on the pillow. She closed her eyes for a moment before the door creaked Open. She looked up to see one of Jokers men sneaking in.
"Can I help you?" Harley said sitting up. The guy looked startled for a second.
"I was wondering if you were ok miss Quinn? Joker said you had a breakdown earlier." Harley laughed slightly and shook her head. The man sensed the anger about her.
"Miss?" He sounded slightly scared.
"So he told everyone?" Harley asked sitting up. The man nodded.
"It's because he was worried. He told us to keep an eye on you." Harley shook her head and stormed out. She stormed down the stairs barging past frost.

Harley fling the office door open and stared at the Joker who was sat at his desk.
"You told all your men I had a breakdown!" Harley said slamming the door behind her. He sighed and stood up.
"Harley... Baby." He walked towards her slowly.
"No! Don't you dare! That was private! I can't believe you! Now they think I'm weak! They think I'm weak and pathetic! Why would yo." Before Harley could rant anymore Joker crashed his lips into hers. Harley refused to kiss back for a moment, but it wasn't long before she melted into him and her arms slithered around his neck.
"Harls. No one thinks you're weak and pathetic. I'm sorry I just wanted them to keep an eye on you and let me know if anything happened. I'm sorry baby. Forgive me?" Harley couldn't help but smirk slightly.
"You'll have to make it up to me." He kissed her passionately before picking her up and sitting her on the desk. Without saying another word he lifted her top over her head and kissed down her neck. Harley let out a small moan as he nibbled her skin. He scratched up her sides causing goosebumps to cover her skin. He smiled and stepped back removing his own top. Harley bit her lip as she looked up and down his torso. All his muscles seemed to glisten slightly. Harley stood up and  pushed him to the floor. He looked at her intrigued as to where this sudden burst of dominance had come from. He smirked as she slid off the rest of her clothes. She lay on top of him kissing him passionately. She slowly kissed down his body making him groan in anticipation. After what felt like a lifetime she undone his trousers and slid them and his boxers off. She placed a few kisses on his thighs before sitting up.
Joker couldn't take it anymore and pushed Harley onto her back. She bit her lip at him before he plunged his lips into hers. While they kissing he plunged himself into Harley causing her to let out a loud moan. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him deeper into her. He began to thrust hard and fast. Their moans got louder as they picked up the pace. Harley's legs began to shake as her orgasm ripped through her. Feeling all the muscles in her tense pushed joker over the edge as he exploded inside her. He flopped on the floor next to her and they were both panting.

"Forgiven?" He asked staring at the ceiling.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm still pissed." Harley said out of breath.
After a few seconds on the floor Harley stood up and started getting dressed.
"Did I least make it up to you?" He said standing up and putting his trousers back on. Harley slid her top over her head and smiled at him.
"One more thing. All you have to do is answer a question and we will be all good." Joker leant against the desk and poured some whiskey.
"What is it then?" He asked taking a sip from the glass.
"Why do you hate your birthday?" Harley saw anger flash in his eyes, but as soon as it appeared it turned to sadness. He sat in the chair and held his arms open for Harley to sit on his lap. Harley walked over and cuddled into him.
"When I was about 7 I was so excited for my birthday. The night before I went to bed early so it would be here quicker. When I woke up the next morning I ran downstairs to see my mum crying on the sofa. I asked her what was wrong and my uncle had died about half an hour before I woke up. My uncle was my only friend in the world. I sat with her and cried. It was then she decided I was ready to know who my dad is. I told her I didn't want to know but she forced me. She picked up the phone and called him. I was terrified. I sat with my mum asking all these questions when the doorbell went. I stood up and watched him walk through the door. He was tall and had dark hair. He grabbed my chin before backhanding me. I grabbed my stinging cheek and went to leave. Before I could get out out the door he grabbed my arm. He hit me and kicked me while my mum just watched. He bruised two of my ribs and broke my ankle. My mum made me tell the hospital I fell down the stairs. Then to top it all off my mum ran away with him, leaving me home alone. It was the worst day of my life. When ever I think of my birthday it takes me back to that day. I hate talking about it. I've tried for over 20 years to forget it but it is like it's burnt into my brain." Harley kissed his cheek softly before getting off his lap.

Without saying a word she went into the living room. Joker rushed after her worrying in case there was a repeat of this morning. He walked in to see her taking all the decorations down. She turned to him and smiled before getting off the chair and walking to him.
"I'm sorry Puddin... I love you." He kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly.
"I love you to."

Sorry this chapter isn't the best it's 4 in the morning and I'm so tired. I'm hoping to come back and edit this at some point but I hope you enjoy it anyway

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