How batman died (part 2)

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Joker was already planning her break out. He sat in his office plans scattered all over his desk. He scrunched up one and threw it at the wall. The door opened slowly.
"Haven't you heard of bloody knocking!" He looked up but no one was there. He stared at the door for a moment when he felt something brush his leg. He pushed his chair back and looked under his desk. He saw Lou lay down under his desk and then Bud crawled in and slept next to him. Joker was in his right mind to kick the bloody animals out but they made him think of Harley. He reached down and ran his hand through Buds fur. He looked down at them both asleep on each other under his desk. He got up and walked out leaving them asleep in his office. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed the whiskey.
"Not again sir. Don't start this again." Frost said as he saw him grab the bottle. Joker completely ignored him and walked out. He took a swig of whiskey and pulled out a draw in the living room. He rummaged in the draw he knew exactly what he was looking for. His men stared at him, he looked crazier than normal. His hair was a mess and he kept muttering to himself but no one could hear what he was saying.
"J are you alright?" He picked up a medium sized wooden hyena ornament and threw it at the man who asked. He ducked. Just.
Joker looked over his shoulder at the growing crowd and letting out a small growl.
"Haven't you lot got work to do!" He snapped and the crowd suddenly dispersed back to their jobs.
He turned and kept going through the draw.

He soon found what he was looking for. He pulled out the picture of him and Harley. The only one he had ever let be taken. He had picked her up and her legs were wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck. She was resting her forehead against his and they were both smiling. Both smiling genuine smiles. Her eyes weren't grey and dull there was a sparkle in them. A sparkle that he hadn't seen in a while. He took another swig of whiskey and carried the photo over to the sofa.
He felt arms wrap around his neck. He reached into his pocket to get his knife.
"Hey puddin I'm home." Her voice normally annoyed or angered him but this time it sounded like music to his ears.
"Baby where have you been?" He stood up and turned to her but she wasn't there. He downed the rest of the bottle and threw it at the wall.
'Stupid bloody whiskey!' He thought  looking at the broken glass on the floor. He looked at the picture in his hand before throwing that against the wall as well.
"You stupid whore! Why did you get fucking caught! I hate you! You're a stupid cow!" He screamed at the picture that now lay on the floor. He felt anger pulsing through him. He grabbed his gun and stormed out the door. He needed to take his anger out somehow and after taking her away bats was going to get it.


The doctor ran his hands up Harley's naked thighs. She thrashed around but she was tied down. She tried not to cry.
"He's gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill you!" She spat at him. He looked at her evilly.
"You maniacs deserve everything you get." She moved and felt a buckle on her ankle getting loose. She wiggled her ankle until it came free. She kicked him in the stomach then the head.
"Get away from me!" She growled. He rubbed his face and walked out the room. A few moments later some guards came in and undid the rest of the buckles and threw an Arkham uniform at her. She put it on then they handcuffed her and lead her out the room. She followed them slowly down the gloomy corridors of Arkham. She looked at the floor. She couldn't believe she was back here. She hated herself but more she hated him. He let her walk out. He let her get caught, and he let her get dragged back there.
She was beginning to believe everyone was right. Maybe he didn't love her after all.

A tear slowly rolled down her cheek as she was tossed back into her regular cell. She lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling. Something looked different but she couldn't figure out what.

After a while of looking at the ceiling she figured it out. It had been painted. She smiled to herself proud of her discovery but then it led her to wonder why. Arkham never painted the cells. Only before an inspection but the walls weren't painted, just the ceiling.

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