High school

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Harleen took her books out her locker when she heard a laughing coming from down the corridor. She closed her locker and felt someone run past her. She turned to see a flash of green disappear round the corner.
"Guess who." Two hands covered her eyes and a smile spread across her face at the sound of his voice.
"Dick don't be a dick." He laughed and let go of her. She turned around and hugged him.
"Thought you weren't in today?" He shrugged.
"I changed my mind I couldn't miss seeing my best friend." Harleen grabbed her books and they started walking towards her first lesson.
"Are you actually going to lesson dick?" She asked as they stopped at her math class.
"Probably not you know me I may go I may not, but probably not. I'll see you at break though." She nodded and went into her class. She was met with an eerie smile.
"Well hello hot stuff." The green haired boy smiled at her.
"And what's your name?" She sighed as she had no choice but to sit next to him.
"You gonna answer me then doll?" She began to get out her books.
"Harleen." She was blunt as she began to copy off the board into her book.
"I bet a gorgeous girl like you has loads of friends. Do they call you Harley?" She shook her head.
"Well I'm gonna call you Harley." She tried to ignore him.
"Call me Joker. Everyone does." He laughed again and it sent shivers down her spine. She thought for a moment. She liked the name Harley. It sounded nicer then Harleen.
"So Joker when did you move here and why? If you don't mind me asking." He laughed.
"This is my sixth school in the past three months but you make me wanna hang on to this one." Harley couldn't help but smile a little. The teacher walked in late as always.
"Sorry I'm late class I was in a meeting... again." She was redoing her hair so everyone knew it was a lie but no one ever said anything.
"So who's the lucky fella miss?" Joker shouted causing her to freeze.
"I don't know what you are talking about." She protested.
He laughed again making everyone feel uncomfortable except Harley. She giggled along with him. She stood at the front and began to teach.
"So what's the deal with you and dick?" Harley looked at him confused.
"How do you know dick? Isn't this your first day?" He rolled eyes and began to swing on his chair.
"Just answer the question Harls." She wrote down a few more notes before turning back to him.
"We are just friends that's all. I don't see him like that he is my best friend." Joker laughed again.
"What's so funny?" The teacher asked pausing the lesson.
"The fact that lover boy has a crush on Harley and she doesn't see it." The teacher just tutted at him.
"Have you never heard of the boy who cracked his head open?" She ask looking at Joker swinging on his chair.
"No but I bet it's a cracking story." Harley began to laugh again and they sat their laughing together.
"Harleen don't encourage him." Harley shook her head still laughing.
"I'm sorry miss it was a funny joke." She didn't look impressed.
"Both of you out now." Harley gathered her things still laughing but trying not to and hurried out. When she got outside she bumped into dick.
"Harleen what are you doing?" She laughed for a couple more seconds before pulling herself together.
She opened her mouth to talk but was interrupted.
"She is having fun you should try it sometime." This caused her to giggle a little more.
"Please call me Harley as well I hate the name Harleen." Joker pulled her into a hug.
"I'll see you around Harls." He said as he walked away.
"Who is that clown?" Dick asked not sounding too impressed, but Harley just smiled.
"Being honest I don't really know."

A few days later.

Harley walked into the library and sat down. She hadn't seen Joker since the maths lesson but he hadn't been in any since. She couldn't help but wonder what happened to him. She hadn't laughed like she laughed with him in ages.
"Hey doll it's been a while." She looked up to see him pulling up a chair.
"Where have you been I've been so bored." He laughed at her slightly.
"I've been around sweet. I wouldn't leave you would I harls?" Harley smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear. She looked up to see Laura. Laura had bullied Harley for a few years now and Harley had no clue why. She instantly looked down as she walked towards her.
"Heya Harleen." She said leaning on the table.
"So you ugly bitch where's the boyfriend or did he finally realise your a complete whore and leave as well. I really do hope he came to his senses. He could do so much better then a pathetic bitch like you." Joker began to laugh and Harley looked up at him tears filling her eyes. He stood up and wrapped his arm around Laura's shoulders.
"Now you listen to me. You leave Harley alone or you're gonna wish you were never born." A smile spread across Harley's face.
"Get off me you freak." He picked her up by her throat.
"Just leave her alone. got it?" She nodded and he dropped her. She was trying not to cry as she practically ran away. Joker pulled Harley into a hug.
"Don't let them get you down doll I'll always keep an eye out for you." She buried her face in his chest.
"It's ok Harley I'm here for you."

A week later.

"I'm sorry Harls I love you but I have to go. I can't stay here. Not now. I'll see you some day baby I promise." With that he kissed her and ran down the ally.
Harley stood their tears streaming down her face. She clutched the Joker card to her chest and cried. She heard the sirens getting closer. She ran after him but it was too late he was gone.

Harley walked back and see Laura's body on the ground in a puddle of blood surrounded by police tape.
"You can't be here miss." An officer said to her. She looked at the body one last time before walking away. The scene played over and over in her head.
He pulled the gun to her head.
"I told you to leave her alone." The fear filled her eyes and laughter filled the air before there was loud bang. She watched her body fall to the floor and Joker grabbed her hand.
"That's the rat problem solved." He laughed and she giggled. He kissed her cheek when they heard sirens. He pulled her down the road.

Harley spent the next years of her life forgetting him. Forgetting everything.
Her memories slowly faded and soon he was just a green blur, but soon enough even the green blur vanished from her memory forever.

I'm sorry I feel like this is a really bad chapter. But I need to update this book so here is an update. The next one will be so much better I promise!!

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