Missing part 3

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Joker took off his shirt and tied it around Harley's bleeding head before laying her in the back of the car. He grabbed his pistol from the front of the car and locked Harley in. He got out his phone and called the bat.
"Just trace the call." That's all he said before hanging up and heading back into the building.
"It's me!" He shouted his voice echoed around him. After a moment or two a man creeped out the shadows holding a baby.
"Ok so I'm going to make this quick." Joker said the man looked at him terrified.
"So who is this little one?" He said walking over and taking the baby from him.
"That would be Jack." Joker looked at the baby for a moment before laying him on a pile of blankets by the wall.
"AND WHEN DID I TELL YOU TO START STEALING BABIES?!" Joker screamed at the man. Jack started crying and the man trembled before him.
"Well we thought." Joker interrupted him by putting his hand on his throat and pushing him against the wall.
"And that's the problem. You think." He tightened his grip around the mans throat.
"I want a list of everyone who's babies you stole and who is most likely to want revenge." The man nodded, Joker dropped him and he ran upstairs.

He returned five minutes later with a file full of names. He handed it to Joker his arm shaking.
"Now I don't want to see you in this city again." With this the man ran out the door. Joker walked out to see batman leaning against the car Harley banging on the window screaming to be let out.
"There you go. This should get you started." Joker said slamming the file into Batman's chest and getting in the car.

"What the fuck!" Harley screamed from the back of the car.
"You didn't need to know what was going on in there. It was a small drug business that got out of hand and started thinking for themselves. If people didn't pay they took babies. I mean that's a ridiculous way of payment, I mean kind of genius, but who pays in babies?" Before he could continue Harley interrupted him. She put her hand on the side of his face and climbed over the seats to be in the front, purposely pushing on the side of his head hurting his neck.
"You knocked me out! Told me our daughter may be dead and for the first time in ages you actually hurt me! What the fuck is going on with you?" Joker sighed and turned to Harley.
"I'm worried. I'm worried about Lucy, I'm worried about you and I'm worried we will never be the same. I mean you've changed me so much. You never would of spoken to me like that and now you do, also if you did I would of beaten the shit out of you! I have hit you but I don't beat you like I used to, and you've taught me that letting someone in is ok. Also I never would of spoken about my feelings like this. I mean what have you done to me Harley?" Harley couldn't help but smile. So many things had changed over the years but the way she felt for him, the way she couldn't help but forgive him no matter what he did. That hadn't changed and she was so glad she stuck through all that. Harley didn't say a word she just grabbed jokers jaw and kissed him passionately.
"In response to earlier, I love you to. Now let's go find our daughter." Harley sat back in her seat and Joker sped off down the road.

Joker took Harley home to get cleaned up. She was sat at the kitchen table frost patching her up. Joker had poured a little bit of whiskey to help her cope with the pain. Her face scrunched up and she winced in pain as Jonny stitched up her head.
"I'm really sorry pumpkin, but if you had been there he never would of listened to me. And I know I could of told you but you can be so stubborn." Harley waved her hand at him telling him to shut up. Her face screwed up again as bud nudged frost and caused him to stab the needle into the middle of the cut.
"Fucking hyenas!" Harley groaned the pain shooting down her neck and back.
"Get them out!" She moaned as Frost tried to pull the needle out. Joker got a piece of meat and threw it in the den shutting them in there. When joker returned to the kitchen Harley was all done and downed the drink he gave her.
"You're a dick." She spat at joker pain still shooting through her. Joker smiled and kissed her cheek.
"Baby. Tell me something I don't know." Harley couldn't help but smile a little and then they heard the doorbell ring.
"Maybe he found Lucy!" Harley said jumping up and running to the door. She saw the caped crusader but no Lucy.
"Come in." She said her voice sad and disappointed.
"I've got some news." He said but he didn't sound very happy about it. Joker grabbed Harley's hand not sure wether it was to support her, or for her to support me.
"I think I know who took her." Harley's heart was in her throat. Who was he on about, a person who murders babies. Was Lucy dead. Was joker right when he said they don't have a daughter anymore.
"What do you mean?" Harley's heart began to race again. Joker saw the colour fall from Harley's cheeks, he could see how rapid her breathing was.
"Baby calm down before you black out again." Harley put her hand to her chest and clutched it. "Harley!" Joker said grabbing her but batman was on it. He ran out to his car and brought back a bag of things.
"Lay her on the sofa and then leave. I'll take care of her." Joke did as instructed although he hated leaving Harley like this.

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