Grave Stone Memories

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Harley felt the cold wind piercing her skin. She has her hands in her pockets just staring at the flowers. She was the only one who ever visited his grave. She looked at the red and black roses she had just lay next to the headstone.
"I'm still here. It's been a year a year today. No ones forgotten you. I haven't let them." She felt a tear roll down her cheek.
"Not here again Harls. You spend all your time at his fucking grave." She heard someone call to her. Harley sighed.
"I love you puddin." She whispered before turning around.
"It's been a year Red. A year today." Ivy walked up to Harley and put her arm around her shoulder.
"I didn't realise it was a year ago the bastard died. Feels like the other day." Harley wrapped her arms around Ivy's waist and cried.
"I miss him Red I know no one else does but I do. I miss him so much."
Ivy stroked her hair.
"I know you do Harls." They stood there for a moment Ivy looked at his grave. She was sad that he died and she did cry. She just didn't let anyone see her. Although she was so happy he couldn't hurt Harley anymore.
"Come on harls lets go home." Ivy kissed her forehead and released Harley from her embrace. Harley had stopped crying now. She walked up to the headstone and closed her eyes, replaying a happy memory in her head causing her to smile. She always did this when she left. She always wanted to let him see her smile. He always said he liked her smile. She walked back over to Ivy slowly.
"Well at least he took the bat with him." Ivy said trying to be positive. Harley just shrugged shoved her hands in her pockets and kicked a stone. She still didn't look her normal self she hadn't looked her self since he died. Her skin was grey and bland, her hair was a dull yellow and the usual bright ends faded and dull. She had dark bags under her eyes and her eyes themselves looked empty and dead. She was an empty shell. Like the leftover shell a snake leaves when it sheds it skin. They walked back to Ivy's car slowly. Ivy having to stop occasionally to wait for Harley.
"Come on harls I'm going to make us dinner." Ivy called but Harley just shrugged.
"I'm not hungry." Ivy sighed and got in the car. Harley barely ate anymore. She was so thin.

When they got home Harley went straight upstairs to her bedroom. Where she spent all her time. She sat on her bed and grabbed the only photo of them he had ever let be taken. Harley was on his back her arms wrapped around his neck. He was kissing her cheek and they both looked so happy. He didn't like pictures but he let this one be taken to keep on his desk. He also had multiple photos of Harley but this was the only one with the two of them. Harley ran her finger over the picture remembering everything about him. The softness of his hair and his skin, how when they kissed he would always pull her her waist into him. How when in bed when he thought she was asleep he would kiss her softly and tell her he loved her.
She then began to think about all the times people asked why she stayed with him and couldn't help but smile. Sure he abused her but she saw a side of him no one saw.

Harley knocked on his office door.
"Puddin I was told you wanted to see me?" There was no reply so she creaked the door open. She peered in but he wasn't in his chair. She opened the door wider and stepped in. It was only then she noticed him in the corner.
He was curled up head in his hands crying.
"Puddin." She said tentatively knowing if he was angry she would take the blow. He looked up slowly and opened his arm to her. She walked over and sat next to him. He put his arm wound Harley's shoulders.
"I'm sorry I'm not good enough baby." She looked up at him and shook her head.
"Don't be stupid." He kissed her forehead and stood up. And walked to his desk. He was still crying and Harley didn't know why. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck from behind.
"Come here baby." He said pulling her round to his lap. Harley placed herself on his lap.
"Puddin." He looked at her.
"What's wrong?" He smiled faintly at her.
"Nothing for you to worry about baby girl. I just need you to hug me." Harley wrapped her arms around his neck and his around her waist. She felt his strong arms pull her in close. He buried his face into her neck and began to cry again. Harley stroked his hair.
"I love you baby." Harley kissed his forehead.
"I love you to puddin."

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