The kidnapping

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Harley ran down the alley and jumped over the wall. She ran and got into the car. "Harley did you get it?" The joker asked as he began speeding down the road. Harley didn't say anything. "Harley?" Still nothing. He slammed on the breaks. "Harley!" She shook her head. "I'm sorry puddin I must of dropped it." He moved his head like a snake about to strike. He let out a low growl. "Get out." She looked out the car window. "But we are in the middle of no where, and it's the middle of the night." He reached over her and opened her door. "I'll see you later." She got out and he sped off down the road. She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out the memory stick. She hadn't dropped it. She began to run after the car but he was to fast. She started to get light headed. Everything started to go fuzzy. Black seeping in the outside of her vision. She gripped the memory stick tightly as she felt herself fall to the floor.
The joker slammed the front door and poured himself a whiskey. "Where's." The joker held out his finger to the mans lips. "Don't." The man nodded his head and poured the Joker another whiskey and left. He looked at the clock. It was 10 at night and he had left Harley in the middle of no where. He had five more drinks before getting in his car and searching for her. He was searching for an hour she was no where to be seen. He saw something reflect the light from his headlights in the grass. He pulled over to take a look. He searched in the grass until he came across the memory stick. She hadn't lost it. He kept driving slowly along that road hoping he would find her walking. He came to a patch of flattened out grass. In the flattened out grass was the ring he had brought her. She never took it off. Never. He got in that car and tore down the road. He was going over 100mph. As he sped down the streets dodging cars he noticed a black car following him. After a few more glances he realised it was batman. He swerved cars and drifted round corners trying to lose him. Suddenly one of his tires popped. He skidded into the side of the road. He slammed his fists against the steering wheel. He stepped out the car and saw the bat walking towards him. "I would love to stay and chat bats but I've lost my Harley. And I hope you can understand why I did what I'm about to do." With that he pulled out his cork gun and fired it . Before batman had time to react it had knocked him out and he was on the floor. The joker went to walk away but looked back. He could catch the bat. He could kill the bat. He tore himself away. He walked over to a parked BMW and smashed the window. He got in removed the front panel and started the car. When he got in the door he sent one of his men to round the others up in the meeting room immediately. He got a few weapons together and went to the meeting room where all his men had gathered. "Harley gone missing. Everyone is to look for her apart from three men on guard duty. Why are you still here I want every corner torn apart looking for her." With that the men dispersed and the joker walked into the hyena den. "I know we don't see eye to eye but I'm just going to put these leads on and your going to lead me to Harley." They hyenas growled but seemed to understand. He opened the front door. He put them in the car and took them to where he found her ring. They sniffed the grass and pulled him along the side of the road.

Harley began to wake up. She was tied to a chair in wear house. A tall man in a suit stood in front of her. "Hey handsome." He grabbed her chin hard. "You know you couldn't handle this sweet." Harley burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" She continued to laugh. "ANSWER ME!" She slowly stopped laughing. "It's funny how one you think I'm scared of you and two he'll come for me." The man kissed her passionately. He quickly pulled away when she kissed back. He wiped his lips. "Your insane." She smiled. "I learnt from the best." He shook his head. "Now Harley. Where is it?" She shrugged "I don't know what your on about." He put a knife to her throats causing her to giggle. "The memory stick Harley. Where is the memory stick?" She stopped laughing and went silent. "BABIES! COME TO MUMMY!" With that bud and Lou burst through the window and the joker walked through the door. They hyenas walked up to the man. They growled and backed him into the wall keeping him there. Out of no where about 50 men with guns appeared pointing them at Harley and Joker. Two men had their guns pointed at the hyenas. "Call them off Harley." The two men loaded there guns. "Bud. Lou. Leave him alone." They sulked back to Harley's side still growling at the men around her. Suddenly the sound of open fire filled the place as men's bodies dropped to the ground. The hyenas went back to the main man and ripped him apart. The Joker untied her. "Come on baby lets go home." The joker said as he pulled her into a tight embrace.

Sorry this is such a bad chapter and I haven't updated this story in a while I haven't had many ideas for shorts if you have any please comment I would love to write based on your ideas!

Harley and joker shortsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora