How the Joker lost his smile

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Harley wandered around the house waiting for him to come home. He had only been gone for an hour two at the most but she missed him. She hated being left alone especially when he took almost everyone with him but her. She had no one to talk to. She slumped on to the sofa and turned on the tv. There was a live video of her puddin robbing a bank. She heard someone open the door. She heard them shut it quietly so she knew they weren't meant to be here. She got off the sofa and slowly walked towards the kitchen when she heard a bang from the Jokers office. She ran to his office to see a man with black fabric covering his face rummaging through his drawers.
"What are you doing? Mr J won't be pleased when he finds out you were snooping." He froze and pulled out a gun.
"Don't step any closer!" She flipped forward and kicked the gun out of his hand.
"Or what?" He punched her face causing her lip to bleed. She wiped the blood and kicked his legs out from beneath him.
"I'm just here to collect the money he owes for your protection." Harley froze. He paid people to protect her. She knew he loved her she knew it and this proved it. She suddenly felt a pain in her stomach that snatched her from her thoughts. She clutched her stomach and felt the warmth of her blood running down her and onto her hands. The intruder pushed past her knocking her to the floor. She watched him run out the door. She shuffled so her back was against the wall. Tears streamed down her face and she thought about the Joker. She thought about his laugh his face and all their memories. She thought about him beating her. She thought about how maybe everyone was right and maybe he didn't love her. It was then she noticed a picture of them both on his desk in a lovely frame. He had his arms around her and she him. A small weak smile spread across her face. She pictured all their happy memories together. She pictured them cuddling together. She felt every kiss he ever planted on her skin. She felt his arms around her keeping her safe. She could hear his heartbeat like she was laying in his chest again. His laugh echoed in her ears. His voice saying how he loved her mixed with his laughs. For a moment she forgot about the pain in her stomach she forgot about the blood seeping out of her body. She heard a gun shot from the living room.
"HARLEY!" She gathered all her strength.
"Puddin." It came out at barely a whisper. He burst into the room and wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her into his lap and tried not to cry. She had lost a lot of blood he didn't know wether to take her to hospital where she would probably die anyway or let her die in his arms.
He knew he had no choice but to make her as comfortable as he could in her last moments. He didn't bother asking her what happened in her last moments. He just wanted her to be happy he had to see her smile one last time.
"I love you Harley." He kissed her forehead softly. "Ignore what they say Harley I do love you." He saw pure happiness in her eyes. She stopped crying even though she was in a world of pain. Her breathing began to slow so he just held her tighter. He stroked her hair to keep her calm.
"Harley do you remember when..." He went through all these memories with her. She smiled and occasionally let out a small laugh. She took in a deep breath.
"I love you puddin."
"I love you to Harls." He kissed her softly and felt her kiss back but only for a second before he felt her get heavy. He felt the life drain from her body. He normally loved this feeling but he couldn't handle this. He finally let his tears fall.

This is how the joker lost his smile.

Sorry this chapter is short but I can always do a part two if you guys want.

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