The first night part 1

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Harley's POV
As I stepped out the car and followed him up the stairs. I looked up to see glowing letters. "Ace chemicals". This is where the joker became the joker. "What are we doing here Mr J?" He purred and turned to look at me. He was a couple of steps above me but he stepped down and held my chin in his hand. "You wanna be with me don't ya doll?" I nodded and he smiled at me. Then just carried on walking. I sighed and followed him. What did he have planned for me? As we reached the top he pressed a button and the floor started to open up to reveal six vats of chemicals far below us. I looked over the edge down onto the steaming pile of acid. I felt his hand on my shoulder as he spun me around and leant me out over the chemicals as he kissed me. I put my hand on the back of his head and he pulled me upright and pushed me away. I looked at him confused. "Baby can I ask you something?" I nodded and stepped towards him. "Anything."
"Would you die for me?" Before I had chance to answer he changed his question. "No no wait that's to easy. Would you live for me?" I nodded slowly. "Yes." He put his hands on my jaw and rolled his head purring. "Don't say this oath thoughtlessly." He sped up his talking it made him sound even crazier. "Desire becomes surrender and surrender becomes power. Now baby do you want this? Do you want me?" I walked backwards slowly until I felt my heels over the edge of the floor. I looked over my shoulder raised my arms and fell. I could feel the air against my skin as I fell I felt my hair hitting my neck and my arms. I suddenly felt really cold then a burning all over as I hit the acid. I could feel my clothes burning off my skin. I could feel myself sinking. I was in so much pain. He wasn't coming for me. I let myself go.

Jokers pov
She wasn't coming back up. I walked away but something in me pulled me back to her. I growled and took of my jacket as I ran and jumped in after her. I swam down and wrapped my arms around har waist and dragged her to the top. I pressed my lips against hers passionately. I thought she had gone until she put her hand around me and kissed me back. I was so happy I put my head back and laughed. I then picked her up and carried her out of the chemicals. As we got outside I grabbed my pistol and shot a man through his eye and got into his car. I'm not ruining mine.

Harley's POV
He pulled up outside this small house on the outskirts of Gotham. You could see a mansion off in the distance. He got out and opened my door for me. I stepped out kind of disappointed I expected something more.... just more. He took my hand looked around before entering the house. It was decorated like an old lady lived there. "Puddin this is... nice." He didn't say a word he just lead me into the basement. "Where are we going?" He looked at me and smiled. He pressed a brick in the wall and a painted panel moved to the side revealing a candle lit passage. He looked at me and chuckled. "I know it's very stereotypical secret passage. But it works." He held my hand and ran down this passage. Before I knew it we had reached the end and two massive doors with a massive gold J in the center stood in front of us. "Baby as soon as we enter this home you are mine and I am yours. This confirms that you agree to devote yourself to me and only me. Do you Harley agree to be my queen?" I opened the door and was taken back by the beauty. There were about seven men running around doing different jobs. There was a massive fire place with red fabric sofas around it. The floor was made of marble and the walls looked like they were coated in crystals. "Harley baby you need to take a shower." I felt joker take my hand and pulled me upstairs. He took me up to the third floor and lead me to the second to end door of the corridor. "There is a shower in there baby I will bring you some clothes for when you get out." I opened the door and it was the most beautiful bathroom I had ever seen. I turned on the shower and the mirror started to steam up. I got undressed well what was left of my clothes and stepped in. The warm water felt so relaxing on my skin. The steam seamed to clear my head and I could think straight. "Heeeeey!" I looked around no one was there. "Hello!" I shouted hoping someone was outside the door. "No one is there Harley it's just you and me. And some others who live up here." I was so scared. "Where is up here?" I heard several laughs then a voice that sounded kind of like Mr J came through. "You stupid women we are in your head your loony crazy and Mr J won't be with you for long." I ran my hands through my hair and sat in my shower. What if the voice is right. "He doesn't really have any interest in you he is probably just gonna use you then throw you away your a dumb blonde slut he doesn't have any feelings towards you. How could he how could anyone." I began to cry. "Is everything ok Harley?" I wasn't sure wether it was real if not so I just rocked. "Harley?" I began to sob I was so confused. He opened the door turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my shoulders as he held me. His touch calmed me down. I slowly stopped crying but then all of a sudden about ten different voices started shouting. I couldn't hear what they were saying it was just so loud. I screamed for them to shut up but even at the top of my lungs I could bare key hear my own voice. I looked up at the Joker through my tears. I could see his mouth moving but I couldn't hear a word he was saying. I kept screaming and he held me tighter. After what felt like a lifetime the voices suddenly went completely silent. "It's okay Harley Jokey's got you baby I'm here." I calmed and hurried myself into him his chest wet a mixture of water from my hair and my tears. After I stopped crying I was exhausted I was basically falling asleep in the bathroom on him. He picked me up and carried me into a bedroom with a huge four poster gold bed with purple silk sheets. He put me into a red strap top and black shorts. He lay me down in his bed and stroked my hair. Just before I fell asleep a man came in. Joker went to send him away but it must of been important so he went outside.

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