Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hey everyone! 7K reads!!!! I've never had this many reads so like always, thank you(: enjoy this chapter, it's a little longer than usual. If anyone is interested in making a new cover for this book please don't be afraid to do so and send it my way! I'm in the process of trying to make a new one as well. Please COMMENT what you think! Much love.


My eyes fluttered open and I felt something heavy on my hip, causing me slight discomfort. I looked down to see Draco's long, slender arm draped over me. My eyes trailed to his face and I couldn't help but stifle a laugh. His mouth was parted, hair disheveled and I wished I had my camera to take a photo of him. I leant over the side of the bed, careful not to wake him, and grabbed my wand.
"Accio polaroid." I said in a hushed whisper, awaiting the arrival of my beloved camera. Once in my hands, I gently turned to get a good angle of him and snapped the picture, causing him to jump after the familiar click. His eyes opened slightly and I noticed they were a bit red, and he closed them again.
"Enjoying yourself, are you?" He grumbled with a raspy voice. I bit my lip and kissed his cheek, to which he smiled. Draco sat up and I scoot closer, smoothing out his soft blonde hair.
"I don't want to leave." I sighed, looking at the ceiling. He pulled me closer to him by my hip, and nuzzled his face in my neck, making goosebumps appear on my skin. I felt him smile against my skin and he started leaving kisses on my neck, making me squirm a little.
"Won't you stay with me all day?" His breath tickled my neck and I knew I wanted to stay here all day but I couldn't, not without suspicion.
"Our friends will get suspicious. Besides, we've got that paper due for muggle studies." Draco groaned and slung his leg over me.
"Leave me be. That class is stupid." I rolled my eyes, pushed his leg off me and stood up.
"Why is it that you hate me so much, Dee?"
"Don't be ridiculous. We have to go." I put my hands on my hips looking at him buried under the sheets. Draco sighed and got up and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. His chest was exposed, and I realized his toned build, making my breath catch in my throat. Draco wasn't wearing anything but his boxers and considering the conversation we'd had last night, this wasn't helping. More than anything, I wanted to touch him and run my hands over every curve and muscle on his body. Control yourself. He saw me staring at him and his signature smirk formed on his lips.
"I-I.. When did you take off your..."
"Clothes? You were asleep and I got hot."
"O-Oh." A moment of silence fell and I forced myself to look away from him before I let my emotions get the best of me. Draco walked over to me and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears.
"You really can't stay another hour?" He took my hands in his and placed them on his chest. I know what you're doing, Draco. But I didn't exactly want him to let me go either. Part of me wanted him to make me stay. Christ, pull it together.
"I have to go." I let out in almost a whisper. He cupped my face and gave me an eager kiss on the mouth, making me more uneasy. Draco let me go and walked away, putting on his shirt.
"See you later, Dee." I stood there unable to muster up a response and instead made a beeline for the door. My cheeks burned from embarrassment and when I got back to the dormitory, Ginny was sitting on her bed.

"Back already?" She asked, putting down her notebook.
"Oh shut up." I grabbed some clothes from the closet and held a shirt in front of me to see if I liked how it looked. Curiously enough, my eyes were still the usual honey amber color when I was around Draco but had a deep green around the edges. Ugh. I shook my head and went to get ready.
I sat there staring at the paper for 45 minutes, not knowing what to write down. This paper was barbaric.

Write an essay in which you discuss the proper ways to dispose of muggle folk when they come into contact with magical elements from our world. Make sure to include excerpts from the Ministry of Magic's guidelines and explain why the methods are as such.

This school was going to hell. I don't know what this class has to do with getting a proper education but I'm sure all the other Slytherins would enjoy this assignment. Pansy would probably find a way to talk about me in her paper since that's all she did. Every time I would pass by her, she would whisper viciously with her stupid friends but I tried my best to pay her no mind. After all, Draco had chosen me. I bit the end of my pencil I had been using to do some concrete research and it was all rubbish. The Ministry of Magic had been infiltrated, it was clear to everyone with brain cells.
"Psst." I looked around to see who had made the noise and finally saw a familiar set of grey eyes. I widened my eyes at him as he beckoned me over. I looked around and saw no one was really in this section of the library so I walked over to him cautiously. I walked past him a few feet and pretended to be looking for a book.
"What are you playing at, Draco?" I asked softly.
"I missed you. You looked like you were somewhere else entirely though. You alright?"
"Not exactly. This paper is garbage. It's bloody offensive to say the least." I turned the page in the book I'd pulled out. Draco brushed past me, his hand gliding softly across my waist as he grabbed a book closer to me.
"You've got to give her what she wants."
"Easy for you to say. You actually believe that shit she's spewing." I grumbled and he slammed the book he had in his hands closed. Turning to me and placing both hands on the edge of the bookcase, I knew he was mad.
"Is that what you think? Delia, I'm dating you and you're not exactly a pure-blood." I placed my hands on my hips defensively.
"Just because you're with me does not mean your years of prejudice are gone. You should know better."
"I'd like to think you've made me a better person. And, you have." He placed his hand on mine when another student came down the aisle. His eyes flickered to the other person coming behind me and looked at me with disgust.
"Give me that book, mudblood." I scoffed and threw the book at him, earning a scared look from the third-year who had entered our aisle. He quickly grabbed a book and retreated, Draco pressing me against the bookshelf. I inhaled sharply as his lips crashed down on mine, his hands on either side of me, allowing no chance to escape. I bit his bottom lip and his hand moved to grip my hair, pulling me closer. Draco's lips left mine and he looked around before locking eyes with me again as if to ask if I wanted continue. I smiled and spun him around so his back was against the bookshelf, hungrily kissing him again. His hand slipped under my shirt and his fingers gripped the skin of my hip and at that moment I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. I felt myself smile against his lips as my hand found the edge of his pants, making him stiffen. My fingers looped around the waistline and I felt his boxers. I gave him one last deep kiss before pulling away.

I walked over to the book I'd left open and put it back, smiling to myself. I felt him come behind me and he pulled my hair back, tucking it behind my ear. Putting his lips to my ear, goosebumps rose on my skin.
"Well played, Dee. But it's on." He challenged cockily, making me turn towards him. I opened my mouth to respond wittily but I heard someone coming round the corner.
"Delia? Are you-" Ginny looked between us puzzled. We took a few steps away from each other and Draco glared at me.
"That's how you write a paper about filth like you. Need any more pointers on why people like your father are a waste of space, let me know, mudblood." Draco stalked off and I shrugged my shoulders, hoping Draco's performance was convincing enough.
"He's such a bastard. Let's go to dinner, I'm starved." I nodded and we headed out of the library, and to my surprise and dismay, Pansy stood arms crossed in the aisle behind where Draco and I had been. She mouthed something at me, smirking knowingly and I looked away. My heart was racing in my chest and as much as I tried to shake it off during dinner, I couldn't.

A week later, Harry sent me an unsigned letter with the same enchantment I'd used.

I dunno how you learned to do that spell but it's pretty useful. Hermione helped me with it. It's getting colder, winter is definitely coming fast. Is Ginny alright? Ron told me she'd gotten in trouble. About Ron... well, he's left us. It's just me and Hermione. We had a big fight and he's gone. I don't know where he is or if he'll come back but please don't tell Ginny yet. Promise me. I hope he'll come to his senses soon and return somehow. Please take care of yourself and keep in touch. We're family.

I closed the letter and shoved it into my pocket. I couldn't believe Ron had left and if Ginny knew, she'd be worried sick. I made up my mind to send a letter to Ron tomorrow and hopefully help him. I sighed as i thought of the things going on- Ron's departure, the Order's dwindling numbers, Ginny, and Draco. I couldn't help but remember what Pansy had mouthed to me the other day. It scared me to remember it because it was so cryptic and frightening.

They know.

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