Chapter Thirty-Two

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Hello everyone! Like always thank you for keeping up with this story. I so apreciate all of your comments, it's like coke to me I swear. I get so excited when I see "___ commented on your story" like you have no idea. I have so much in store for all of you and I hope you're as excited as I am! This chapter is more about Delia's background and some cute shit between the two lovebirds. Enjoy and please comment!!!!







"You're dead."  I opened my mouth to stun her and she did the same, both of us unwilling to stand down. I knew I couldn't let her get the jump on me so I had to act quickly.

"Stupefy!" I shouted, sending the spell straight at her. She deflected it easier than I'd anticipated, causing more frustration to rise in me.

"Petrificus totalus!" I dodged the spell, never lowering my wand.

"Everte Statum!" Pansy flew back, her body coming into contact with the stall door behind her. The door broke off its hinges and upon closer examination, Pansy had landed ass first in the toilet water. She screeched as the water spilled out onto the floor and her clothes, glaring at me as she got up.


"Incarcerous!" Ropes wrapped around Pansy, rendering her unable to move in the slightest. She cried out in frustration even as the ropes tightened around her. I took a few steps towards her, still keeping my wand out.

"You were going to use the Cruciatus curse on me, Pansy?" I was surprised but didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing she'd caught me off guard.

"I hate you, you fucking mudblood!" Pansy shrieked. I rolled my eyes and I lifted a section of her hair, examining it before looking at her. She looked utterly disgusted that I'd touched her, wriggling on the floor.

"Anteoculatia." I said with a smile, red light sprouting from my wand at Pansy's head. Her hair quickly went up, twisting into two sections. I smirked as her hair turned to antlers and leaned over to look her right in the eyes.

"You fucking bitch! Not again!" Pansy wailed.

"It's too bad Draco isn't particularly fond of deer. I'm sorry, Pansy. Looks like you won't be getting him back, just like I told you." I turned on my heels as she sat there glaring at me with such ferocity I thought her face might be stuck like that permanently.

"You've been warned, Pansy. Stay out of my way. I know plenty more spells." I threw the bathroom door open and tucked my wand in my robes, satisfied with my work.




"Delia, look at Pansy. What the hell happened to her?" Ginny stifled a laugh and I put a forkful of food into my mouth, smiling widely.

"I'd say I'm pretty good at that spell for a first timer, don't you think?" I said, wiping a few crumbs from my skirt. Ginny looked at me, at Pansy, then back at me again, wide-eyed. She let out the loudest laugh I'd heard from her in weeks, and a few people looked over at us.

"You didn't!"

"I did." I said confidently, reaching for a dinner roll.

"Remind me to never get on your bad side, Delia." I chuckled, as Neville sat down.

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