Chapter Twenty-One

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry I took so long! I'm terrible /: I had a lot of school work and personal things going on but here's a long one since I kept you all waiting for so long! Thank you to those who keep up with this story, it means so much to me! Please comment on this chapter! Enjoy(:

I woke up alone to my dismay. Memories of the night before filled my mind and I smiled to myself.
"He loves me." I said quietly to myself. Sitting up, I was disappointed I had class because I wouldn't have time to be with him. I assumed he'd gone back to the hospital wing so I rushed back to change and head to my first class.
Harry had been gone the entire day and I assumed he was with Dumbledore but Charms was incredibly boring without him. Dinner was just as boring even with Ron's idiotic comments and Hermione's scolding. I looked over at the Slytherin table to see if Draco had been let out early but to my dismay, he wasn't there. The parasite met my eyes with cold, angry ones, eyebrows narrowed. I rolled my eyes and turned away, pushing the food around on my plate.
"You ready, Delia?" I looked up at Hermione and nodded, gently pushing my plate away. We started for the common room when I noticed it was getting dark outside.
"You don't suppose Harry will be back anytime soon do you?" I asked.
"He's with Dumbledore, don't worry." I nodded and remembered I'd been wanting to see Draco for a few minutes before I started studying for a few hours.
"Mione, I'll be there in a few. I want to see how Draco's doing." She looked surprised and raised an eyebrow.
"Malfoy, whatever. I'll be there in 15 minutes okay?" Hermione nodded and I turned the corner towards the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey smiled at me as I walked in and I saw Draco lying in his bed, asleep. He looks so peaceful. I quietly scoot the chair adjacent to his bed closer and sat down. His body jerked and his face twisted into one of fear; he must be having a nightmare. I gently placed my lips on his, cupping his face. His eyes shot open and a look of relief washed over him. His hand reached up to grab mine and I noticed they were sweaty.
"Are you feeling alright? D'you want me to get Madame Pomfrey?" I asked, placing the back of my hand against his forehead. His temperature seems normal.
"No, I-I'm alright. How was class today? Did you miss me?" He asked, licking his dry lips. I handed him a cup of water and he drank it quietly.
"You know I did especially after you abandoned me this morning, you slick git." I crossed my arms against my chest and raised a brow, pretending to be upset. He looked at me incredulously and his lips parted.
"What the hell d'you mean? I couldn't stay there, Delia." My lips quivered as I struggled not to smile. He must've noticed because he sat up, mouth open.
"You're barking, Delia. Seriously, here I am dying and you try to be funny?"
"If I'm not going to make jokes then who is?"
"You're right. It's suffocatingly dull here." I laughed and heard footsteps behind me.
"I'm sorry darling but you've got to go. Mr. Malfoy needs rest so he can leave the hospital wing tomorrow. You can come back in the morning." Madame Pomfrey said, smiling sweetly at me. I nodded and she walked away. Turning back to him, I placed a kiss on his mouth.
"I love you. See you in the morning?" I said and Draco's face faltered for a split second before he smiled. I could tell he was forcing his smile. He's probably anxious to get out of here.
"Yeah, I'll see you. I love you too, Dee. No matter what, please don't forget that." I nodded, lifting an eyebrow and walked away.
Some time passed and I was getting worried about Harry so I set out to look for him. I flipped my hair over my shoulder as I wandered the corridors, biting my lip. Harry had been gone almost a whole day and I know Hermione and Ron were less uneasy than I and I probably shouldn't be so worried but Harry's family. He's been nothing but gracious since Sirius. We'd both been robbed of a chance at a happy life but he'd made it bearable. I had checked nearly everywhere except the astronomy tower so I went there to check before I gave up. I was about to walk up the winding staircase when I was pulled back by my shirt. I looked to see Harry holding a finger in front of his lips, telling me to be quiet. I nodded and noticed he had his wand out.
"Harry what's going on?" I asked softly.
"Dumbledore told me to hide. Now be quiet before you blow our cover." He said with a worried look. I mouthed "ok" and took out my wand as well. What's he gotten himself into?
"Good evening Draco. What brings you here on this fine spring evening?"I gasped softly as I saw Draco pointing his wand at Dumbledore.
"No." I let out almost inaudibly.
"Who were you talking to? I heard you whispering." Draco asked desperately, shifting his stance.
"I find it useful to talk to myself sometimes. Draco you are no assassin." Dumbledore said with genuine concern.
"How would you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you."
"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping she'd bear a cursed necklace to me? Or replacing a bottle of mead to one with poison? Forgive me but I cannot help feeling these actions are so weak your heart couldn't have been in them."
"He trusts me, I was chosen." Draco pushed his sleeve up to reveal the Dark Mark and I felt my eyes water. No. Draco couldn't. He couldn't do this. Draco disarmed Dumbledore and I felt my heart pounding in my chest.
"Very good, very good." I heard a loud noise down the hall and Harry and I both looked in the direction it came from. I gripped his sleeve and he gave me a reassuring look.
"You're not alone. There are others. How?"
Dumbledore asked softly.
"The vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirement. I've been mending it."
"Draco, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Let me help you."
"No! Don't you understand? I have to do this." Draco yelled, voice breaking.
"I have to kill you. Or he's gonna kill me." My breath hitched in my throat and tears threatened to pour onto my cheeks. Draco was sobbing softly but just then two figures came up the steps behind him. My blood boiled beneath my skin when I saw it was Bellatrix LeStrange and Fenrir Greyback. Bellatrix slithered behind Draco as he adjusted his grip on his wand, raising it from where he had begun to lower it before they'd come in.
"Well done, Draco. Do it." She said.
"He doesn't have the stomach just like his father." Greyback said and I bit my lip. Harry raised his wand and I saw a figure to our side. Snape told us to be quiet with a finger in front of his lips and Harry lowered his wand.
"Do it! NOW!" Bellatrix shrieked. Draco struggled to keep his composure.
"Lower your wand." I whispered to myself.
"No." Snape said sternly. He'd somehow slipped up there without us noticing and I put my hand on my wand again.
"Severus. Please." Dumbledore pleaded gingerly.
"Avada Kedavra!" Snape shouted as a green light jetted out of his wand. Dumbledore flew out of the tower and I gasped, gripping Harry's hand. Things seemed to move in slow motion as the Death Eaters left the tower. Harry raced out of the tower and I followed him quickly.
"Harry!" I yelled behind him, my voice weaker than I thought. We raced through the castle and onto the forest grounds, not far behind them. Hagrid's hut was on fire and when we were in the clearing, my heart stopped. Draco stood with Bellatrix looking down and my lips trembled.
"Snape! He trusted you!" Harry screamed as all eyes were on us. I quickly changed my hair color to blonde so I wouldn't be recognized as Harry raised his wand at Snape.
"Incarcerous!" He said and Snape deflected his spell. I angrily raised my wand at Bellatrix, narrowing my eyebrows.
"Stupefy!" I yelled. Bellatrix barely missed it and fired back at me, hitting me square in the chest. An immense amount of pain hit me as I landed face down. I felt a warm liquid coming from my nose but I got up, stumbling. She cackled and I wiped the blood away, sending another spell her way. She was raising her wand when Draco interrupted.
"Stop!" He said, putting his hand on her shoulder. I suddenly noticed the other Death Eaters retreating and I looked to see Harry on the ground.
"I'll finish her. Go." Draco got in my face holding his wand to my neck. Bellatrix laughed and started walking away. I narrowed my eyes at him and he searched my eyes before realizing it was me. He stepped back, mouth open.
"Delia? What are you-"
"Go on, Draco. Finish me." I interrupted, stepping forward so his wand was at my throat again.
"Stop. I can explain."
"Explain? How are you going to explain that you were going to kill our headmaster this whole time? How are you going to explain that you're a Death Eater? How are you going to explain that, Draco?" I raised my voice, nostrils flaring.
"I couldn't tell you!"
"You chose not to."
"I was trying to protect you! I had no choice. I love you, I needed to keep you safe."
"Don't you dare say that to me again. You wouldn't know what love was if it stunned you in the face!"
"Delia, I-"
"No, enough, Draco! You were going to kill him.. in our place." My voice cracked and I realized I had tears on my cheeks. Draco took a step towards me and I raised my wand.
"All I've done is love you. And foolishly so." I sent a defensive spell at him and he blocked it, a hurt expression on his face. Hot tears poured down my cheeks as I wiped my nose.
"You've chosen this. You've chosen the wrong side and I won't have anything to do with it."
"Delia, please." He pleaded. I shook my head, a light blue spell rocketing from my wand and this time hitting him. I felt a pang in my chest as he hit the floor but never lowered my wand.
"Get out. You're an absolute liar, Draco Malfoy. And I can't love someone like you anymore. I won't." Draco took a step towards me and I raised my wand even more, lips quivering.
"Don't come back. You're not wanted." I said softly, only loud enough for him to hear. He turned and walked away after the others and I sobbed, shaky breaths escaping me. My body trembled as realization sunk in. Draco Malfoy was a Death Eater. And he took a piece of me with him. A piece I couldn't get back.

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