Chapter Thirty-Six

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Hello everyone! I'm sorry I took so long with this, I've had a lot of homework and I've been having personal problems. This one is a little shorter than usual but here it is. I have so much planned so please bear with me! As always thank you for all your support! COMMENT!!!







The train made a hard stop, jerking us all forward in our seats. I looked at Neville and Ginny, rolling my eyes.

"We're back. God I wished we had just one more week." Ginny said. I nodded in agreement, getting my trunk from the overhead storage. I was excited to see Draco but I was also pretty scared too since there was possibility that his dad killed my parents. Not exactly a great topic to bring up. We made our way to the carriages and I spotted Draco heading off in one accompanied by Goyle and Blaise. I felt relieved that Pansy was leaving us alone for now.

"So are you excited?" Ginny asked, slinging her arm around my neck with Neville in tow.

"Hmm?" I said, breaking my gaze from Draco's blonde head.

"For your birthday. It's a month away! Don't tell me you forgot!" She laughed and I rolled my eyes, lugging my trunk.

"No, I haven't forgotten. Means I finally have grounds to get you to listen to me since you'll all be children."

"Children? I think I'm mature for my age." I took a seat next to Neville, crossing my legs and wedging my hands underneath my thighs to keep them warm.

"Seems that way. We all have to be. There's a real chance we could die if we go to war." I said in a low voice, leaning forward to ensure they'd hear.

"I really hope Harry, Ron and Hermione are doing what they need to do. I have a feeling things are going to get worse." Neville looked at both of us and oddly enough, I couldn't disagree with his statement.




"Get started. Ingredients for this particular brew can be found on page 263." Slughorn said, giving us a faint smile. I was relieved to see that this potion required few ingredients but I could only assume the other he'd assigned to be completed this period would be lengthy. I scanned the page and dumped a flask of essence of dittany into my cauldron, working diligently in silence. Draco would look over a few times, Pansy angrily throwing things into her cauldron beside him. Our eyes met for a brief second and I opened my mouth to say something but quickly closed it remembering that we were in public. Class finally ended and it was time for lunch. I ate quickly and headed out to the astronomy tower to meet Draco. I rubbed my hands together in an attempt to warm them, pacing. I was incredibly nervous, unsure of how he'd react to what Lupin had told me. I mean, who wants to hear that their father may have killed someone?

"God, help me." I said to myself, tapping my foot impatiently. Draco came around the corner of the staircase and I smiled as he walked over to me. Placing a light kiss on my lips, he leaned on the railing behind me.

"I finished the book." He said cooly.

"Did you like it at all?" I asked, turning to face him.

"It was a bit of a dry read."

"You're completely mental. Frankenstein is probably my favorite piece of literature that I've read."

"I'm just joking, Dee. It was good. I liked reading your commentary and notes too." My copy was riddled with analyzation of certain lines, underlining of quotes and explanations. I loved that book to pieces.

"Good because that would've been a deal breaker for me." He chuckled, crossing his arms. Just say it calmly.

"Well I guess it's a good thing I did. I have one cauldron cake left. It was hard to eat it with my father breathing down my neck all the time." Here's your chance.

"So about your father. I heard something and I thought it might interest you."

"Okay, what's this about?" He turned his body towards me, giving me his full attention. I chuckled nervously and looked down at the ground.

"Well first let me tell you about my parents. On the night they were killed, they hid me in a secret compartment of their closet with the muffliato spell so no one could hear my cries. They hadn't been attempted to be recruited yet so they knew it was only a matter of time." I looked up at him staring intently at me, making me anxious about what I was about to say next.

"There were witnesses that saw two Death Eaters coming out after they had murdered my parents. It was Bellatrix and... your father." Draco looked down at the floor, not saying anything for a few minutes. Had I said too much? He turned away from me, facing the railing that overlooked the grounds. His knuckles were white as the tendons underneath his skin shone, he was gripping the metal railing hard. Draco's head hung low and he slammed his fist down on the railing, making me jump.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to make you mad."

"You? Make me mad? You've got it all wrong. I just.." He shook his head and looked out to the grounds before turning to face me, sadness written all over his face.

"You just what?" I placed my hand over his and rubbed my thumb across his pale skin.

"I can't deny it. I can't say there's absolutely no way he could've done this." I felt a pang in my chest and realized what he was saying. His father had done a lot of horrible things.

"He's my father and I can't even defend him. He's done a piss-poor job to say the fucking least."

"We don't know for sure. It could very well be your..aunt." I said through grit teeth at the mention of Bellatrix. If she'd done it, there'd be hell to pay because she'd taken Sirius too.

"I'm so fucking ashamed of my family. If we ever get married, we're eloping. I don't want any of them there."

"Draco, your mother would be so upset and besides, it's not like we're actually going to get married." I laughed, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"You think I'm joking? I mean I know we're teenagers but I have faith in us. We've made it this far." He furrowed his brows.

"We're teenagers, exactly. We're a pretty fickle bunch, you know that."

"When have I been fickle?" I could hear the slight annoyance in his voice but it frustrated me that he didn't recognize when he'd been fickle.

"Gee, I dunno, maybe when you were fucking and sucking Pansy while telling me I was important to you."

"That's in the past."

"Regardless, you were fickle and I can't take you seriously considering."

"Considering what? That I was going back and forth?"

"Yes, Draco! You were messing with the both of us, not wanting to commit."

"Well I've committed now haven't I? Or does that not mean anything to you?" I rolled my eyes in anger as my temper flared.

"I'm just saying considering what you've done and your family's prejudices, you wouldn't make a fair husband at the moment. And I wouldn't be an ideal bride."

"You know I don't think the way they do anymore." I stayed quiet nodding my head and he scoffed, obviously angry.

"Wow. No need to say anything else. You've made it quite clear what you think of me and our relationship." He stalked off and I groaned. That was not how it was supposed to go.

I sighed and walked down the staircase, frustrated that things had escalated so quickly. Walking with my head down, I passed a connecting corridor. I heard a familiar giggle and looked to see Pansy and Draco talking while she twisted her hair around her finger flirtatiously. His back turned to me, she placed her hand on his arm and my stomach churned. Pansy looked at me and smirked, my eyes watering. I rushed away and towards the library where I could be alone for a while. How could he do this to me? I wiped my tears on my sleeve, sniffling profusely as flashes of them talking crossed my mind. I couldn't do this again.

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